"I think he just doesn't like being by himself." Fran says.

"But we leave him on his alone half the time and he doesn't mind"

"I don't know take him to therapy then!" Fran says huffing.

"Are you stupid?! How are you going to take a baby to therapy!" Lee argues back.

I and Clara look at each other laughing slightly as the two bicker.


Clara's POV

I and Tyler are sat at the doctors office. Eli is getting some shots today and the doctor wants to examine him again. He's now four months. We're sat here as the doctor gives it to him but he has no reaction to them.

"Has he cried yet?"

"A couple of times but only if he doesn't like something. Like certain toys or shows and being on his own sometimes. we guess because he likes company at times."

"What do you mean toys and shows?" The doctor asks as he passes Elijah to Tyler.

"He doesn't like typical toys I guess. Like any toy we have bought him but he does like this one teddy bear" I tell him.

"When it comes to shows he doesn't like any kid shows his age. And he loves my classical jazz." Tyler says.

"Interesting...how about the teething? I see they are slowly growing. Any pain? Or biting during breast feeding."

"Nope, he takes both a bottle and is being breast fed but he doesn't bite. And no he hasn't cried about it. Oh and he doesn't like his dummy" I add.

"Very interesting, well I'll see this little guy again with he is six months...I want to see what is new. You could say he is advanced for his age. He is responding appropriately to everything. So I don't know." The doctor shrugs and we nod, thanking him then leave.

Once in the car I look back at Eli as he holds his teddy staring at him. I look back at Tyler to see her look at him with the same confusion. She starts driving and we make our way home, the ride is quiet so I start playing some music.





We suddenly hear a laugh, I turn around immediately and Tyler instantly parks up the road. We look at Eli to see him laughing. Tyler stops the music and he just stares at Tyler...almost glaring?

Can a kid do that? Ty's right...he looks like me when he does that!

"Hey don't get mad at daddy?!" Tyler says and Eli laughs slightly but once Tyler puts the music back on the smile on Eli's face widens and he continues to laugh the rest of the ride. We realised he likes this song and a couple others, some jazz and some piano songs.

Once home, we shortly later have Lee and Nat over. We explain what the doctor said and the two are baffled yet I and Tyler are just proud of him.

He's unique.

"Peak a boo"

"Peak a boo"

"Tyler your kids broken! Like literally broken" Lee says with a bored face, in walks Bailey. She's visiting town this week with her girlfriend as her parents have some business meetings here. Anna walks in right after her and looks at Eli, instantly he smiles and puts his hands up in a grabbing motion indicating he wants to be held. Anna picks him up and his laughs.

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