CHAPTER 22: A King for Arthdal.

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"Damn! We overslept!"

Those were the first things Enoria heard in the morning. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet when she felt Yangcha getting out of their bed in a hurry.

"Good morning to you too," she mumbled with a half-asleep voice as she closed again the only eye she had opened and let her head fall back on the pillow.

Realizing he hadn't even greeted her, Yangcha finished putting on his trousers, went to drop a kiss on her forehead, squatted near the bed before he gently stroke her hair, "sorry," he murmured, "good morning to you, my beautiful Igutu," he said, making her smile, "but, you should get up too."

She stretched herself before she approached her face to his, so close that their noses were touching, "I don't want to, I want to stay in bed with you all day," she murmured with a mischievous smile then, she let a soft kiss on his lips while running her hand along his bare chest.

"Those are some naughty hands you have," Yangcha whispered, taking her hand in his to prevent her from going lower on his body," and I swear to you that is a really tempting proposition but, we are late, get up," he said with a smile.

"Make me," she defied.

He lifted her from their bed with a facility that surprised her, "those are some strong arms you have," she teased, laughing as he gently put her down on the ground asking her to get dressed as he went to search for a shirt.

She didn't seem too interested in getting dressed, she liked the nightdress she was wearing at the moment, and she just sat on the table watching Yangcha running around like a headless chicken.

"You know what? I think we deserve a day-off," she said.

"Yes, sure, then why don't we go see Tagon and ask him for a day off so we can pass our day making love?" he joked as he put on his shirt. Shirt on, he turned to look at her and he noticed the expression on her face, "don't you dare asking that for real, troublemaker," he warned with a worried expression, he knew she was capable of such a thing.

"Then don't give me ideas," she replied, sticking out her tongue. Then she got up from the table and went to take what was necessary to redo the bandage that was protecting the injury on his hand.

When she passed near him, he looked her up and down, and a faint smile appeared on his lips. 

"What? Are you already regretting having rejected my proposition?" she teased with a smile when she felt his gaze on her, while she took his hand to bandage his hand.

"That nightdress is see-through you know that, right?"

"Yes, I am aware of that," she replied while finishing what she was doing, "I think it looks great on me but, if you don't like it, I can take it off," she proposed.

Yangcha passed near her with a smile he couldn't restrain and went to the closet, "dress or pants?" he asked.

"Is nothing an option?"

"In that room, yes, to go back to the Palace, absolutely not," he answered as he picked a dress for her. Then, he approached her again and handed her the clean clothes, "that nightdress suits you, but take it off to wear this, we are already in the Shrine, it won't take me too long to go back to my post, unlike you."

She sighed before she took the clothes he was handing her, "it's fine, I will just come up with another lie to explain why I was late," she said as she let her nightdress fall to the floor to put on the dress he had chosen for her, "it's easy for me, unlike you, who can't lie to the High Priestess since she enters your head whenever she wants."

Hearing the tone of her voice at her last sentence, he let a small laugh escape, "do I hear a bit of jealousy there?" he asked, putting on his leather gloves.

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