Taylor Imagine for Lana

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"Lana! Truth or dare?" My best friend Carly asked me. Me, her, and our other friend, Victoria, were playing truth or far win our hotel room. We were in town for magcon and it was the night before. We were really bored and decided to play truth or dare.

"Um... Dare!" I said, not at all afraid of what they were going to say. They're usually not very daring when it comes to these sort of things.

They both started whispering to each other for a couple seconds. Then Victoria whispered something into Carly's ear and she perked up and nodded her had very fast. They both turned to me.

"We dare you to-" they both said together at the same time and laughed.

"You say it!" Carly said, pointing at Victoria.

"No you say it!" Victoria laughed.

"I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO!" I shouted, getting impatient with both of them. "TORI! Just say it!"

"Ok fine." Tori said, looking at me, holding in a laugh. "We dare you to go into some random persons room."

"WHAT?!" I yelled, shocked. "What of their door is locked?"

"Then we'll pick another one." Carly said, just as excited as Tori.

"This is crazy. I am not doing this." I said, backing out.

"Lana, you already used your chicken." Carly said. "You have to do this."

I looked at both of them, seriousness I'm both of their faces. "Ok, fine. What room?"

"Um....." They contemplated again. "342."

"Where'd you come up with that one?" I asked, getting my shoes on.

"Just a random one. The people on this floor could easily find us to rat us out but someone on another floor would be easier to escape, if that makes any sense." Tori said, getting up with me and putting her shoes on.

"Yeah...ok. Are you guys coming too?" I asked, motioning toward their shoes

"Of course! I'm catching all this on video!" Carly said, grabbing her phone and walking out the door. "Now come on Lana. You aren't backing out of this one!"


"Do I have to do this?" I asked, nervous of what was beyond the door. What if it was a killer? Who wanted to kill? What if he wanted to kill me?

"Yes, Lana, for the last time you aren't backing out of this. Now go in!" Tori said, opening the door.

"Um...ok?" I said, taking baby steps toward the door until I was in. As soon as I was in they slammed the door and guessing the put something on the handle because I couldn't open it.

"TORI! CARLY! LET ME OUT!" I said, banging on the door. "I GIVE UP LET ME OUT!" I said, now kicking the door.

"Um... Why are you in my room?" A voice said behind me. Oh god...

I turned around and standing in front of me was Taylor freaking Caniff. Oh my Lordie Jesus...

"Um.... Hey there!" I said with an awkward wave. Of course the first time I ever meet my idol, it had to be an awkward time.

"So why are you in my room?" He asked still standing there, confused.

"Oh! Yeah you asked me a question!" I said. I'm doing so bad right now... "Well, you see me and my friends were playing truth or dare and my dare was to come into a random persons room and uh.... You're the lucky winner?"

Lucky winner? Really Lana you could do better.

"Um... Yeah. So why didn't you just go out of the room?" He asked, probably not believing any of this.

"They put something in the door that's not letting me go out. Trust me, I would've been out a long time ago!" I said, but instantly realizing how rude that sounded.

"What?" He asked, so confused.

"Oh! I didn't mean it like that you're such a great person Taylor I love you and I would never say anything that rude to you oh my god that sounded so rude I'm so sorry-"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Slow down!" He said, walking up to me laughing. "I don't mind you in here!"

"Oh! You don't?" I asked, now I'm confused.

"Of course not! I mean, as long as I'm stuck with a pretty girl named..."

"Lana!" I said, smiling.

"Lana! As long as I'm stuck with a pretty girl names Lana, I'm good!" He said smiling.

"Really?" I said, excitement overwhelming me right now.

"Of course! Now we should probably let your friends know that you won't be coming back for a while." He said, leading me towards the door.

I'm never backing out of a dare again!

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