"Your nails look nice." He voices his thoughts out loud as he peers down at them. They are perfectly manicured, the color fading from pink to white and the middle nail has glitter on it.

"Oh, thank you." She flashes him a small smile before turning her attention back to the road.

The car is silent after that, except for the soft hum of the radio.

After just a few minutes, she pulls into a parking spot. "The apartment building is just a block from here." She explains.

The two of them get out of the car and Namjoon follows her down the street, luggage in hand.

"Here it is." She grins when they finally arrive at the huge building. It's extremely sleek and modern, appearing as if it had been built recently.

He follows her inside and they head into the elevator. She punches in the button for the 4th floor and they wait patiently for it to reach it's destination.

Iris POV

Iris is absolutely exhausted.

Her sleep schedule was also interrupted by the sudden turn of events and in addition to that, she had to wake up earlier than usual to clean her apartment.

The last time she shared a space with someone was when she lived at home, and that was a very long time ago. She just doesn't want her soulmate and new roommate to think that she's a slob.

Once the elevator stops on the 4th floor, she leads Namjoon down the hallway to her apartment. She unlocks the door with the keys, letting him come in.

"Wow, this is nice." He mutters, looking around with curiosity.

"Thank you." She smiles. This was honestly the most cleaning and organizing Iris had done in a while. So she's pretty proud of the way the place looks right now.

He immediately takes off his shoes before wheeling his things in. She directs him to an area she had already cleaned up for him to put his things.

Then, she gives him a quick tour of the place. After that, she leaves him alone to explore on his own while she relaxes for a bit.

She sits down on the couch and checks her phone, seeing 12 unread messages. All from the groupchat, of course. She reads through them, quickly realizing they are mostly about the coronavirus situation.

Iris' eyes widen when she remembers she's been so busy that she completely forgot to tell her friends about finding her soulmate. They are going to freak out.

City Girlsss

y'all..i found my soulmate
now we're stuck in lockdown together 😳


Just a few moments later, Iris gets a FaceTime call. She should've expected this, honestly.

She answers the call, mentally preparing herself for chaos.


"Girl, what does he look like? Is he cute? Lemme see him!" Serenity basically screams at her through the phone.

"Can you lower your voice a little?" Iris hisses, quickly lowering the volume on her phone. "God damn."

"You know how I get when I'm excited." Her best friend rolls her eyes. "Show me what he looks like before I explode. Are you with him right now?"

"Hold on, hold on." Iris stops her from rambling. "Namjoon!" She calls out. She knows he's inside this apartment, just not exactly where.

"Yeah?" He calls back a few moments later, stepping out from the hallway into the living room area.

"Ooh I can hear him!" Serenity squeals.

Iris resists the urge to slap a palm to her forehead in embarrassment. "Um, my best friend wants to say hi to you."

She hands Namjoon the phone and he enthusiastically waves to the camera. "Hi! It's nice to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Serenity!" Iris can hear her reply coming from the phone. They have a quick, polite conversation before Namjoon hands her the phone back.

"Girl, that's one fine ass kigga." Serenity comments once she sees Iris' face on the screen again. Iris' eyes widen, seeing as Namjoon is still standing two feet away from her. "If I were you, I would already be riding that d-"

"What was that? I think you're breaking up. I'll call you back later, bye!" Iris rushes out, quickly ending the call.

One look at Namjoon's face tells her that he heard and understood everything. He laughs awkwardly, reaching a hand behind his head to scratch at his nape. His ears are also bright red.

"I'm so sorry about that." Iris mutters, feeling extremely embarrassed. She wants to just melt into the floor right now. "My friends aren't usually like this, I promise."

"It's okay." He offers her a small smile. "I'm gonna go, uh, use the bathroom."

He disappears quickly after that and Iris lets out a heavy sigh.

What has she gotten herself into?

stuck with you; knj (ambw)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu