Carter Imagine for Emily

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You and Carter had been getting into a lot of arguments lately over stupid things like him talking to a girl you felt like was flirting with him and him getting mad that other guys were checking you out at the beach.

But tonight, you were completely over it. You and him were hanging out with the rest of the boys and you all decided to make a YouTube video for your channel. Just a question and answer video. But then all of a sudden, Carter starts a huge Smack Cam war. And you hated those with a burning passion.

Someone got stuff on your camera so you decided to end the video and safely put your camera back in your bag. You walk over to Carter, looking angry. You look him in the eye and cross your arms. The other guys slowly notice and stop what they're doing.

Carter looks at you. "What?" He asked, totally oblivious of why you were standing there, irritated.

You just stare at him for a couple seconds, trying to think of the right words to say. Finally, you say in a calm voice, "Why can't you ever take anything seriously?"

He looks you straight in the eye, then at the boys. They all shrug. He turns back to you. "Why?"

"Because I just wanted to make a simple video because I was with all of you and you screw it up." You say sternly.

"Um, excuse me?" He said.

"Why can't you not act like a 7 year old for like 5 seconds? Or at least long enough to make a freaking video?" You start screaming, your arms flailing in the air.

All the boys were looking at each other awkwardly and looking back and forth between you too. It was annoying you but you didn't want to just stop this argument to tell them to stop.

"When we started dating, you were perfectly fine with the way I acted. Lately, you've been so clingy. You get so mad whenever I have the slightest bit of fun and you're constantly nagging me. It gets so annoying!" He said and took a deep breath. You could hear all the boys sighs.

Those words hurt. They felt like a stab at your heart. You take a deep breath.

"Well, sometimes I would like to be able to have a stress free day without having to clean up your messes and seeing you flirting with other girls in outfits that they really don't need to be wearing and apologizing to strangers whenever you bother them. But if it's such a chore to have to spend your personal time with me then..." Your eyes started tearing up. "I give up. We're done Carter."

All the boys stood there with their mouths open wide, and their eyes. Carter stood there with mixed emotions. He looked sad and confused. Should you have done that?

You turn and walk out of the room. You go down the hallway to the hotel room you and Carter share with Nash and Cameron. Your vision is clouded with years as you take your suitcase and start packing. You're leaving.

"Emily!" Nash says, running in. "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" You say while throwing stuff into your suitcase. "I'm leaving. I bet all if you hate me right now anyways."

"That's not true." He says.

"Really Nash? Is it really? Because I'm pretty sure if you ask Carter that right now, It would take him no amount of time for him to say he hates me." You say, tears falling down your face.

"Emily?" You hear someone say and you look up toward the door. Carter.

"I'll leave you two alone." Says Nash, turning away and shutting the door.

"What do you want? I have to call a cab in like 5 minutes so this better be quick." You say, still packing, paying no attention to him.

"Please don't go..." He whispers.

"It's gonna take a lot more than that to get me to stay." You say harshly and turn to him, arms crossed.

He takes your hands. "Emily, please. I'm so sorry. I promise to spend more time with you without being immature. Just please. I can't lose you." He says. You see a tear run down his face.

You sigh and wipe his tears. You take a deep breath and look into his eyes. You already know even if he didn't stop you, you wouldn't have left. You couldn't have. You love Carter. Even when he's childish. You just got a little jealous.

"Ok... I'll stay." You say

His eyes lighten up. "Really!?!?" He says shocked.

You laugh. "How could I leave the person I love?" You say smiling

"I love you too." He says, smiling even brighter

"AWWWWW!" You turn around and see all the boys standing outside your door. You look at them, strangely.

"Yeah we just ruined the moment." Cameron says.

"We should probably go now..." Matt says awkwardly.

"Yeah... You two have fun now! But not too much fun!" Taylor says as they all go away from the door.

You laugh. "And I love them too!"

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