Twenty One// Forgive And Forget

Start from the beginning

He speaks quickly like he feels Im going to interrupt him. Well, I do interrupt him but probably not in the way he expected.

"Raff, I'm one to forgive and forget. Can you just tell me why you felt you had to lie to me?" I ask, tipping my head to the side like a confused dog.

He's a few steps away from me so that I can see him without craning my neck all the way up. I want to step closer to him so that I can touch him, but we're supposed to be fighting, I'm supposed to be mad. But I can't be mad at him and to be honest, its kind of scary. If I don't get mad at him, I'll just let him get a way with anything in the future.

"Working at a fucking diner isn't really something most girls look for in a guy. All the past girls I've dated in the past year have dumped me and I think it's because-"

"You work in a diner." I nod. "But, I'm not like that, Raff! I'm not going to end what's blossoming between us just because you work at a restaurant."


When his sad plain brown eyes meet mine, my knees actually feel weak. I don't fight the urge to hug him anymore. I wrap my arms loosely around his waist and place a soft kiss on his neck.

"Darcey told me to tell you that if you lie to me again, she'll chop off your balls." I say softly into his chest. His shoulders shake with chuckles and he gives me a squeeze.

"There aren't gonna be any more lies, I promise." He says. "I'm really falling for you, hard and fast. You're feisty and beautiful and curvy and funny and I just want to kiss you all the time. I've never ever felt like this so early into a relationship. If I lied to you again, I'd feel like the shittiest boyfriend in the world. Hell, I already feel like the shittiest boyfriend."

"Everyone has flaws, Raphael..." I say, my heart pounding super fast. "You want to stay for a bit? I kinda want to spend time with my shitty boyfriend."

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I don't really like you, but..." He pulls away from me, chuckling a bit as he walks towards the couch.

"What happened to all that stuff you just said? How you're falling for me hard and fast..." I plop myself next to him and he wraps his arms tightly around me, setting his chin on my head. I like this playful side to him, its adorable. I like that I can joke around with my boyfriend and no one gets butt hurt.

"I just said that to get in your pants." He says.

Scoffing, I punch his arm. He then proceeds to grab my face in his hands and look me in the eye again.

"I am just kidding baby, I am not your boyfriend for sex." He says and presses a kiss on my lips. "Though you could make me hard in point two seconds flat of you tried..."

"Oh my god! You're more perverted than I thought!" I fake gag and cover his smiling face with both of my hands. His strong built body leans over mine, though I stay sitting up.

"I can definitely be pervy if I tried. I've just been gentlemanly around you all this time to leave a good impression." He laughs and peppers kisses all over my face. I just want his lips on mine so when he does this I feel like slapping him.

"Leave your lips at once place, baby." I practically whine.

His hand pulls my neck up and he smashes his lips to mine. Without giving me a chance to react, he pushes my mouth open with his. My whole body just reacts to him and his dominance, and I find him so hot when he just takes me over.

"So I'm guessing you forgave him?" Darcey's voice snaps us apart. Raff just laughs, but I blush a deep shade of red.

Darcey and Chloe have always thought of me as their goody goody friend and sister, I don't want them to see me making out with someone on the couch.

"Raff, if you're going to take my sister's virginityx at least have protection." Chloe yells from the kitchen.

"Oh my god." I lean over and put my hands on my knees.

"Aspen's a virgin?" Raff asks, his voice clear in shock.


"Um yeah. She's only ever had one boyfriend. And all she did was suck him off." Chloe chuckles as she walks back into the family room, holding a bag of chips. She offers it to Raff, but he declines. Then she sits beside Darcey on the other end of the couch.

Raff wraps his arm around my waist, but he pays all attention to Chloe, who's keen on telling EVERYTHING my boyfriend needs to know about me.

"What happened with this other guy?" Raff asks.

"She broke up with him. He wanted to, like, get married and have babies and shit but Aspen was scared." Darvey says.

I'm about to defend myself when my phone starts ringing. I know its Calum, by the ringtone I have for him, which is Promiscuous by Nelly.

"Fuck you all, I'm taking this."

"Nice ringtone babe!" Raff laughs.

"Well be talking about you, don't worry!" Darcey cackles.

I slam my door door and answer my phone quickly before it stops ringing.

"Yeah?" I say and immediately regret my snappy tone.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Calum recoils.

"I'm sorry. Just Raff was-"

"What did he do?" His voice becomes protective instantly.

"I'll tell you about it later. Point is, he felt really sorry and I really like him."

"So you just forgave him?" He scoffs.

"Yeah, it wasn't even that big of a deal. What'd you call me for?"

"We're not done talking about this though. But, on Friday the guys and I are having this little thing at our apartment. Michael's inviting Taylah, his new girlfriend, and I'm inviting you and Raff." Calum says.

"Yeah, I'd love to come and I'm sure Raff would to. But, I already promised Darcey I'd spend the day with her." I sigh.

"Bring her too! Is she single? Because Ashton and Luke are single." He chuckles.

"Well so are you, Cal-Pal."

"But I'm not interested in dating my best friend's best friend. I might want to spend more time with her than you and that's not happening."

"That's sweet. But don't let me stop you from living your life." I tell him.

"Yeah, yeah. You'll be there on Friday?"

"I'll be there." I smile.

Calum's the one to hang up, so I stuff my phone back in my pocket and walk back out to the living room where my boyfriend, my sister, and my girl best friend are laughing their heads off. Chloe and Darcey's laughs are different than Raff's laugh though. His seems genuine and theirs seem... careful and observing. The girls look at each other before looking at me.

"What's been happening out here?" I ask.

"I know a lot more about you, love." Raff smiles up at me before standing up. Now he has to look down at me.

"I got to go, Aspen."

"You busy Friday? My friend Calum invited us both to a party thing?"

"Yeah, I'd love to go. I'll call you before I go to bed." He smiles and kisses my cheek before walking out the door.

"I hate you both." I say to the two girls giggling on my couch.



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