Chapter 16

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Have fun with this bootiful song. I'm doing a different P.O.V. for the remainder of the book. It's going to be in Sakura's P.O.V. and a few others I haven't mentioned yet.


      ~*Sakura's P.O.V *~

          "Sakura, baby, wake up," Mom whisper, shaking me a bit. I open my eyes to see I'm still at the hospital. I look down and I see Jasper, a foreign exchange student from California. "Daddy's gonna be okay..."

     "Really? Can I see him," I whisper, keeping my voice low so that Jasper could continue sleeping.

   "Yeah, just be a bit quiet," He says, stroking my head. I smile at him and get up, holding Jasper bridal style in my arms. He squirms a bit before turning into my chest. I smile at him and carry him into the room. I set him on the chair and kneel next to my dad.

   "Dad," I whispered, poking him. He looks over at me and smiles.

   "Hey, baby girl, You've gotten so big," He whispered back, ruffling my hair. "I missed you all these years."

   "I missed you too," I say, smiling at him. I hug him, carefully, and smile. We talk for about an hour or two until I hear Jasper yawn. I turn my head and smile at him. "Hi, Jasp."

   "Hewo, Saki," He mumbles, rubbing his eyes. He yawns again and waddles over to me and lays against my back, putting his head on my shoulder. "Hewo, mister."

   "Hello," He says, turning on his side to face us more comfortably. I play with Jasper's hair for a bit before turning back to Dad, but see him making out with mom.

  "Ew," I grumble. I turn around and pick up the sleepy Jasper and sit in the chair I set him in earlier. 

   "I think it's cute," He mumbles.

   "That's because they look like a very happy couple to you, to me they are very noisy people. And mom screams sometimes-" I shudder, remembering the nights that he was screaming daddy's name. 'Kacchan'. 

   "TMI, Saki," He says, wrapping his legs around my waist. 

   "How long have you had your binder on, Jasp." He looks up at me and frowns.

   "....10 hours," He mumbles. I put my hand under his shirt and start undoing the side of his binder. (my binder has these weird things that bra's do but smaller. It's hard to do when you just get it)  He blushes and turns his head, covering his mouth with his fist. I roll my eyes and continue taking off his binder. I slip the strap over his head and pull it off from his sleeve and take off my hoodie, putting it over him so that his breasts wouldn't be as noticeable. "S-Saki you didn't have to do that..."

   "It's not healthy to keep it on for so long," I whisper, cupping his cheeks. "You are my best friend, I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

    He was always so easy to tease and make him blush. We were best friends since we met in middle school. I have always taken an interest in him, not knowing he was actually transgender until I found him crying in the trans/LGBTQ bathroom with his shirt off as he was standing in front of a mirror. It was heartbreaking when he noticed I was looking at him. It was the first time we had a fight, not a good reason to fight but I ended up yelling at him that, and I quote, 'You are beautiful man or woman, I will never judge you because you are who you want to be.' that shut him right up.

    "Saki? Saki~, EARTH TO SAKI," He yells, bopping me on the head. I look up at him and he crosses his arms. "Did you hear me?"


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