Chapter 1

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426 days. Alby had started keeping track three days into his "stay", and had taken to announcing at the beginning of each greenie day how much time had passed. And the morning it all started, the gladers were 426 days in. 

That morning, everyone had treated it as a normal greenie day. They had breakfast, the alarm went off, and they gathered around to wait. Minho spent the time trying to tie together the shoelaces of as many gladers as he could before getting caught. He'd gotten five before the box finally arrived. 

Gally's POV

I jumped down into the box, where the newest glader was sitting, looking terrified. He wasn't anything special, just some shank with brown hair. I gave him what I considered to be my meanest smile. "Welcome to the glade greenie."

I stuck out my hand and helped him out of the box. Then my builders started getting the stuff out of the box. Minho walked off with the greenie for the tour, and Alby and Newt started bringing the crates to the homestead to sort through. 

Once all the crates were out, the doors closed, and the box started going back down. I left the others to deal with them, and went back to the table i'd been working on. If this whole once a month thing kept up, eventually we were gonna run out of room for everyone. 

After about an hour though, Minho came running over. "The shuck do you want?" I asked, already annoyed with him. "We found something in one of the crates, it had names on it and yours was one." I set down my hammer and nodded to him. 

"Alright then. Lead the way." 

Newts POV

They sent up a TV. A bloody TV, with tapes, and a note that had mine, Alby, Minho, Frypan and Gally's names on it. I assumed that the creators wanted us to watch it, but why just us? The bloody hell is going to be on these tapes? 

"I got captain Gally." Minho announced as he walked in, an irritated Gally behind him. "Lets see those tapes." Gally looked at us confused. "The creators sent us up a TV and some tapes, so we're going to watch them." Frypan explained. He was probably the only person in the glade that had enough patience to deal with Gally. Not even I could deal with his klunk for long.

Alby grabbed a tape labeled "Minho prank" and put it into the slot. "Why are we watching that one first?" Minho wined, clearly unhappy. "Shush. Its starting." Frypan said, as if the tape was a movie. 

The taped flickered for a moment, before a boy's face appeared. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. He had a giant grin on his face that seemed familiar somehow. 

"So, Minho and Jace have been pranking me non-stop for almost a week now, and I'm gonna get them back." He paused for a moment. "Well, I'm getting Minho back, cause I need Jace to record it." 

A females voice off-screen let out a laugh. "Yeah, thats the reason. It has nothing to do with the fact you're terrified of my pet worm." The boy frowned. "I still don't know why you like that thing. It's all slimy, and gross, and it doesn't have a face." The girl laughed again. "You're just jealous Thomas. Jealous that I have a pet and you don't."

The boy; Thomas, rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure. Anyway, I'm gonna wake Minho up, then shove a whip cream pie in his face." "If you used up all the whip cream for this, I'll steal your teeth while you sleep." The girl voice said, making Gally chuckle. I looked over at him. "Wish the creators would send her up." He said. 

"Okay, I'm not arguing about this again. Lets just go pie Minho." Thomas said from the screen, exasperated. He started walking, and the camera followed him down a long hallway. after a few minutes of walking Thomas and camera girl reached a door that had the word 'Minho' painted on it sloppily with black paint. I assumed that it was done by Minho, his handwriting was terrible. 

Thomas turned to the camera and whispered; "Minho is sleeping inside, so we have to be quiet." "You mean you have to be quiet." Camera girl said. Thomas rolled his eyes. "Shut up Jace."

"So the girl is Jace." I though to myself, watching Thomas enter the room and obnoxiously tip-toe to where Minho was sprawled out on a bed, a blanket on the floor. I snorted and looked over at Minho who glared at me. 

Thomas knelt down next to Minho, and gently shook him. "Minho, you gotta wake up." He said softly, hiding the pie behind his back. Minho let out a groan, but didn't open his eyes. "Go away Tom." He said. "It's too early."

"It's actually 1:37 pm, but i'm not one to talk since I got up an hour ago." Jace said, making Minho sit up on his elbows and open his eyes. "Jace? Why do you have your camera..." He trailed off and looked at Thomas, who smashed the pie into his face and ran off laughing. 

"Thomas you're dead!" Minho yelled, running after him, making Jace run after both of them. "Why do you two have to be so fast?" Jace yelled, barely keeping up with Minho, her pants getting louder the longer they ran. after a few moments, she gave up on filming, and just focused on running, making everything a blur for a few minutes, with Minho's yelling still audible. 

Eventually the camera stopped going crazy and was now showing Minho sitting on Thomas's stomach, smushing the whip cream from his face onto Thomas's as he protested and Jace laughed off-screen. "I'm gonna stop filming now before they start making out." She said to the camera, causing the two boys to turn to her and start yelling just before the camera cut off.

I stared at the now static filled screen, questions running through my head. Who were those two? Were they our friends before the maze? Would they be sent up? The questions bounced around my head for a few moments before Frypan spoke up.

"Well, I guess Minho had a boyfriend before the maze." 

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