Shawn Imagine for Victoria

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I wanna give a huge apology to Victoria and all the other people coming after her bc I've been super duper busy and I haven't been on Wattpad in a month and I hadn't done these imagines yet so it's only gonna be imagines for awhile while I get caught up. But seriously, I haven't been on in 285027 years and I have 7295 things on my plate. So I promise, I will work harder to get these imagines done on time in the upcoming weeks. Thanks!

update 3/18/15: i swear i published this like a week ago but appearantly i didnt.... so um this is awkward

Victoria's POV

God, school can not get any worse can it? Its sucks. Why can't I just not go? Is school even necessary? Why can't I just take online school? I mean, it's there for a reason, isn't it?

I walked home with my heavy backpack hanging off my shoulders and my bulky binder in my hand. Yet another reason I hare school. Wayyyyy too many things to carry around daily. We need, like, a transporter to take our stuff to school, 'cause I ain't about that life.

As I walked, I heard some voices up ahead. I recognized them as belonging to some of the kids from my school, the ones that weren't very nice to anyone. Internally, I was so afraid of them. On the outside, I tried to pretend they didn't bother me at all. I don't know if I was doing a good job and not showing it but I hope I was.

As I rounded the corner, I spotted them and another boy from my school and instantly started walking faster. I don't know if I walked faster to get to the boy faster, or to escape faster. I guess I'll let my heart decide what to do at this point.

"You're worthless!" I heard Kyle shout.

"Just die, why don't you? No one will miss you!" Alec shouted after him.

"You're ugly and you won't get a girlfriend, you listening to me, Mendes?" Malcolm punched him in the stomach, making the boy fall down on the ground, all of his stuff going everywhere on the ground. He clutched his stomach as they continued to kick.

My heart decided to help the poor boy.

I dropped all of my stuff and ran over to them, somehow pushing them off of him.


They looked at me like I was crazy, anger in their eyes. I stepped in front of the boy who was still on the ground and put my arms up, protecting him and staring at the boys in anger. I don't know this kid, but for anyone, and I mean anyone, to tell someone how worthless and ugly they are and how they should die, is completely unacceptable.

"Who are you?" Kyle sneered at me as the others chuckled.

I looked at each of them and slowly spoke, "It's not necessary for you to know me. Now, leave before I unleash my inner diva."

They all laughed at my pathetic attempt to get them away. I looked at them with even more anger in my eye as they turned to look back at me.

"Aw, look, little girl. Why don't you go back to your little treehouse and play with your stuffed ani-"

And he feel into the street. Why? Oh, you know, I just used my hidden gymnastics skills and kicked Kyle in the face.

Alec and Malcolm looked at me like I was crazy. They looked at their hurt friend and looked back at me. They came charging at me and I swear my whole life flashed before my eyes. I was terrified, I couldn't move. But I had to save this boy.

I kicked Alec in the stomach, him groaning as he fell back. I then kicked Malcolm in his precious place and he groaned and fell along with Alec. Job, done.

I quickly sprinted back to get my bag and my binder and ran back to the boy, helping him up, getting his stuff, and quickly helping him away from the boys.

Once we got far enough away from them, I let him sit down and I set his stuff beside him. I noticed that he had a small scar underneath his eye that was dripping with blood but he was too much in pain and out of breath to notice.

"Oh, you're bleeding a little bit... under your eye..." I pointed out, reaching for my bag.

He shot his hand up to his eye and groaned, probably embarassed that he looked so terrible in front of someone he had never met before. "I'm sorry... I... uh..."

I took a tissue out of my bag and gently dabbed under his eye, him hissing from the slight pain. He grabbed my other hand and squeezed lightly. I smiled slightly, not wanting him to see me smile. It made me kind of happy that he trusted me with himself.

I pulled away once I was done and looked at him. "I got it."

He looked at me, searching my eyes. "Thanks... for this and for back there... those guys always make fun of me."

"And those guys are jerks. Complete jerks. They shouldn't make fun of you like that." I sincerely said to him.

He sighed and broke eye contact between us. "I just feel weird that I couldn't stick up for myself, you know? Having a girl stick up for me is kind of weird... and it makes me feel weak."

I grabbed his hand this time and made him look at me. "It's totally okay. I'm glad I could help you... what's your name?"

He smiled, his teeth shining bright. "Shawn. What's yours?"

"Victoria." I smiled back. "Are you a junior? I don't think I have any classes with you."

"Yeah, most of the time I'm skipping class because I don't wanna deal with that." He was referring back to the incident that just occurred.

"Well, now you have me!" He laughed. I loved the sound of that. He actually sounded happy. I'm not really one for love at first sight but um.... I might believe in it now...

He got up, as did I, and he handed me my stuff. "I should probably head home now." He stated, grabbing his things. "We need to talk more, Victoria."

"We do! Will you be ok getting home?" I asked, concerned.

"I'll be fine. Thanks again! See you tomorrow!" He started to walk away.

I really wanna do something. This doesn't feel right, just letting him go like this. He was cute, really cute. And he seemed really nice. Should I?

I should.

"Shawn!" I yelled at him. He turned and looked at me expectantly. I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, making him turn red. "See you tomorrow!" And with that, I walked away.


Yeah, ok I'm sorry once again. I haven't been on in a month so I'm so sorry. For right now, I'm going to close the imagines until I get caught up on everybody. So, if you've already sent in a request, I will do those. But until I get caught up, the imagines are closed for right now. Thanks!

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