268 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (20)

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"We're already here?"

Song Jia looked down in surprise at the hulking castle below her.

She was finally back to her own court, at the fifth court of『Avaritia』.

When she first transmigrated into this world, she was awed at its size, which was larger than Malbork Castle [1]. But now that she had lived in the luxurious halls of the Great Demon King's castle, she felt that the building below her was merely playing with one's axe in front of the house of Lu Ban. [2]

She glanced at the monstrous demon behind her. "Do you think the call for help was a trap? Maybe Yanluo wanted to lure you here. We should make our entrance as quiet as possible."

The Great Demon King nodded at her. He instructed the dragon that they were riding in a low voice, "Land quietly."

Song Jia pursed her lips and looked at the Great Demon King's 'mount.' She had expected a horse or maybe even a hellhound. But when a gigantic dragon suddenly flew down from the sky and curled itself around the Great Demon King's feet, Song Jia could only fall silent.

She patted her little heart. She was confident with her ability to adapt to any situation, so this little thing meant nothing.

Even if the Great Demon King's pet was a gigantic dragon that looked as if the Great Wall of China was molded after its body, this grandma can still handle it, ah~

Seriously, what kind of world was this though?

A Xuanhuan novel?

The leathery wings of the gigantic dragon beat the air in rhythmic strokes, its body rising up and down. The Great Demon King wrapped his arms tightly around Song Jia's waist as the dragon arched its back, preparing to dive. The dragon growled and clipped back its wings.


Song Jia dug in her knees as air whistled past her ears. They were shooting like a bullet towards the ground, which became larger and larger by the second.


Debris and plumes of dust rose up in the air as the dragon's claws dug deep into the soil. Its tail whipped down, leaving zigzagging cracks on the ground. Because of its large body, the impact of their landing caused an earthquake to ripple all the way to Yanluo's castle, dislodging the clay tiles on the roof.

One of them clipped the demonic sentry stationed at the entrance on the back of the head, causing him to look at their direction. There was a brief moment of stunned silence, and then:

"His Majesty had arrived!"

It was quickly followed by the loud tolling of a gong being beaten. Every demon looked towards their direction, the air punctuated by sharp gasps in the air.

"It's the Great Demon King!"

"It's really His Majesty!"

"His pet dragon is so cool! Do you think I can get his autograph?"

"His Majesty visited us for the first time! Wait until those demons from the other courts hears about this!"

Several demons flooded out of the castle, eagerly running towards their direction. They respectfully lined up along the sidewalk, their admiring eyes looking at him despite their bowed heads.


Song Jia had ellipses blaring across her face.

This was what you call landing quietly?

The Great Demon King looked at Song Jia and then chucked the dragon under the chin, silently blaming him.

The dragon didn't seem to know its fault and growled excitedly, its tail whipping back and forth, enjoying the Great Demon King's attention.

Every thump of its tail caused the earth to vibrate.

"Since we already had a grand entrance, let's just drop the idea of sneaking in and enter directly through the front door."

Song Jia sighed. She was planning to sneak in and observe the situation first, but there was no way they would be able to do that now.

Not long after that, the two of them encountered another problem.

The demon sentry sweated buckets as he looked up at the Great Demon King's black face.

"Your...Your Majesty...it was our negligence..."

The door and the hallways after it were about six feet tall, while the Great Demon King's height was eight feet. Naturally, he couldn't fit into the door frame. He could crouch down and wriggle his way in, but with so many demons looking at him, it would hurt his dignity as their monarch.

No, actually, the Great Demon King couldn't care less about that.

What he cared about was not looking cool in front of his wife!

Since Yanluo was his subject, he didn't have to worry about damage and repair costs. The Great Demon King lifted his fist, determined to create a hole on the castle's main entrance.

Song Jia blanched.

"You can change your form, right? Why don't you just make yourself a bit smaller? It also strains my neck looking up at you all the time."

Song Jia suddenly spoke up, startling him. It was true that he could change his form, but it was a power he had never used before because he thought it was pointless.

"Alright, I'll listen to Jia." Since his wife had already said so, her wish was this husband's command.

Song Jia's lips slightly parted as right before her eyes, the Great Demon King suddenly shrank. His horns disappeared, leaving only a tall man wearing dark traditional robes. In his transformation, he had also made his clothes match with hers.

"Xu Jinhai, your horns..."

"Oh, you don't like it?" He ran a hand through his short black hair, causing it to stick out in spikes. Pale blue eyes, the color of glaciers, looked at her in doubt. "I removed it because it gets in the way when we kiss. Jia, you want my horns back?"

Song Jia pursed her lips. "No, it's fine."

Because of his monstrous height before, and the horns blocking his face, she hadn't taken a clear look at his face. Maybe because of shock, Song Jia felt a bit flustered.

But it wasn't long before her heart began to calm down. Didn't the male gods during her previous missions also appeared to be ridiculously handsome? It was nothing new. Just that, when she goes to visit Kepler-468b in the future, she would become a bit picky with her choices.

The two of them entered the castle in unison, their feet clacking and clopping with every step. Since Song Jia liked wearing wooden sandals, the Great Demon King also wore them.

He sidled next to her, happily thinking that with their matching clothes, they would probably look like a couple.

[1] Located in Poland, tagged as the largest castle in the world.
[2] Ch. idiom that refers to showing off one's slight skill in front of an expert.

2: Underneath A Thousand Skiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن