Chapter 20

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Jam to the rock version of Faded with me my lovelies :)


      ~* When Ariea gets home *~

     "Hello, Miss, welcome home," I say, bowing. That's how I was taught to greet people and welcome home my parents.

    "Oh you dropped the stupid stuttering thing I see," She says, throwing her bag at me. "Hang that up in the closet. From now on you'll earn sleeping in the house. You'll be cleaning, cooking, and doing the laundry. if it's not done well, you'll sleep in the dog house out back."

   "Y-Yes, miss," I says, bowing once again. I hang her bag up on a coat rack and start cleaning the house, like she asked. When I was done cleaning the kitchen she yells for me.

   "Lay down on the couch," She says, smirking. I lay down, not sure what she was doing. "Don't. Make. a. Sound."

    She started touching me and I bite my lip from whimpering or meowing by accident. She pulls off my shorts and underwear and starts touching me there. I squeeze my eyes shut feeling tears streak down my face. She takes off my shirt and rips my binder off, breaking it. I bite my lip harder and try to stop crying. She continues touching me and starts taking off her clothes herself. After a few minutes she was fully undressed and making strange noises. 

~* After dat *~

      She gets dressed and throws my clothes at me. I slowly get dressed, not able to wear my binder anymore and I wipe my face.

   "Stay away from my girlfriend," Ariea growls out. I nod and wipe more tears away. "Go rest and clean up, I don't want Sakura seeing you like that. Don't tell her anything I told or did to you."

   "Y-Ye-Yes, mi-miss," I choke out, standing up. I run to the room I woke up in and shut the door, making sure it was locked. I lay face down on the bed and start sobbing into it. She had done what people did to me at home. I scream into the pillow and sob, hysterically.

   "Jasper, Ariea, I'm home," Saki yells. I be quieter and continue crying silently. "Jasper?"

   "Baby, leave her alone, she's sleeping," Ariea lies. I hear them walk towards the room I was in and jiggle the door handle. 

   "Why is it locked?"

   "I don't know, it wasn't locked when I went in there," She says. I lay down, cuddling a pillow and whimper quietly.

   "Did you hear that, Ariea," Saki says, quietly.


   "Ariea, why is Jaspers binder on the ground... how did it break?!"

   "I don't know! I got home a few minutes before you did." Saki knocks.

   "Hey, Jasper, are you okay?" I get up and sulk to the door, my tail drooping low and my ears to the side. I unlock the door and open it. "Jasper?! Why are you crying?! You're shaking so much!"

    She comes into my room and shuts the door, making sure it was locked. She pulls me to my bed and lets me on her lap.

   "Don't lie, I know that Ariea did something to you, you can tell me, baby Jasp," She says, laying her back against the headboard. I shake my head. "Do you just wanna cuddle?"

   I nod my head.

   "Okay, we can do that..." She strokes my head, making sure to scratch behind my ears, making me purr softly. "Do you know what happened to your binder?"

   I nod slowly, shaking a bit.

   "You know if you feel like it, we can get some food or something?" I shake my head, not really feeling like eating. "If Ariea did anything to you, you can tell me when you're ready. I want to protect you and make you feel at home..."

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