233 Vixen Above, Mensao Below (47)

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Ding ling, dang lang. [1]

Golden coins rained down from the sky, shining and glimmering.

They scattered onto the ground, creating mountains of gold and rivers of money. As Song Jia lifted the edge of her umbrella, one could hear the clanging of coins pouring from the sides, joining the rising tide of money on the ground.

Song Jia knew that all of these were her salary. At last, after years of hard work, she finally became a rich woman.

If this was a dream, she would rather never wake up.


"Jia, wake up!"

But there was an annoying voice that kept disturbing her, shaking her shoulders without mercy. He even pinched her cheeks, shouting a firm command for her to wake up. Didn't he know who she was?

She was a rich grandma, owner of these numerous golden coins!

Song Jia's delicate eyebrows frowned, and her eyelashes fluttered as she woke up. Sunlight poured through the open windows, illuminating what looked like a small mountain of gold in front of her.

Song Jia's heart leaped in excitement. Was it her golden coins?!

The haziness from having just woken up slowly disappeared, and Song Jia realized that what she saw wasn't a mountain of gold, but a golden statue.

Song Jia, "..."

Ah, reality was so cruel.

Her small movement woke up Ye Minzhe, who was sitting by her side. She had slept for more than a day, and while waiting for her to wake up, he had fallen asleep beside her.

"Jia, you woke up?!"

He sat bolt upright in his chair, his eyes bright as if it contained millions of stars. Then, as if he remembered something, he ran towards the door and opened it.

"Jia's awake, quickly come!"

Song Jia heard thundering footsteps down the hall, like a battalion of soldiers was about to charge forward. Then, numerous people in white coats poured into the room, carrying different medical kits.

A doctor immediately checked her eyes with a penlight.

"Miss Ye, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Song Jia cleared her throat. "No, just a bit thirsty."

Ye Minzhe instantly appeared by her side, with a glass of water and a straw.

"Jia, drink this slowly, I made sure its lukewarm."

While leaning over Song Jia, Ye Minzhe glanced at the female doctor and signalled for her to back away for a few steps. Now that she had done her job, why was she still standing so close for?

"Young master Ye, I still need to check Miss Ye's body temperature."

The female doctor felt helpless. Unless it had been absolutely necessary, Ye Minzhe didn't allow them to have any close contact with the patient. He wanted to do everything by himself, like a dragon protecting its hoarded treasure.

"I'll do it." As expected, without any hesitation, Ye Minzhe refused her.

After taking a sip of water, Song Jia finally managed to take a look at her surroundings. Several doctors had been crammed into her room, all of them looking worriedly at her as if their lives were in her hands. Some of them even wiped away the sweat on their forehead with obvious anxiety.

"Ye Minzhe, why are there so many doctors here? Didn't we only have three family doctors in the estate? Where did the rest come from?"

"I had them get picked up by private helicopters to treat you. Are you feeling okay? Do you want to sleep again? Are you hungry? I've made some soup in the kitchen. Jia, do you want to eat it?"

A torrent of questions, as if a bottle of worries had been uncorked inside of him. Ye Minzhe clutched her hand, his fingers trembling slightly. To make sure that Song Jia wouldn't be able to feel his fragility, he covered it up by tightening his grip.

Maybe it was immature, but in front of her, Ye Minzhe only wanted to show his best side, his strongest side. He didn't want her to know how afraid he was that she wouldn't wake up.

Song Jia was surprised. "You know how to cook?"

Ye Minzhe lifted the corners of his mouth in a shadow of his former arrogant smile. "Of course."

Song Jia narrowed her eyes.


She lifted the hand that was holding hers. His slender hand was red, as if it had been scalded by hot water many times. There were also scratches from the shards that pierced his skin earlier, along with his bruised knuckles.

Ye Minzhe's hands were beautiful, with the long tapering fingers of a surgeon or a pianist. The bones under the skin were elegant, exquisite as if they were made of jade. Unfortunately, the owner didn't take good care of them and had been now reduced into this pitiful state.

"How on earth could you get this badly burned just from cooking soup?" Song Jia felt exasperated looking at his injuries.

"..." Ye Minzhe didn't answer her.

It was because he had cooked and recooked the soup again and again, only wanting to give her the best of the best. As it was his first time to cook, he had failed several times and threw many failed products into the trash can.

Finally, after the twentieth attempt, he had managed to cook something delicious for her.

"Don't mind this. Jia, what about you? Why didn't you tell me that you were sick?"

Despite not wanting to scold her, he couldn't help the accusing tone that was revealed in his voice. Ye Minzhe was really angry. She was already so sick, but she still dared to run in this cold weather, even daring to climb a tree!

Did she think she was an immortal, not afraid of courting death?!

Song Jia placed a hand on her forehead. "I suddenly feel dizzy, ah..."

Ye Minzhe's expression immediately changed, "Dizzy? Did your fever come back?"

He turned towards the doctors and shouted, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and treat her!"

Song Jia felt a twinge of guilt and grabbed his sleeve.

"No, it disappeared now. It's probably from hunger. How about you let me taste the soup that you cooked?"

Ye Minzhe pressed his palm on her forehead worriedly.

"Are you sure? If you still feel uncomfortable, you have to tell me immediately." He glared at her. "Try pretending that you're not sick again, and I'll break your legs!"

Song Jia frowned, looking at her legs.

"My legs hurt...I think I sprained my ankle from running earlier."

Ye Minzhe quickly glanced down.

"You sprained your ankle? I told you to stop running! Where does it hurt?"

He pressed his fingers on her skin, careful not to hurt her. His touch was feather light, as if she were made of the most delicate porcelain.

Song Jia looked at him. "Didn't you say you want to break my legs? Why don't you try and break them now?"

Ye Minzhe, "..."

Ye Jia, you vicious fox!

[1] Ch. onomatopoeia sound for metal clanging or porcelain clashing.


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