"Castor?" Aphmau inquired.

"Yeah, that was his name," Tommy nodded.

"He was part of The Few.. He pretends to be crazy, but in reality he's an amazing guy," Aphmau hummed. There was a hind of sadness in her eyes.

"So he is, was?, a superhero.?" Tommy inquired tilt his head carefully.

"Yeah, Hawkeye's son," Aphmau nodded. "I'm pretty sure he still has his suit somewhere," She hummed.

"Have you talked with him 'bout The Few after you came to Phoenix Drop?" Tommy tilted his head.

"No," Aphmau shook her head. "But if you saw Sly, I think you should go see him," She suggested.

"Why?" Tommy inquired carefully.

"I think he should know that you know about The Few. Plus, maybe he should know about my family," Aphmau explained.

"I can go see him," Tommy nodded after thinking a bit. "Do you want to come too?" He inquired.

Aphmau shook her head, "I have something to do."

"Alright, I'll go right away. Expect if Levin has something else planned," Tommy nodded.

They hugged once more before Tommy headed back down from the tree and to his house. He walked in and noticed Malachi on the couch.

"Hey, I have to go visit someone, or is there something I have to do?" Tommy spoke getting his brother's attention.

"Depends how long are you going to stay away," Malachi answered looking up from his papers.

"I won't be gone long, less than a day," Tommy answered.

"You can go, just be careful," Malachi hummed smiling.

"You better be careful too, and don't overwork yourself," Tommy hummed and ruffled his younger brother's hair before walking out of the door.

On his way he had a short conversation with Emmalyn and Kenmur. Lady Katelyn gave him a nod as he passed by her.

He made his way out of the gate and walked. He looked around making sure no one saw him and sneaked into the shadows. He ran through the shadows, it gave him the feeling of freedom and it was way more faster than running in the daylight.

He got out of the shadows as he reached the old ruins if Meteli. He started looking around.

"Who dares to sneak into my land without my permission?"

Tommy turned around and saw the chicken costumed male in front of him. Looked like he had found who he had been looking for.

"I came to talk with you, Castor," Tommy spoke.

He noticed how the male flinched at the way he said his name.

"Why would you want to bother me and my people?" He kept up his act.

"Let me introduce myself," Tommy started. "I am Tommy Stark, the adopted son of Aphmau Odison-Stark and Sly Stark. The guard of Phoenix Drop," His voice was serious.

"Aphmau has a son?" Castor muttered.

"Three to be exact, but only I know 'bout her past," Tommy explained.

"So, you probably know who I am," Castor's "crazy chicken shaman"-act was now fully gone.

"Mum said that you were Hawkeye's son, Castor," Tommy spoke and Castor nodded.

"Let's have a small talk," Castor suggested and led Tommy into one of the houses.

They sat down and ignored the chickens that were domination the whole house, and village.

"So, you're Aphmau's and Sly's adopted son?" Castor started.

"Yes, I come from another dimension. Aphmau found me and brought me here around 15 years ago and adopted me. Because she was married to Sly before he died, Sly is my father. I even met him when I died in my old dimension," Tommy explained.

"That's really interesting," Castor nodded. "Ever since The Few got destroyed, I've been just pretending to be a crazy chicken shaman, who lives all alone here. And now that one idiot, who calls himself 'The Horse Shaman', stole my old house!" He groaned.

"And you decided to take over the old Meteli?" Tommy asked raising his eyebrows.

"I needed a whole village to look crazier," Castor shrugged. "And this place was completely abandoned anyways," He continued.

"Have you planned talking to Aphmau ever 'gain, or are you just going to keep up your act with her?" Tommy inquired carefully.

"No, we aren't meant to talk anymore. The Few is destroyed, we pretend not to know each other anymore," Castor spoke sadly. "It's hard, but that's how the world works."

Tommy nodded quietly. He wasn't going to say anything about the subject, he had heard enough.

"The Few's time is over. It ended the moment everyone else died," Castor hummed sadly. "Aphmau is the Lord of Phoenix Drop and I am a crazy chicken shaman," He continued.

Their conversation continued for a while. The sun started setting and Tommy left so he would make it back home before night.

He sped through the shadows and walked back to the settlement. On the way he noticed that Katelyn, Kenmur, Emmalyn, Aphmau and the stranger were doing something by the old walls, but decided to ignore it.

At the settlement he found Laurance, who was talking with Dante.

"Laurance?" He called and the brunette turned around, his face lit up as he noticed the blonde.

"Tommy! It's amazing to see you! Dante just told me how good guard you have become! I'm so proud of you!" Laurance exclaimed.

"Well, I had the best mentors," Tommy hummed proudly.

"I have to admit that you're right," Laurance smirked smugly.

"Never mind, I take it back," Tommy laughed.

"Ouch," Laurance pretended to be hurt.

"Can you explain to me where you were the last 15 years?" Tommy asked carefully.

"If you explain to me your story after that," Laurance answered.

"You got a deal," Tommy hummed.

Laurance explained the whole situation about the Irene's dimension and how time passed there. He told how Zane and Garroth are still stuck there and how Aphmau tried to reopen the portal. He mentioned the Irene's relic, which Tommy decided to remember.

After that Tommy explained his whole situation. How he went back to the Dream Smp and everything that happened there, include his death. Then he told everything he had experienced in Phoenix Drop after coming back.

The only thing he left out was his power, which was something he hadn't mentioned to anyone. He didn't want them to know, no matter what.

"Seems like you've been through a lot," Laurance grinned once Tommy finished his story.

"Yeah," Tommy groaned.

"Tommy, you have the night shift," Kyle reminded as he passes by.

"Oh, right!" Tommy realized. He quickly apologized to Laurance before climbing on the wall.

Night shifts were his favorite. He liked how the shadows covered him during the night. His power had made him love shadows more than he had ever done.

He looked at the moon and smiled. His family was finally back. The times weren't happiest, but at least he had his family.

Words: 1738

(((I also realized that Aphmau and Tommy have a pretty big height difference. Tommy is way more taller than Aphmau. Aphmau/Jessica is 147cm and Tommy is something around 180, or something like that)))
((((Aphmau is 2 cm taller than I am. I'm really short and will always be, I won't grow anymore probably :'D))))

The Freedom I Wanted {Dream Smp x Minecraft Diaries Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now