Chapter 3

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Newt's POV

That night at dinner, I could barely focus on the food. All I'd been able to think of today were Jace and Thomas. Why did they seem so familiar? It was the same feeling I'd had when I met Minho, but I had abandoned that feeling pretty quickly, because Minho had run off the minute he got out of the box. 

"So, what tape are we watching again?" Minho asked, between shoveling food into his mouth. "You didn't even run today, why are you so hungry?" I asked, trying not to laugh. Minho just shrugged. "Why are you not hungry?" He refuted, before shoving another piece of bread into his mouth. 

"I'm just taking it as a compliment." Fry commented, clearly not deterred by it in the slightest. Although he might just be used to Minho. "Also, we're watching a tape called cooking with Gally, which is guaranteed to be hilarious." I smiled, and finally began to eat, mostly from the fear that Minho would steal it in his food enthusiasm. 

Alby already had the TV set up when we got there, so we all sat down around it. "There's about 16 tapes in this box, not including the one we're about to watch. I suggest that we watch one tape a night, after dinner each day. After today, we go through them and choose any we think may be important. Any objections?" 

All of us turned to look at Gally, who threw his hands up. "I don't object to everything!" "Sure you don't." Frypan said smiling, clearly enjoying hiss annoyance. Gally just sighed, "Well I don't object, so can we just start the stupid video?" Alby laughed, but he pressed play on the TV and sat down. 

The screen flickered, and an image of a kitchen showed up. "Is it on?" Frypan's voice asked. "No, it's just blinking red to annoy Gally." TV Frypan laughed at the somehow familiar voice of Jace, while Gally's voice called out from somewhere off-screen. "You two are the worst." Gally walked onto the screen and leaned against the counter. Frypan walked over to him and sat on the counter next to him. 

"Alright, I'm going to show Gally how to make my secret drink recipe, and Jace is going to film in because she's obsessed." "I'm not obsessed Sig!" Jace said to Frypan, sounding like she was going to laugh. "Yeah you are." Gally said with a smirk. "You've been stuck to that thing ever since Newt gave it to you." 

I sat up at my name, Jace giving a nervous giggle from the TV. I did know her! I gave her the camera for these tapes. I could feel a giant grin growing on my face, but I didn't want to even try stopping it. 

"If you two start with this, I'll bring up your little secret." Both boys faces went white. "I guess we don't want that, huh?" Both boys nodded, making Jace laugh. "Anyway, get on with your terrible burny recipe Sigs." Jace said. That made me think for a moment. Was she talking about Gally's recipe? Did Frypan teach Gally the recipe? 

I decided to keep watching and just ask Gally after. "Alright, so for the recipe, you'll need these five ingredients." Frypan said, walking around the counter to show a bunch of bottles. "We've got malted barely, cider, apple sugar, grape sugar, and water. And based off of Jace's blank stare, you guys don't know what these ingredients are." TV Gally shook his head. "Nah, I get. Jace is just dumb." "YOU WANNA SAY THAT TO MY FACE!?" Jace yelled, making me flinch. 

"Well, ignoring Jace's rage, what you do is get a giant pot, and pour all of the ingredients into it. If you're making it for a larger group, its better to put more water in. You can also add water if you just want it to be less strong." Frypan poured everything into the pot, then brought it over to a lit stove, the camera following him. 

"Next, we put the pot on the stove at high for fifteen minutes. Then, we put it in the fridge to cool down." He set the pot down on the stove, then walked back to his place at the counter, setting a timer for fifteen minutes. 

"So, once the drink has been cooled down, it's ready to drink! Just don't drink too much, or you'll get drunk." Gally clapped, smirking. "Thanks for the cooking lesson Sigs. maybe next time you can teach Minho how to do his hair." "Hey!" Minho yelled, glaring at Gally. "What're you glaring at me for? I don't even remember this!" 

"You guys know that if Minho ever sees this, he's gonna punch you." Jace said through her laughter at Gally's comment. "Anyway, I hope whoever sees this enjoys it, even if it was barely five minutes long." The screen showed static again before going black. I sighed, and slid down in my chair. "I wanted to see her face." I said to myself. 

"Yeah, me too." Minho said, meaning he'd heard me. "She seems cool, and she managed to put up with past-Gally." I rolled my eyes, but sat up again, feeling a bit better that Minho felt the same. Then Frypan turned to look at Alby and I.

"I know we said one a night, but could we try to find one that might show her face?" Frypan asked, clearly hopeful that he'd say yes. But I shook my head. "We can watch one like that tomorrow. Minho has to run tomorrow, so he should go to sleep." Minho sighed. "Fine, mom. You win." He stood up and stretched, as if we'd been sitting for more then ten minutes. 

"Well, I guess I should go too. Gotta get up early for breakfast." Frypan said. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Gally asked, as the three of them left, leaving me with Alby. 

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