Woopty doo Kacchans back to screw you!

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"Wearing Stiletto's with Momo Yaoyorozu" I love the title. I like this playlist as well so :3 enjoy listening to this and feeling like a bad bitch.


   2 months later weeeee

     "And then you take their head and twist it up," Aizawa Sensei says, demonstrating on the dummy. The other people in the class were cringing while me and Ura were paying really close attention. "Who wants to give it a try on a death row Villan?"

   "I do, I do," Ura yells, raising her hand quickly and waving it around. Aizawa nods and he exits the room for a few minutes and comes back with a man. This man had white hair, tanned skin, a few freckles sprinkled along his nose and arms, and pink eyes. He had quirk canceling cuffs on so I wasn't afraid to glare at him. "Yay!"

   "This is Haiyan Tanaka, his kill count is 278, I'll have him tied up, if people don't want to watch, turn around and cover your ears until I tap your shoulder," Aizawa says, shoving the villan onto the ground. He keeps him pinned down until Ura gets into the position Aizawa showed her and then he goes around and taps all the people's shoulders that were turned around. They all turn around thinking it was over Right as Ura snaps his neck and he falls limp to the floor, eyes wide, not breathing at all. I hear a thud and a scream.

   "Ha, weaklings," Aizawa says, sipping his coffee. I turn my head and see one of the guys fainted and a girl cowering behind her friend. I giggle and turn back to see Ura smiling and clapping her hands.

   "I did it!!!" I high five her as she comes back. She sits down and watches as Aizawa pulls out a black bag and shoves that man in it and drags it out of the classroom. 

   "Now, class will end in a few minutes, I want everyone who didn't look during the demonstration that Uraraka showed to write a ten page essay on why killing is wrong and in what situations it's okay."

   "Uhm, Sensei," A girl says, raising her hand.


   "Isn't murder in general wrong?"

   "Depends." She gulps and lowers her hand, shrinking into her seat.

   "Problem child, (Izu) You aren't allowed to come to class tomorrow," Aizawa says, turning to me.

   "What, why?!" I gasp.

   "HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR, WE HAVE CLASS TOO, WHY IS HE EXCUSED," A guy growls, slamming his hands on the desk making me jump into Uraraka's arms. She pats my head and whispers sweet things into my ear, making me calm down and pull away.

   "For your information we will be talking about a topic that he experienced personally and I don't think he will want to be hearing about and seeing two Criminals that he dealt with for a month straight," Aizawa says, with a 'duh' tone.

   "Are you talking about Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou? Our old classmates?" I tense up and lean into Ura, tearing up a bit. After a few weeks you'd think I would have gotten over it, well I haven't. It's a really sensitive topic and I'd rather never hear those names again.

   "Don't talk about them. Not while he's here you idiot," Ura snears at them, sticking her tongue out at them.

   "I-If it's okay... I'd rather get o-over it a-and... f-face them... i-it'll be better," I say, quietly, looking up at Aizawa.

   "Alright, but only if you're up for it. and if you feel uncomfortable at any time, just tell me and leave." I nod. "Okay, everyone you are excused for today."

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