CH21: We could be Friends?

Start from the beginning

The Devil gave it a thought about going to talk to Mystic. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing just showing everyone that they can be friends? He was worried about his pride and dignity but with her it wouldn't be so bad, right? The Devil walked out of his office, seeing Mystic walking backstage after conversing with the many guests and patrons. He slithered his way through the crowd, heading to the backstage. He hid behind a curtain, peeking at her.

"Maybe The Devil wouldn't mind me making some good food later. It would be a wonderful celebration. I can't believe that he smiled. He needed it. Maybe that's what he always needed. Something... Positive even if it's not his nature for it," Mystic said, wiping all of her makeup off.

The Devil heard all of that. Maybe she was right, maybe not. It felt too awkward now to come clean to her about his emotions. Again, he needed to take it slow. He watched her make her leave. She headed out the doors of the casino to go back to his kingdom.

"A midnight dinner chat, eh? I could go for that," he vanished.

Mystic was baking some pies and cookies without her magic this time. She had the cooking book right by her and took a few quick tips from Henchman. The moment that she took the tray of cookies out, a shadow loomed over her. Her instincts made her look up.

"Devil? I was going to actually ask you if you wanted to-"

"Eat with you? Ha! Yes! Of course!" The Devil cut her sentence off, taking the hot chocolate chip cookie from the tray.

"Goodness, you are eager to eat my treats. I will set these down right away." Mystic went to set the tray down. "This is our dessert for... Well, it's for you. You know, I like making stuff like this." Mystic blushed about feeding The Devil as much as he wanted. But she also blushed by the fact that she was about to admit that the whole dessert that she made for him was because of the show. It was his smile that made her do this.

"I can see? My dear, you're turning into a cherry again. Why is that?" The Devil took another cookie.

"Um, well, oh, I don't know... I want to say..." She didn't know how to explain or say her words right. Things were going surprisingly well, she didn't want to screw up.

"Go on, say it. Mystic, no one's here to eavesdrop on us. Just- wait a second," The Devil's finger lifted up. He was checking for anyone who could be hearing them talk. So far, no one. He went to sit back down. "Sorry about that. Anyways, please continue what you were about to say?"

Mystic was confused but then answered. "I want to say... Thanks. Thanks for everything. Devil, Sir? Can I be honest?"

"No. I'm just yanking your chain, yes."

"Ehehe, well, I made you this delicious food before us tonight because I wanted to celebrate. Since you gave a smile and were very generous to let everyone have a good time more than before, I wanted to bake something special. I hope you don't think it's silly but if it is, sorry."

The Devil paused by this. His tail was wagging a little fast though it was a hidden excitement in him. She was doing all these nice things for him. He didn't need to like her for it but again, his conflicted feelings about her were stirring. He felt that he should just say what he wanted to say.

"Mystic, there was really no need- it was so kind of you out of your own free will. You would give time and such wonderful work to an evil creature of hell like me? All this time I've been trying to break you but you just kept going. You are strong, hard-working, and sassy. I actually adore that. Mystic, I actually feel like... "

Mystic went to sit down by The Devil. She could see that his expression looked so unsure of things in his mind. She held his paws. "Yes?"

He looked up at her. "I feel like that we could be... Be... Errgh," he coughed in his fist, trying to spit out the last word.

"Could be what?" Mystic tilted her head.

"EEAGH! FRIENDS!" He hid his mouth with his other free hand.

"You want to be friends with me?" Mystic blush grew brighter. She hid her face with her other hand. "Golly! I d-don't mind that at all. I never expected this from you, Devil, Sir."

"Look, I uh, I just think it would be different for this whole hellish world of mine that I could make one friend. I never cared to make any. I usually just abuse my workers and humiliate Dice."

"After all the things you put me through... I still want to give this a shot. My arms are wide open," Mystic spreaded her arms.

The Devil leaned back against his chair. "A hug? Is this what friends do?"

"Of course, silly. I think? I never made one friend before unless it was Louie but you know-"

"Right, I sent him back to the surface world. Very well, Mystic. I will do this 'hug' for you." The Devil was awkward about this since he was new. He wanted to get this out of the way. He took her in a bigger hug, making her squeak in embrace.

"Oof! D-Devil? A bit too tight!" Mystic was struggling.

"Oh , ehehe, sorry. Just give me time to adjust to this thing we have here. Soooo," he lets go of her, tapping his foot nervously. "What do friends do together?"

"I don't know to be honest but from what me and Louie did, we went out, explored places, laughed, and just enjoyed the view of our surroundings."

The Devil tapped his chin. "I could do that. It sounds tame though, my laughter comes out from my sadistic pleasures of people's misery."

"We can steer out of that thing you enjoy and maybe we could find something positive to laugh at together. Could we try?" She gave a pleading smile.

The Devil sighed, "I suppose we can. Starting tomorrow, let's try... What you want to do. I will follow."

Mystic's smile grew, standing up out of her seat, and suddenly gave The Devil a kiss on the nose. "Thanks a ton! I will go clean up and head to bed. I am so excited to bond together!" She left the kitchen fast. She was heading to bed as fast as she could.

"Oh by the amount of money I own, I am going to possibly suffer whatever she has in store for us both!" The Devil shudders.

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