Chapter 6

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I looked over at Minho, and was surprised to see his face bright red. "Minho?" I asked, making him look at me. "You okay." 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." He said, his voice higher than usual. "Just finding out that the boy I thought was hot in the first video used to be my boyfriend. Nothing big." "Well, I just found out that the most beautiful girl I've ever seen used to be my girlfriend, and I'm not reacting like that." 

"Yeah, but you knew you liked girls! I've never thought guys were hot until I saw that shank!" All of us were looking at Minho skeptically. "Dude, even I've thought some of the gladers were attractive." Gally said, looking like he was about to laugh. 

"What?" Minho asked, for a moment distracted from his predicament. "Who?" Gally shrugged. "Not you, thats for sure. You're the ugliest shank here." I burst out laughing at that, Minho's face of insult making me laugh harder. Frypan was looking smug for some reason, Alby was shaking his head at our antics, and Gally was smirking, holding his hand out for a high-five, which Frypan returned. 

Alby stood up to take out the tape, and he put it with the other ones. "Alright, Newt. Did you find any that might be helpful for escaping?" I shook my head. "Not really, they seemed more like moments in time from our life before. I mean, one was labelled 'Minho makes out with a bird'."

"Wait, what?" Minho asked, looking at me, utterly baffled, making me snort. It felt like I'd been laughing so much more since we'd gotten these tapes. 

"Oh, please tell me we can watch that one next!" Frypan said with the biggest grin I'd ever seen from him. And Frypan was a pretty positive person. "No!" Minho objected. "Newt!" He turned to me. "They're bullying me!" I raised an eyebrow. "So?" 

Minho groaned, and slumped down in his chair. "I hate all of you." He muttered. "No you don't I said, standing up. I stretched out my arms, and shook them out. Minho tried to glare at me, but was interrupted by a yawn, making me yawn, which started a chain reaction of yawning. 

(writing that made me yawn. XD) 

"Well, I'd better hit the hay." Frypan said, standing up as well. He left, Gally following him. What was that about? Those two were spending a lot of time together lately. Normally I'd ask Fry about it, but for some reason, I felt I didn't need to. So I just shrugged it off, waved goodnight to Alby, and pulled Minho with me so he'd go to bed. 

"So." I said to Minho as we walked. "Thomas huh." Minho's face went red again, and his internal crisis returned. I knew I'd have to bring it up now so I could help, and he wouldn't spend all night worrying and thinking about it. 

"It seemed like you two really loved each other." I said, hoping that my words would him open up about it. Minho's blush subsided a bit, and he smiled. "You really think so?" He asked softly and hopefully. In that moment I was reminded of how my best friend couldn't be older than fourteen. 

Realizing you like guys when you didn't know before must be scary for anyone, especially a kid. And being trapped in a giant deadly maze fulled with murder robot spider-crabs probably didn't help. 

"Yeah." I said, putting my arm around his neck. "I really do." He smiled, before pulling away. "Thanks Newt. Night." 


I was sitting on a bed, a girl sitting on the ground in front of me as I braided her hair. "Your hair would be easier to deal with if it wasn't so long." I said, making the girl giggle. But something about my voice was off. Younger almost.

"Sorry Newtie, but you're gonna be stuck braiding my hair until we die."  Jace's voice said, confirming my thoughts of us being younger. She sounded like she was about ten, meaning this was probably another memory.

"Don't apologize." I told her. "I'm happy to be stuck with you." I finished the braid, and flicked it over Jace's shoulder, making her giggle again. She climbed up next to me on the bed, and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about S-" She said, but for some reason I couldn't understand the name. But then, I woke up.


For some reason, I woke up on the floor. I could hear someone trying not to laugh and failing, which probably meant Minho had something to do with this. Sighing, I rolled onto my side and curled into a ball. I was tired, and I don't feel like dealing with Minho at the moment. 

Although, my actions just made whoever was trying not to laugh start actually laughing, which just gave away that it was Frypan. "You need someth'n?" I asked, not willing to open my eyes. "Nah, just enjoying the show." Fry said through his laughter. 

If my eyes were open I would've rolled them. "Why are you in here?" I asked, stifling a yawn. "Well, for one breakfast is almost over." This was a different voice, one that sounded like...

I opened my eyes and looked up to see Gally and Frypan standing above me. "Morning o wise second-in-command." Gally said with his usual annoying smirk. I yawned, but sat up, stretching. "Alright, I'll be out soon.

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