Chapter 1

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Waking up at the sound of her alarm, Brielle groaned. She knew she had to catch her flight to Seattle for her grandparent's anniversary. Hearing the slippers sliding across the hallway floor she knew her mom was up. A creak of the wooden door and small frame in the doorway displayed her mother.
"Bri, get up and start getting ready to go. Our flight leaves in 2 hours and I want to be there on time." Her mom said.
Peeling back her covers and letting her feet hit the carpet, she got herself ready to go, sooner than later they were on the plane ready to take off.
"Mom, how do you feel about going home again after so long?" Brielle probed. Sighing her mother replied "I just hope everything goes well for the party, that's all I'm worried about. I left everything else alone when I moved to San Francisco, my parent's anniversary is all that matters this weekend." Taking a look at her watch and getting comfortable in her seat, she relaxed in all honesty she was nervous. So much had changed for her over the years and she just wasn't sure if the place she left all those years ago was still home. Time slowly moved on and the plane landed in Seattle. Making sure they had everything Miranda guided her and her daughter to the exit gate to wait for their ride. Seeing one of her best friends during her lifetime, she felt nostalgic, once again she felt the good times. Her reminiscing was short-lived as her high school best friend Calliope rushed her and Brielle in a hug.

"Oh my goodness. Bri Bri you're so much bigger than the last time I saw you. You look so grown up." Callie greeted her goddaughter.

"Hi, I missed you." Brielle spoke into her embrace. Miranda stood back and watched their reunion in great joy. Sometimes she wished she hadn't moved so far away but she knew it was for the best overall.

"Miranda, I missed you too. My best friend is back home." Callie said as she started putting bags in the trunk.

"Only for a few days but Yes I am back. How's everything been? I know they fill me in over the phone but still? What's new..." Miranda inquired as she got into the front seat of Callie's car.

After going on and on for an entire car ride, Callie had finally arrived at their destination. Miranda's childhood home and venue for the upcoming celebration. Walking up the pebbled driveway with bags in hand, she exhaled. She felt like something was gonna get in the way of her peaceful weekend, she just didn't know what. The door swung open to Elena and Willian Bailey, with smiles and open arms they engulfed their granddaughter and daughter with adoration. Saying their hello's and catching up they all made their way inside.

"Oh Mandy, I'm glad you could make it this year. You haven't been home in almost 10 years. This child was knee-high to a grasshopper the last time she was here, I'd know because I still got measurement marks on my door frame." Elena fussed.

"Leave the girl alone and just be glad she's back, with our favorite granddaughter," William exclaimed

Looking around, she took everything in. A lot had changed but she still knew it was her home. Taking in the renovations and faint changes her parents had made, she was shaken out of her thoughts by a statement.

"You guys can go put your things away and I'll get started on a nice dinner for all of us to eat together. " Elena said

Truly, Miranda was happy to be back home but she just wanted things to go smooth for once in her life. The move she made years ago was starting to weigh in on her, just thinking about what she missed and what her daughter didn't have growing up left an ache in her heart. Miranda's family was great, the love was unmatched...until it wasn't and all of a sudden things just went sour.

16 years ago...

Walking into her room, Miranda slumped down onto her bed. Staring at the ceiling with her mind running rampant. So many thoughts clouded her mind.

"What the hell am I gonna do?" She whispered to herself as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. Almost at her finish line and here she was pregnant. She was always a good girl and never did any of the things her friends did. She was always careful. She hadn't even had sex until that one night. That one night everything just felt so right and she felt ready. Her best friend and longtime neighbor Ben was her date. She had never felt any romantic feelings towards him or felt any sexual attraction with him until she was able to truly see him for the very first time. She saw his soul, seeing him express himself from an emotional place, she felt a connection because she had felt all those same things. It wasn't until he went in for a hug of gratitude, his lips grazed her cheek. From that simple touch, she felt a fire ignite within her. Ben never thought she'd go there with him, he knew how special her virginity was to her. He didn't want to disrespect her or her values.

"Miranda are you sure?" He asked placing his hands on her forearms trying to halt the sensual energy.

Was she sure? She had no idea if this was what she wanted to do. She wanted to wait until she could just find somebody she could trust, somebody who loved her unconditionally and somebody who was there was for her when she needed them. She found all of those things in Ben. Shaking off the negative thoughts she just took a risk.

"Let's go back to your place. I know your Mom is working the night shift." She said as she ran her hands up his arms. It wasn't until now that she had realized just how in shape Benjamin truly was. He had always been handsome to her but at the moment he was sexy. He looked good enough to make her into a woman and later that night he did just that.

*Present Day

Even after all these years, Ben had never met Brielle. After Miranda found out she took the scholarship to UC Berkeley and just tried to move on with her life as best as she could being a young single mother in Med school. With time things got easier to manage, better to handle, and became a piece of cake to Miranda. She made something of herself, finished Med school, and completed the years of training and trails to become a general surgeon attending at one of California's top hospitals. Those achievements that she had let her know that nothing came easy and she felt like this weekend would be just like old times. Who knows things do get better With Time.

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