You saw the Crusader's house nearby, Kakyoin was outside, painting this time. Jotaro was standing just to the side of Kakyoin, star platinum being infront of the pair as kakyoin painted.

You looked towards Chara and took her hand, she smirked. She knew what you wanted to do.

She teleported you both behind them, clearing you throat you spoke up:



Time froze around you as you looked at Jotaro, star platinum was about to throw a punch before he recognised who you were.

"Yare yare daze, time will resume it's flow."

Time unfroze as you and Chara smirked.


Kakyoin jumped around, he wasn't as fast to react as Jotaro so he only now had pulled out heirophant.

"Suprise." you said, still slightly snickering.

"Yare yare daze, I don't understand how you and JiJi don't get along with each other."

"I'm not a complete dick, you can't tell when Josephs being serious about something or not, and that leads to extreme violence when I come into contact with it."

"A-anyways, what brings you two here?"  Kakyoin stuttered, he was gasping, you really frightened him.

"We haven't talked to you two in a bit, we wanna catch up with you." Chara responded, actually talking to someone besides you for once.

"O-oh, okay. Well uh so you two want some tea?"

"I'd love to have some, i'm not sure about Y/N though."

"I'll pass, I need to talk to Jotaro about something anyways."

You beckoned Jotaro to follow you, after crossing the street you turned to face him.

"What is it?"

"Have you recently had a feeling of worry? Chara and I feel like something bad is gonna happen soon."

"I've been a bit more on edge then usual for a few days, I feel like something was watching me, that might just be because 'stand users have their stands watching over them' or something like that, but if your feeling it aswell then maybe something is going on. I can't say for certain anyways."

"Alright, this may be a slightly touchy subject for you but I have most of the ingredients needed for someone to ascend to heaven, if you want, and I know it works because its happened before, but I will let you ascend to heaven if you want to."

"I'm gonna pass, Dio was searching for heaven and he found the way to it, that sort of power is not something I want to get involved with, it's too dangerous to risk it if you ask me."

"Alright, I still need Dio's bone anyways. You might be able to ascend without it though since 'the world' and star platinum are the same type of stand." (I put the world in ' because it differentiates between the planet and the stand)

"Alright. I'll ask kakyoin and the old man if they felt anything odd."

"Ok, I just feel like something bigger then any of us have ever encountered will appear."

Jotaro nodded, walking back across the road as you followed.

"Hey C, wanna talk to Caesar and Joseph soon?"

"Huh? Oh, I didn't think you'd ever suggest it but sure!"

Chara turned back to face Kakyoin.

"Thanks for the tea Kakyoin, I think me and Y/N will head off now."

Kakyoin nodded, he and Jotaro bid you goodbye as you walked one house across, knocking on the door Caesar opened it.
(no jotaro and kakyoin are not in a relationship, get your mind out of the gutter, I think I mentioned this before but Caesar and Joseph aren't in a relationship either.)

"Who is i- Oh, Signore and Signora, how may I help you?"

"Caesar, we need to talk, something feels off and the stand users agree. We need your opinion on it."

Caesar looked blankly for a second. Looking back inside he yelled out:




There was a crash from inside, a few seconds later Joseph came down the stairs.

"What do you bloody idiots want?"

"Joseph, let's put our difference s aside for a bit, some thing's been off about everything for a few days."

"And? What do you want me to do about it, can't do anything until it's here can't I?"

"We needed your opinion on it, everybody feels like something bad is about to happen, and now you've agreed with us, we need to know if you'll help fight it when it comes."

"Of course I'll bloody help, what else would I do? Let it do whatever it wants? Bloody idiot."

"Alright, thanks for your time. Me and Chara will be going now."

"Y/N we just got here-"

"n o w."

Chara nodded, you bid Joseph and Caesar goodbye as Chara teleported you back to the house.

"What the hell was that about Y/N? Your acting strange."

"I need to get that bone, if you don't wanna come you don't have to but we NEED to get someone to ascend, if we're lucky we have a week, but if not we need to be prepared as soon as possible."

"I trust that you can get the bone yourself, just be careful, I'll get what's left of the pills dad made."

"Thank you."

You froze time as you tore through the fabric of gravity, reality, space, time and fate as you went to the Cairo of a different universe in 1988.

UniTale: Settling Down [Reader x Storyshift Chara]Where stories live. Discover now