Chapter 7

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Newt's POV

I all but dragged my feet to breakfast, completely exhausted. Fry would probably complain about me not getting there as fast as I'd said, but I could always just blame my limp. I'd gotten better at walking with it, but sometimes I had my slower moments.

To be fair, we were a bunch of kids, most of us barely teenagers, with no medical experience. And fixing a broken leg doesn't always come out fine again. I deserved it anyway. I'd never forgive myself for waking up to find Minho crying, and telling me I was a bloody idiot. 

Well, that was a depressing chain of thoughts. I pushed them out of my mind like Minho had said, making a mental note to talk to him or Alby about it later. The two of them had made me promise to talk to someone whenever I felt anything like I had leading up to what happend. 

I finally arrived at the homestead, seeing Alby waiting outside for me. He had his usual stoic expression, but something seemed... off. 

"You alright Alby?" I asked as I reached him. He nodded. "Just thinking about the tapes." I felt myself grow worried. "You aren't gonna say anything about what Minho found out, are you?"

I had no idea why the idea of that made me scared for him, but it did. I just felt like this was something only Minho should tell people about. Thankfully though, Alby shook his head with a laugh. 

"No, I'm not. I was thinking of addressing relationships in the glade though, seeing as it's a bigger thing than I'd first thought." I smiled and nodded. 

"Good that. We should probably start by talking to Minho about it though, get his input, since I don't fancy any of these Shanks, and you're a robot." I ducked away from Alby as he went to hit me. 

"You keep talking like that I'll tell that shank who likes you that you like him back." I shuddered. Fred. That shank creeped me out. The way he went about his advances were almost violating, and it made me want to hit him. 

"That would be a very cruel and unusual punishment, o' wise leader of ours." I said, giving a fancy fake bow. Alby rolled his eyes. "Just go eat you shank." He said, but I could tell he didn't mind. 


Frypan's POV

In the glade, there were rules. One was to not steal food from my kitchen. But apparently that rule doesn't apply to Gally, seeing as he's sitting on the floor eating an onion that he stole from me. I told him that it wasn't an apple, but he said he knew, and just started eating it.

Why do I like this Shank again?

"I don't know how, but somehow you've made this taste better than I expected." Gally commented as he watched me work. 

Oh yeah, thats why. Damn his occasional tooth-rotting sweetness. Which coming from Gally was essentially a basic compliment, but I'll take what I can get. 

"Thanks, but why are you in here? Lunch isn't for an hour, and you're the one always going on about not slacking off." Gally just shrugged. "Wanted to hang out with you." He said, nonchalantly. I, however, would've been bright red if I could blush. Sometimes you're thankful for the little things. 

"What tape do you want to watch tonight?" I asked, changing the subject. Gally shrugged in response. He does that a lot.

"As long as it doesn't embarrass me, I don't care."

"If you find a tape that won't do that by just reading the labels, I'll give you extra bacon for breakfast."

Gally grinned at me, but when he leaned over to kiss me I jumped away.

"Your breath smells like onions, I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth."

Gally smirked, and set down the onion, making me a bit concerned. He then jumped off the table and grabbed me in a hug, kissing me all over my face, while I laughed.

I love this boy.

Minho's pov

In the maze, spacing out could be dangerous. Luckily, I'm awesome, and I have a talent for just knowing where to go.

I think Newt called it muscle memory. Eh, what does he know.

Anyway, because of that ability, I was able to spend the majority of the run thinking about Thomas. That beautiful, confusing shank that I couldn't remember meeting, but thought was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. 

And that was a feat, since there were people like me in the maze. It was pretty hard to be better than perfection. Alright, moving on from that, Thomas. The shank was so annoyingly familiar, without having any of my memories of him come back. 

Back when I first got to the Glade, I had no problems with never getting out. There was a part of me that seemed to always know that there was something behind those walls. Although, as much as I like being right, this time it wasn't that great, considering people have died. 

Newt's right, I need to stop finding everything as a joke. 

Time skip

That night after dinner, I basically sprinted to where we had been keeping the TV and tapes. Eventually people were going to wonder where the five of us snuck off to, but I didn't care that much right now. I just wanted to see Thomas. 

I basically broke the flimsy door open in my excitement, making Newt and Alby jump, and glare at me. Well, Newt glared at me, Alby just sighed. I gave them what I consider to be my most charming smile, before walking over to them. 

"So, what's the tape for today?" I asked, basically praying that Thomas would be in it. Newt gave me a concerning smirk. 

"We decided to watch..." He held up a tape and read the label. "Minho makes out with a dead bird." I felt the smile fall off my face. 

"Why would you choose that one?" I asked, my voice cracking a bit. Newt and Alby's smiles were just getting bigger, making me want to throw something at them. 

"We're going to watch it eventually." Alby said. "Besides, Fry and Gally are skipping tonight for some reason, So might as well use it to lessen the embarrassment you're going to suffer by watching this." 

If looks could kill, Alby would have burst into flames with how hard I was glaring at him. He didn't seem to care though, as he turned around to put in the tape. I let out a sigh, and flopped into a chair. 

"Fine. But tomorrow we watch two, and I get to choose them both." Newt shrugged. "Works for me."

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