Chapter 27- Put on a Show

Start from the beginning

"This time could be different."

"I said no"

"So what that's it? You decide you don't want anymore children and that's that?"


"You're just scared and that is understandable but Doctor Webber told us what happened to us was rare, it's unlikely to happen again."

"I'm not scared and it is not happening so get that through your head Stacey." Jon snapped throwing his fork onto the plate with such force that it bounced straight off it and onto the table.

"You don't mean tha..."

"ENOUGH." Jon yelled bringing the attention of the room to our table. My jaw fell open as Jon stood to his feet roughly grabbing his plate and making his way to the bin before leaving catering altogether. I felt the heat of embarrassment evade my cheeks and I tried to hide myself in my hair.

"Trouble in paradise?" Ronan's voice entered my ears. I look over to my left and notice he had taken the seat next to me, a huge smile on his face as he looked at me.

"Go away Ronan." I scoff looking away from him and towards the door of catering, I was slightly hoping Jon would come back through it and apologise for shouting at me but not such luck.

"I'm just saying..."

"Drop dead." I snap at him standing to my feet and exiting catering myself. I wasn't in the mood for whatever crap was about to come out of his mouth. I stepped to the side of catering, leaning my back against the wall and inhaling deeply. I entangled my hands in my hair, suppressing a scream that wanted to explode from my chest as I slide down as low as I could while still staying on my feet.

After a few minutes of feeling sorry for myself, I picked myself up and made my way to the female locker room. I painted a fake smile on my face while getting ready for my match against Summer Ray. It would be an easy win for me tonight considering Summer was a jobber in the company at the moment. I wasn't complaining as it made me look good.

"Hey wanna ride to the next city with me?" Brie asks once I reappear ready to kick ass for my match tonight. "Fox is back with riding with Saraya and Nattie is going with Ty so I was hoping you might be up for it?"

"Um maybe, I'll see what Jon is doing and let you know."

"Of course, we are on the same House Show schedule with the guys. I forgot." She laughs shaking her head. "I just have baby on the brain at the minute. Bryan and I have been trying for a while now and nothing is happening for us."

"Don't loose hope I'm sure it will happen sooner than you think." I smile softly at her. There must be something in the water today, first Joe then me and now Brie. We all had baby on the brain.

"If you don't mind me asking how did it happen for you and Jon? Like did you guys plan Alya or?"

"No" I laughed softly remembering that night I found out I was pregnant with Jon after Monday Night Raw." "She definitely wasn't planned but she was worth it."

"I bet she was." Brie nodded smiling over at me. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought her up."

"No, no I am glad you did. Just because she isn't here doesn't mean I don't like to talk about her. She's still my baby girl."

"Of course she is and she always will be."

"You're right." I grin over at her as we made our way to the gorilla position. Brie didn't have a match tonight but she was walking with me to keep me company. "My advice, don't stress about it. You are putting too much pressure on yourself and that will make it harder for you to conceive. Just have fun with it."

"I know, I wish I could but I have these thoughts in the back of my mind that there is something wrong with me or Bryan and that would kill me. We want a big family. I couldn't imagine not having any children."

"There you go again with the pressure."

"I can't help it."

"Why not take a few days, get both you and Bryan tested and take it from there. Believe me, once you let go of the stress and all the pressure of having a kid you will get pregnant."

"Thanks Stacey." Brie smiles pulling me in for a tight hug "You're going to be an amazing mom one day...I mean."

"I know what you mean don't worry." I chuckle softly. I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to the side I noticed Chris the crew member telling me they were going to play my music. "I'll see you after."

"Good luck." Brie called to me as I entered the curtain where Hunter and Vince, along with the other producers where monitoring the show. Twisting my head side to side and getting myself into character I heard the first few notes of my theme song, so I pushed my way through the second curtain making my way to the top of the ramp, grabbing the lapels of my jacket I stood with a smirk on my face as I looked around at the WWE Universe. It was time to put on a show. 

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