Where You Meet

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Nash: In an elevator. The elevator got stuck and you both eventually got it open but not before getting each other's numbers!

Cameron: He was working out at the gym (*smirk smirk* stop imagining things) and you walked in to drop off something for your brother. You instantly see him, start staring and he notices you. You start talking and BOOM you got each other's numbers

Matthew: You met in a tree. You always go to your local park to read up in the tree. Today, matthew was there in your spot. You apologized and as you were heading back down, he said "stay with me"

Taylor: You met in Walmart (romantic I know). You were gliding down the aisles on a shopping cart. He was walking out an aisle and you run into him with the cart. You say sorry, help him up, and it was love at first sight.

Jack J:MAGCON!!!! You got vip tickets and were so excited. As you were walking in the door, you bump into jack, making you fall down and hit your head. He apologized and brought you back to the backstage area to help you get better


Jack G: You met him at the park. You were sliding down the slide backwards and he caught you at the end. You looked into each other's eyes and..... (This is getting too soppy next one!)

Aaron: You meet Aaron at petsmart. You were playing with the puppies when he comes beside you and says "this one is so cute!" You look at him and say "so are you" but you didn't realize you said it. He laughed and you guys became friends

Carter: You met him a long time ago. You were childhood best friends. When you turn 16, he gets you a car. You both get in and he's about to kiss you when his mom comes out and says "NO CARTAHHHH DONT DO

Shawn: You were staying in town for Magcon and you were staying at the same hotel as the boys. You bring your guitar and walk down the hallways singing beautifully. He comes out of his room and BOOM it's love at first sight.

Hayes: You were at Disney World and we're getting on Rockin Roller Coaster. He sits next to you. "Are you scared?" He asks you. "A little bit." You say. "I'll protect you" he says.

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