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Edited 04/12/2023


I sat on a chair beside my son's bed, he's four. He has his father's everything, splitting image I dear say. He came down with a terrible fever today and I had to call the doctor straight away. I've been calling his father for a while now and he's not picking up, he always picks up no matter how busy he is, so I'm a little worried. people in my situation should not be stressing.

Oh, dear me, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Monica Royale, I'm 25 years old, wife of the most handsome man in the world, to me he is, Prince Royale. Yup that's my husband's name typical isn't it. He's 27 years old, we fell in love when we were young, and marriage came along early. We have a lovely son as stated before his name is Zack Royale.

My baby stirred and opened his eyes Hey baby. I greeted with my brightest smile.

"Hi mommy." he smiled in return.

"How are you feeling?" I asked with concern.

"Better" he answered.

"Better?" I confirmed.

"Uhuh" he nodded.

"Are you hungry?" I questioned.

"Yes mommy."

"What would you like?"


I gasped dramatically "You want to eat daddy?" I teased.

"No, mommy you're silly." he giggled.

"You said it not me."

"I want cereal mommy."

"Ok baby let's go."

I lifted Zack in my arms and walked down to the kitchen. Once I got there, I sat him down on a chair and went to make some cereal for the both of us. When the cereal was ready, I gave Zack his bowl and sat down beside him. Before I started eating, I tried calling Prince once more, and his phone went straight to voicemail yet again.

"Baby, daddy is not answering his phone." I said, causing Zack to pout.

Halfway through our breakfast, Ruben came from wherever he was last night. Ruben is Princes' younger brother. He's 17. Prince has been taking care of Ruben since Prince was 17 because their parents died. As Ruben walked into the kitchen, Zack threw up on the floor. I quickly rushed to his side and rubbed his back in comfort.

"Oh my god, baby, are you ok?" I asked worriedly. Where is my husband, I need him.

"Is he sick?" I heard Ruben asked.

Without looking at him, I say, "Yes, he's sick, and I'm freaking out, and your stupid brother won't answer his phone, and where the hell were you last night?"

Ruben laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, Wow, that's a lot of and. He said.

I glared at him. I didn't know where Prince was, and I didn't come home last night because I was some...were.

Not having time to scowl him, I took Zack up, not caring that he has puke all over him. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom. I took off Zack's clothes and placed him in the bath. In situations like these, I don't do well, I hate seeing my baby in pain.

"It's gonna be alright baby, mommy's gonna take care of you." I comforted. After giving my son a warm bath, I dressed him and put him to bed.

When I knew that he was fully asleep, I went downstairs to finish scowling Ruben. Ruben sat in the kitchen eating cereal. He was so engrossed in eating that he didn't see when I entered. "So" I said, causing Ruben to choke on his cereal.

"God-damnit Nica," he said, still coughing.

"No swearing" I said pinching him, "Now tell me where you were last night?"

"I was at someone's house." He told.

The way he said that gives me the impression that it was a girl's house. "I see." I paused, then suddenly a thought hit me. "Were you two intimate, did use protection?" I interrogated.

"God Nica that's embarrassing."

"Well, were you?"

He shrugged "What the hell is that supposed to mean" I asked.

"I was wasted, I can't even remember half of last night" Ruben told.

I gasped "Ruben!"

"What? bro said I can go out and that I can do whatever I want."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should go sleeping around and not using protection. What if that girl gets pregnant. What will you do then?"

"Then I'll have her abort it."

The nerves of this boy. I feel like slapping some sense into him. Does he not know how precious a baby life is?

" Not under my watch you wouldn't." I said angrily. Before our conversation could go any further, Prince came barging in with three men behind him.

"Angel and Ruben go pack a bag quickly." Prince said. My mouth fell open "First of all keep it down my son is sleeping, and second of all where the hell have you been I was worried, our son is sick, and you didn't have time to pick up the phone. You come home and the first thing you say is for me to pack a bag."

"Angel listen to me, we need to leave now, you can scowl me later, ok?"

"Why are you in such a hurry for us to leave?" I asked.

"I'll tell you on the way. he said and started pulling me up the stairs. " Ruben go and pack a bag!" he shouted.

When we got upstairs, we went to our bedroom. I sat on the bed and watched as he pulled out a medium-sized, black suitcase and put it on the bed. He started grabbing random clothes and throwing them on the bed. I almost laughed but quickly composed myself, "Prince what are you doing?" I questioned.

"Help me, women know more about the necessary things to pack." he pleaded.

I rolled my eyes "Fine, but don't think that you're off the hook." I told him.

"I know Angel." he sighed.

I helped him pack our necessary clothes, deodorant and a few other things like our laptops. When I zipped up the bag, I went to Zack's room, he was still sleeping peacefully. I took out his little suitcase and pack some of his necessities too. Prince came in the room and smile when he saw Zack's sleeping figure. He sat on the bed and caress his son's cheek "Hey champ" he whispered.

"Papa?" Zack asked rubbing his eyes and turning on his back, "You're home." he grinned.

"Yes bud, daddy's home" Zack looked over to me and saw his suitcase in my hand "Are we going somewhere mommy?" He asked.

"Um..." I say not knowing how to answer.

"We are going on a vacation for a while." Prince told; Zack was happy, but I knew that there's nothing normal about this vacation that he talks about.

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