Chapter 17

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My baby shark Kirishima! SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for what I did to him in the last chapter :< 

 but I had to get them back together somehow and that's what I thought of. I thought about making Kami the one to do it- but then realized that Kiri was taking this so much harder. Anyways, POOF onto le story hope you like Sakura and Jasper :)


      Over the week we went Ice skating, out for Ice cream and Pizza, spray painting a wall in an alley while Jasper watched and helped me figure out some colors, had a bunch of sleepovers, binge-watched four series (Chucky, Twilight, Steven Universe, and Miraculous.) and went on walks. When it was time to go, we had both helped each other pack for the move. I went over to help put boxes in the moving truck for Jasper as our boxes were already set. I sat with Jasper the whole way, getting close to crying.

     We were going to the same airport since it was the only one in Tokyo. When we got there I grabbed three of his bags and let him carry his 'Carry On' bag. I helped him get to the place he needed to go and once he was done he comes back with tears stained on his face. 

  "I'm going to miss you so much," He says, wrapping his arms around my neck and hugging me. I hug him back, tightly, feeling tears drip down my face.

   "I'll miss you every second you're gone," I choke out. I hear them call out 'Flight 18 ready to board.' and I knew that was his flight. He starts to walk away and I just watched him leave. He stops right next to the gate and turns to me. I wave to him and he drops his bag. He runs to me and grabs the collar of my shirt. He pulls me down and smashes his lips against mine.

     I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He pulls away after a minute and holds his hand up to his mouth. 

   "Last call for Flight 18," Someone yells on the speakers. 

   "Hurry," I say, pushing him a bit.

   "Wait for me... Please Saki," He says, walking towards his bag.

   "I'll always wait for you," I say, back. I watch as he runs to his gate and runs down the path and gets onto the plane. I sigh, sadly, and see mom, papa, and dad coming over to me.

   "We're on flight 27," Mom says, handing me my plane ticket. I nod, slowly, and grab my carry-on bag and take it to the flight gate. "So what happened when Jasper left?"

   "Dad owes you ten dollars," I say, looking over at him. He laughs loudly and hugs me. 

   "HAH, KAMI, YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS," He says, loudly. I roll my eyes and look out the window, watching his plane take off.  I sigh and wait for my plane to be called.

  ~* At the other house *~

     I yawn from falling asleep on the plane and stretch. I was finally out of that car. The moving truck was in the driveway so I just opened it and start grabbing my things and carrying them in.

   "You can go check out your old room, we adjusted it every year in case you came home, I think it has red or black walls right now," Dad says, carrying some boxes in for Mom. I nod and get into my room at the end of a hallway, seeing black walls and red beds spread. I smile and start unpacking. After I was done, about 3 hours later, I got dressed in a pair of black shorts and an off-the-shoulder long-sleeved shirt.

   "Oh, I bet my daughter would love to meet you," My mom says. "SAKURA, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

   "I'M COMING, CHILL, MOM," I yell, opening my door. I grab a hair tie and put my hair in a high ponytail, walking out of my room. When I get to the living room I see a girl with red hair, blue eyes, and a pair of white wings. Must be her quirk. "What?"

All messed up.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt