Chapter 4

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Newt's POV

"You smiled when they talked about you giving her the camera." Alby said with a smile, making me blush. "D-did I?" I asked, already knowing how I was making it worse for myself. Alby laughed at my stuttering. 

"It's fine Newt. You think she's familiar, and you were happy that you had a reason to feel that way." I nodded, but at the back of my mind, there was doubt. "Is that really why I'm feeling like this? Why I cant get her out of my head?" 

I shook away the thoughts, and gave Alby a smile. "Yeah, thats probably it. I'm gonna head to bed. Night Alby." "Night." I heard him call as I left, my mind preoccupied with thoughts of the first girl I'd heard for as long as I could remember. 

Gally's POV

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked Fry as we left. He nodded, and we started walking to his kitchen. "Whats up?" He asked. "That video, thats exactly how I make my drink. Which means that you taught me it. It means I was able to remember something from before the maze." I said, all without taking a breath. I didn't want to back out of telling him. 

Frypan looked surprised, then confused. "Wait, of all things, why did you remember a drink I showed you how to make probably once?" I shrugged. "Maybe it had something to do with that seacret we didn't want that Jace girl to tell." Frypan nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense." 

We had finally reached the kitchen, and we sat down on one of the tables. "What do you think the secret was?" Fry asked, looking at me. I looked him in the eyes, which was probably a mistake, because the second I did, I was lost. They reminded me of chocolate, which I could vaguely remember was a kind of food. 

I could feel myself leaning towards him, and he was leaning towards me. Frypan and I had always gotten along, which had come as a surprise to most people, since I rarely liked greenies. But Frypan had never looked at me with fear, or hatred because of how loud I was, or how I didn't care what people thought of my opinions. 

I noticed that Frypan was leaning in too, which gave me the confidence to press my lips to his. The kiss was soft but firm, kinda like Fry. He was amazing, and I felt like a storm was going on inside me. 

A moment later we pulled away. "Maybe she was talking about that." Frypan whispered, gazing at me, a little dazed. I laughed softly. "I hope so." Then I leaned in to kiss him again. 

Newt's POV

I was lying on my back, running my fingers through someone hair. They were lying next to me, their head on my chest. 

"Newt? Do you think you'll be able to survive it?" They asked, their voice familiar. I nodded confidently. "I'll do whatever it takes to get back to you." 

"Newt?" "Newt!" I jolted awake, almost falling out of my hammock. I looked up to see Minho standing above me, a grin on his face. "I woke up before you." He said, gloatingly. I rolled my eyes, and sat up, rubbing them. "Yeah, whatever." I muttered, tiredly. I glared at him. "I think I remembered something." Minho stared at me in shock before grabbing me by the shoulders, and shaking me. 

"WHAT! YOU REMEMBERED SOMETHING!" He yelled before letting go. "Yeah, great idea, just tell the entire Glade." I sighed. "Besides, it isn't going to be any help towards getting out, I was just lying in a bed with someone." Minho's mouth was hanging open.

 "DUDE! YOU MIGHT HAVE REMEMBERED A GIRLFRIEND! Or boyfriend." Thankfully he didn't yell the last part, because I had just gotten an annoying shank to stop trying to flirt with me, and I didn't want that to start up again. 

"I'm pretty sure it was a girl Minho." I paused, her voice had finally clicked. "Actually, I think it was that girl Jace from the video." "Really!" Minho said excitedly. "What did she look like?" I glared at him. "You woke me up right as I was about to see." 

Minho's mouth dropped open again, and he hit himself in the forehead. "Shucking shuck!" I laughed when he said that. "Shouldn't you be getting to breakfast before you have to leave?" I asked as I stood up, looking around for where I left my shoes. "Oh, yeah. I actually have to go, I just wanted to say goodbye before." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Minho." I said softly. He knew that I worried about him when he was out there, especially after what I... did a few months ago. "No problem Shank." He said, messing up my hair with his fist. "I'll see you at dinner." 

"Bye." I said softly as he left my room. "Be safe." 

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