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The next morning, you and the team collect outside Karasuno to leave for Tokyo. You grab onto your backpack strap as you and your sister move toward the growing group of high schoolers near where the bus is parked.

"Hi, guys," you grumble as you approach them. Daichi greets the two of you and invites you to drop your things in the forming pile of bags nearby. Once you and Kiyoko drop your bags with the others, you join the players who are huddled next to the bus.

"Ready to go back to Tokyo?" Suga asks as you tiredly rest your head on Kiyoko's shoulder. Kiyoko nods and you hum in response to Sugawara's question, not willing to form any actual words yet today.

Suddenly, a holler is heard from the gate of campus and you turn around to see Noya and Tanaka sprinting towards your group. As they race to your group, Noya trips Tanaka so he stumbles, allowing Noya to run ahead and beat Tanaka to the group.

"I won!" Noya cheers as Tanaka approaches the bus.

"No, you didn't. You cheated!" Tanaka scolds as Noya rolls his eyes and joins you and everyone else by the bus.

"Hi, (Y/n)," Noya greets to which you wave back. Once everyone arrives, you file onto the bus to leave for Tokyo. Tanaka and Noya sit in the back row alongside Hinata and the pile of the team's bags, leaving you to find another place to sit.

While searching for a seat, you notice an empty one next to Yamaguchi and decide to sit down next to him. "Hi," you greet as he turns to see who sat next to him.

"Oh, hey."

"Is it okay if I sit here?" you ask, already getting yourself situated in the seat.

"Yeah," Yamaguchi croaks as a blush seeps through his cheeks and he turns to face the window. As the bus begins to move, you pull out your Switch and begin playing Mario Kart, neither of you wants to strike up a conversation with each other at this early hour.

"What are you playing?" Yamaguchi asks as he turns from the window to look down at the screen you held in your lap.

"It's called 'how annoying is toad'. He's a bitch," you say as Toad throws a banana back at your car and hits you, making your character stop racing for a moment.

"Sounds tough," Yamaguchi replies dryly as he chuckles and watches you play for a while before returning his watch to the scenery of the passing landscape outside the window. Eventually, you end the game and put your console back in your bag. Looking past Yamaguchi, you watch the trees pass by as the bus travels through the lush scenery.

"It's really pretty," Tadashi comments as he notices your attention now on the landscape outside the window. You hum and nod in response as the two of you look outside the window and see the sun slowly begin to rise through the trees.

"It's all yellow!" Noya shouts from the back of the bus. You turn to see him on his knees in the seat, staring directly into the sunlight.

"Noya, get down and stop staring into the sun, it's not good for your eyes," Daichi scolds his underclassman. Daichi sighs as Suga rolls his eyes and grins at the second year. You chuckle as you turn back in your seat to the normal position.

Noya hops back down into his seat next to Tanaka and radiates his glowing smile at the students on the bus who were all staring at him. Turning to Yamaguchi you begin a conversation by asking, "do you like apples?"

"Huh?" He asks as he turns to you with a confused look on his face.

"You heard me, apples, or no?"

He gives you a bewildered look as he responds, "Yeah I like apples, but red apples are the best type."

You nod in agreement as you say, "True, but yellow apples taste really good, too."

"I haven't had a yellow apple in a while, I kind of forget what they taste like." Yamaguchi nervously chuckles.

"They're less crunchy than red apples but they're sweeter."

"Oh, okay. Green apples on the other hand,"

"Gross," you interrupt him as a concerned look appears on his face, "you have to be in a certain mood to eat green apples," you continue.

"That's really true, but they are the best to eat with peanut butter."

"Definitely, red and yellow apples are too sweet for peanut butter."

"Yeah, but they are superior to just straight up eat."

You hum in agreement as you say, "Especially those ones that have yellow and red in them. I think they're Honeycrisp or something."

He nods as you continue your discussion about the best type of apples that eventually got the whole bus in a debate on if red or yellow apples were the superior apples to snack on.

After two hours or so of riding on the bus, you eventually fell asleep. Yamaguchi was playing on his phone while you rested your sleeping figure on the backrest of your seat. Yamaguchi glances over at you, your eyes closed and mouth slightly parted.

There was a large bump in the road and your head knocked from the back of your seat to Tadashi's shoulder. Yamaguchi jumped a little at the sudden contact, but in realizing what had happened, he couldn't contain a smile, his grin illuminating rosy shade on his cheeks. Turning back to his phone, he tries to let you get some rest for the duration of the trip to Tokyo.

Eventually, you slowly grumble awake as you yawn and rub your eyes. "Did you sleep okay?" Yamaguchi asks as you sit up from your rested position on his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're a good pillow," you respond as you stretch in your seat. He lets a genuine smile influence his expression as you tiredly smile back and glance down at what Yamaguchi had open on his phone that laid upright in his hands.

"Want to listen?" Yamaguchi asks as he hands you an earbud. You accept it as he begins playing his playlist of relaxing songs that he titled, "Chill vibez for my sleepy time on da road."

♫♩ Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a memory ♫♩

You hum along to the familiar tune as the music plays and you drive along to Tokyo.

Finally, the team arrives in Tokyo, you and the rest of the club file off the bus and are greeted with a few players from Nekoma waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs to Shinzen highschool.

"Hey, (Y/n)," Kuroo waves as you hop off the last step of the bus and look up to wave back at Kuroo. After greeting the third year from Nekoma, you find yourself drifting towards where Noya and Tanaka are, and you approach them to join their conversation.

When they notice you coming towards them, they both greet you and Noya begins by asking, "Do you know the Dragon Tales dance?"

You scoff as you reply, "Of course I know the Dragon Tales dance, I am a civilian of culture."

"Prove it," Tanaka says as he crosses his arms in anticipation.

"Not without the music," you reply as Tanaka grabs his phone to play the Dragon Tales theme song.

When the music begins, you do the Dragon Tales dance from the vine and give them a smirk after executing the moves perfectly.

"How did you-" Noya asks as you beam at the two boys who are standing completely awestruck.

Eventually, the team collects all their things from the bus and brings them to the designated classrooms you would be sleeping in. After dropping your items in the rooms, you head to practice to play a few sets before dinner.

To be continued...

I Found your Thunder ↬ Yū NishinoyaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora