🦢 Chapter Twenty Six 🦢

Start from the beginning

I heard some shuffling, she was probably settling before it went silent. I was going to see Lulu fully naked in future and if I couldn't handle her in her undergarments then what would I do with her naked body. Pushing all the doubt away from my mind, I shrugged off my jacket, took deep calming breaths before joining Lulu on her bed. If she was brave enough to invite me then I was brave enough or more like shameless enough to stare at her. Her melanin skin glowed under the light making me want to kiss every inch of her. Her boy dipped and curved in all the right places and in my eyes she became even more perfect.

I laid stiffly on one side of the bed with Lulu on the other. She turned to look at me and smiled.

"I knew you'd give in, now relax, I'll not do anything to you, that you won't like."She teased and I chuckled relaxing.

"At this point, I think I'd enjoy anything you do to me."I replied and she smirked but her eyes were still heavy with sleep.

Before I knew what was happening, Lulu had moved herself closer tangled one of her legs with mine. She lay on her stomach so that half of her body was lying on the bed and the other half was on me. I stayed stiff for a few more minutes before I forced myself to relax. I used one of my hands to pull her closer and the other one hugged her close to me. She fit next to me and I knew then for certain that she had been made for me. I lay a chaste kiss on her forehead taking in a whiff of her shampoo and she sighed in satisfaction. Half an hour later after I was satisfied with ogling her delectable body I drifted off to sleep.

I had no idea for how long I was asleep but it had to have been a few hours because when I woke up it was dark outside and the only noise I could hear was that of crickets outside. My bladder was what woke me up so I detached myself from Lulu's hold and made my way into her bathroom. Peeing helped with the hard on I'd been spotting since I walked into her apartment but I knew it was also temporary relief. When I walked back into the room Lulu was awake too sitting on top of the bed eyes still rimmed with sleep.

"Did I wake you?"I asked admiring how beautiful she looked with the just-woke up look.

"Yeah but I'm hungry and need to use the bathroom so it was not all your fault."She replied getting off the bed.

She adjusted her gym bra that had adjusted in her sleep. I got a glimpse of her nipple and I almost swallowed my tongue. It was nice that Lulu was comfortable around me but she also drove me crazy without knowing it. She bent over giving me a good sight of her ass as she picked up a t-shirt on the floor. She shrugged it on before walking to the bathroom leaving me panting after her like a dog on heat. She was going to be the end of me.

I made myself comfortable and started thinking of other things to kill the hard-on that had come back. Cows guts and new born calves did the trick. Don't judge me. I was a veterinarian. Lulu emerged ten minutes later looking much better. She walked up to me and got on top of the kitchen island next to me. Without thinking I pulled her into my arms so that she was straddling me and kissed her. It was her fault for teasing me all evening but I had also missed her. She tasted like mint toothpaste meaning she had just brushed her teeth but that faded quickly and I got to the taste of Lulu buried underneath. We kissed like a couple of crazed teenagers as our hands ran over each others bodies caressing each other.

A few minutes later we pulled apart breathless and Lulu lay her head on the crook of my neck to catch her breath. I wrapped my hands around her hugging her to me as I peppered kissed over her neck.

"I missed you."She whispered her breath tickling my neck.

"I missed you more."I replied tracing patterns over her bare thighs.

None of us made the effort to move from our position and I wished we could stay like that forever. In seven months Lulu had come to mean the world to me and holding her in my arms like that made me realize just how much she meant to me. Two weeks without her had felt like forever and right then I knew that I was in love with the woman in my arms. I wanted to blurt it out to her but it felt like the wrong time. I'd tell her when the time was right and I didn't care if she didn't feel the same way, I just wanted her to know. I'd tell her soon though because I was done being afraid and insecure with her. She was mine and nothing would ever change that.

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️ Where stories live. Discover now