Chapter 7

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Two months had passed and Miranda was in love all over again. Brielle had adjusted well to Seattle, Ben had been more than helpful during Miranda's transition.

"Dad!" he heard from upstairs.

"Yes my child." he said back to her.

"I need tampons. Can you go to the store for me?" she asked from the upstairs bathroom.

"You need what?" he asked to make sure he wasn't hearing things.

"Tampons, hurry before there's a murder scene up here." she said just to mess with him. She knew his mind was going 50mph on why she needed tampons instead of pads.

"Tampons?" he whispered shocked. None the less he went to the local store to grab them. Walking into the aisle he was instantly confused.

"There are name-brand tampons? Don't they all do the same thing?" he said to himself. Deciding to end his misery he texted Miranda for help.

"I'm getting used to this dad thing but this is too much for my brain to handle." He pressed send and strolled through the other aisles waiting for his saving grace.

"I'm guessing you need my help with something." he read from Miranda

"Brielle and Tampons. It doesn't make sense in my mind. I was sent to the store and there are millions of packages. I thought she would use the diaper things first... Aren't tampons for sexually active adults?🤔 My daughter is 15 and I'm buying her tampons." he sent back

"You are a seasoned doctor and you don't know how menstrual cycles work? 😒Tampons are more discrete than pads. They aren't called little diaper things.🙄Buy the regular-sized, they come in a blue box. Also, grab some Advil for her cramps. You're a girl dad Benjamin. You have to learn about these things." Miranda sent back.

Taking her advice he got what he thought would be necessary for the occasion. Making it home, Brielle was on the couch in sweats watching Jane The Virgin on Netflix.

"You watch this show a lot." Ben said handing her the bag full of items and snacks.

"You did well for your very good first-period store run. Extra points for the snacks and Advil." Brielle said looking inside the bag.

"I'm able to perform well under pressure. What can I say?" He responded walking into the kitchen.

"You Can say you had help from Mom, you cheater." His daughter chuckled

"She texted me saying I dropped you in the deep end and didn't know if you could swim with the store run. I told I had faith in you." She laughed

"I had to doggy paddle initially then your mom gave me floaties with her help. Is she still coming for dinner tonight?" He asked

"She said she'd be here after her meeting." He got as a response

This had been their routine for the last few months. Brielle would spend Ben's off days with him at his house and Miranda would come for dinner. She returned the favor when she was off. Just having a chance to spend time with family was enough for them. Ben pushed Miranda to just break her lease and move in but she claimed she didn't think they were ready for that.

"So since you're in Seattle permanently, I think you should meet some of your Warren Family. I have a sister, you have a grandma, and a few close friends who'd you would love. Just give you more faces to see every day than the one you already know." He proposed to his child. He was hesitant about introducing her to everyone because he knew they'd have questions even though he wasn't ashamed he just felt it wasn't their business.

"More people? Like one that is related to me?" She asked peering over to where he stood.

"Yes. Your mom knows most of them but you know nothing about your family. Hell, you just met me less than three months ago." He said coming to sit in front of her

"You don't have to but I want you to. Most of them are nice people but I want you to meet my mom and your aunt Ros if you meet anybody." He said

"I'd like to meet them soon but I like just having you and mom. You guys are enough. If you guys would finally get together to stop acting like y'all aren't in love. I'd love you both even more." Brielle said side-eyeing her father.

"Wow, you're just gonna put it out there? That's cold bri. How about you let me and your mother figure out our relationship and you figure out your relationship with your family?" Ben said steering the conversation as the front door opened.

"I made it. I told you I'd be on time Brielle." Miranda said putting her coat and shoes away.

"Mom, dad is telling me I should meet my aunt and grandmother since we're staying in Seattle." Brielle said from the couch

"I told him that he should worry about his relationship with somebody who shall remain nameless." Brielle continued

"Brielle you know you've never been good at minding your business but I think that's good advice for your father." Miranda said kissing her daughters cheek

She walked past Ben with a smirk and went to his bedroom to change into some clothes she had in his drawers. Ben followed her and stood in the doorway.

"Why is that good advice for Me? Is there something I should know?" Ben said watching her undress.

"Seattle is full of worthy gentleman suitors. I'm not going to wait forever. Even today I turned down a date with Dr.Sam Bennet at the hospital. Here I am turning down people and the person I'm doing it for won't give me a reason." She said taking off her bra and putting on her t-shirt.

"I'd have a response but I'm very distracted by my view." Ben said licking his lips in satisfaction.

"I'm sure you like what you see. If you want to continue seeing it, I need to hear a game plan. I'm getting old Ben. I want to get married again maybe have another baby. I want to love again with you especially but I won't wait for you to realize who's in front of you. If I'm the love of your life like you say I am, then show me." She said walking up to him.

"Show you... I think I can do that." He said pulling her body to his and planted his lips onto hers.

"Lock that door and let's make up for 15 years of lost time." He said

"And for the record, I was waiting on you baby. Now let's do some baby-making." He said as he pushed her onto his bed and got on top of her.

"I missed you stupid." Miranda said before a moan took over.

It was about to be a long night.

Chapter 8 tonight or tomorrow? Let me know.....

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