19 | Aconitum Napellus

Start from the beginning


I felt a shiver as Phelan spoke. I was still unaccustomed to the effect his voice had on me.

"Soooo what does it do?" I quizzed.

"It is a plant, specifically a herb; Aconitum napellus. If ingested, it will weaken you but given it is native to central Europe, it is not really a concern for us here..."

Clearing his throat, he elaborated. "It is essentially a poison. But the real risk, for us anyway, is actually silver. Out of all of the crap that is made up about us, that one is actually the most accurate... and it does kill us. It makes Wolfsbane look like child's play."

He stared at me dead in the eyes and I felt myself gulp. I had never thought about my mortality before or how being a hybrid would affect it.

"Are you guys worried; I just mean, do other packs use it against each other?"

"It's against the rule of The Guild. Given we all suffer the same weakness it is considered cowardly to use it. Using it against another would be punishable by death."

"Jesus, okay. But aren't you worried that some bad guys would use it anyway?"

"Well like everything, there's always a chance but we are more inclined to attacking in our wolf form naturally anyway."

I pursed my lips as his explanation, instantly reminded of witnessing it in action. The moment had etched itself into my memory like a slow motion highlight reel.

I could almost smell the blood dripping from him as he held me in the snow. The feral, unhinged thirst for death as he savaged the others around me.

Sensing my fear, Phelan interjected. "It is kill or be killed Edie. No one here in Haven sets out to murder, I won't allow it. But whatever it takes to protect ourselves. At a primal level, wolves are pack animals, any sign of weakness and you will be attacked. You do what it takes to survive. I know what you're thinking about, and have no regrets, and I'd do it again."

It all seemed confusing to me. You couldn't shoot someone with a silver bullet, but ripping their throat out was totally fine. "So when are you allowed to attack others?"

"If they come onto your territory, if they attack someone in your pack... Rogues, packless wolves, are often responsible for this. But I believe they are sourced by The Guild, to carry out their dirty work."

"Like what?"

"Well it's all conjecture but something we've been looking into. But either way, I've been in touch with them. They obviously know you're here and they've called a momentary truce given that you're my mate."

"You mean they've called a momentary truce after you slaughtered a heap of them and now they're scrambling with how the fuck to retaliate?" I quipped.

"That helped, yes. Like I said, kill or be killed."

Crossing her legs on the lounge, Sophia continued to explain, "See, if Phelan marks you, you will become a werewolf and they will have no reason to harm you."

She clapped with excitement as if it were really that easy.

I looked at Phelan confused. "But didn't you say that you marking me could kill me?"

"Yes, but they don't know that."

"So, we are on borrowed time, essentially? Like, until they find out I'm still human?"

Taking a swig of cider, he nodded. "We have time Edie. Like Magdalene said... you will shift, but we can't play with fire and do it until you feel the bond completely."

It was clear from Sophia's deer in headlights look that she didn't want to be here for what came next. Tossing her plate on the coffee table, I watched as she dragged a bemused Gunner to the kitchen.

I traced the stem of my water filled wine glass. "But what does that mean?" I cleared my throat to clarify, "What I mean is... I do have feelings developing for you, you know this... what more can I do?"

"You can't speed it up, Edie. You may, but your wolf is still uncertain because she has been dormant your entire life. She will start to make herself known... that is how I'd know when it is safe to mark you."

I scoffed. "And how would my wolf do that exactly? Would I start howling at the moon?"

I could see he was struggling with explaining the concept in its entirety. His face blushing slightly with each passing moment.

"No. The process is involuntary..."

"Which means?" I coaxed.

"Your body would be thrown into heat. That is when I will know."

I felt my breath hitch as I struggled to swallow.

"Yeah, well... I mean, that doesn't sound like something I'd dislike does it?"

Stay cool, stay cool...

His eyes went black as his mind wandered in anticipation. "I guarantee you wouldn't..."

I held his gaze, feeling my legs tremble at the thought. My heart was racing as we surveyed each other before Sophia and Gunner re-entered the room.

The smirk that was plastered across Gunner's face didn't go unnoticed by either of us. "So... who wants some whipped cream on their dessert?"

Phelan shot him a glare in return, "Fitting Gunner, real fitting... thanks."

I couldn't help it. I was never going to be the kind of person who didn't take the bait.

I smirked at Phelan before winking just as Sophia's jaw dropped to the floor in recognition.

Putting on my most seductive voice I drawled every word out. "I'd love some whipped cream on mine... thanks."

Placing a spoon to my mouth, I held it there as I locked eyes with Phelan.

His words were cautious as he eyed my lips. "You're playing with fire Edie..."

"I know. And you love every moment of it."

The Vampire Diaries theme song played in the background as the four of us sat in awkward silence.

As inconspicuously as possible, I stole glances at Phelan, watching as he zoned out to wherever his mind was taking him. I longed to trace the trees that tattooed his arms, to be held against his chest, to get lost to his wilderness...

As the credits rolled, I mused on the fact that Damon Salvatore didn't come close to Phelan Reyes... didn't come close at all.

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