17 | Portraits of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Oh, okay."

I didn't know what else to say. Nothing new could phase me now after all I'd seen and experienced. It was just something else to learn, and with Phelan beside me, I knew I'd be fine.

As we continued along the narrowing road, I realised that despite my time here, I still hadn't gotten used to the beauty and tranquility of the place. So many roads and paths, all weaving through the forest; there was still so much to explore and understand.

And then we pulled up to a still.

My feet crunched against the dried leaves that scattered across the dirt drive way. The cottage was well hidden, it was clear that Magdalene could only be found by those who knew her.

Hopping out of the car, Phelan grabbed my hand reassuringly, before leading me to the front door. Dried sage hung from the porch beams, a dried floral wreath centered on the forest green door, and wind chimes swayed loosely outside the open barn style window... it was whimsical. I studied it intensely as Phelan knocked on the brass handle.

The door groaned as it opened of its own accord. It hadn't been locked properly, as if Magdalene had expected our arrival.

I guess that's no surprise, I thought.

Upon entering the cottage, I was immediately drawn to the frail old woman who was sitting in a corner chair looking out a window to the back of her home.

I couldn't see much. Long greyed hair in a loose plait over her shoulder. Her left hand, resting gently over the arm of the chair, and what I could see of her clothing; a maroon long sleeve and floor length skirt.

Around her were paintings. Some on easels scattered around the room, some on shelves, on the desk, on the floor. Portraits of people, of landscapes, of the Moon.

I couldn't hide my gasp when my eyes fell upon her painting of me. Letting go of Phelan's hand, I walked closer to inspect it. The likeness was more like a photograph than a painting. The only difference being my eyes, not the blue that they were, but a shimmering ember.

Like that of a wolf.

I was mesmerised before her voice pulled me from my focus.


No one had ever called me by my full name.

I turned, tentatively taking a step further towards her.

"Magdalene. Thank you for seeing Phelan and I, I hope we haven't come at a bad time."

Oh Christ, I thought. Could I have said anything more cringeworthy? A bad time? She could barely walk by the looks of things, I doubted we were interrupting her physiotherapy exercises or afternoon at the local Bingo hall...

Her chuckle at my response indicated that she thought the same.

"I have all the time in the world..." she trailed.

I turned to Phelan, gesturing with my hands for him to say something, anything to diffuse the awkwardness but he simply nodded his head for me to go further.

Thanks, I thought.

The old woman turned her head to look at me, locking eyes as we surveyed each other.

I gulped.

I didn't expect to feel intimidated by a frail, old woman, but here I was.

"You look like your mother, Luna Edith. I can't quite believe I am seeing you in person for the first time."

I smiled awkwardly, hoping my eyes held the sincerity that I meant.

"No, my name is just Edith Cohen there are no other names, but you are welcome to call me Edie."

I watched as Magdalene locked eyes with Phelan. A crooked smile painting it's way across her face before she chuckled, as if she were bemused by something she couldn't share.

"I see," she muttered as she looked back and forth between us.

Taking that as his invitation, Phelan spoke up.

"Magdalene. I have not asked anything of you for years but I am asking you now... have you had any visions? Anything at all?"

She stood slowly from her chair. Her crooked frame struggling to stand to her full height before she slowly shuffled forward.

Stopping just before me, she reached outward to touch my cheek before stopping momentarily and turning away.

"I have spoken with the Moon. I have heard from the Moon. But never have I been so close as to touch her..."

My brows furrowed as I digested the statement that I didn't quite understand.

Looking to Phelan for guidance, I sent a silent plea to help me understand.

As he ran his fingers through his hair, his words came out thoughtful and controlled. "Magdalene means that you embody the Moon Goddess. Our gift, my gift, from the Moon. You are our Luna. It means you are the closest living being to our divine. You, Edie are destined to lead this pack as an equal with me; together."

I felt like my head was spinning before I turned to Magdalene's voice. "Her wolf stirs within Alpha. But she is also human. The way the cards fall will depend on you. If you try to claim what is yours before she is ready, you will lose. Her wolf is watching closely and so is the Moon."

I had to interject. "But how will I know if I'm ready?" 

Instead of answering my question, Magdalene turned and walked away, before flipping through portraits that were leaning against her coffee table. 

After finding the one she was searching for, she walked back towards me as she held it across her chest. Flipping it over before me, Magdalene revealed a painting of a woman whose beauty far surpassed what I'd ever thought possible.

I couldn't tear my eyes from it, instantly recognising who it was despite never seeing her before.

"I painted this to give to you... I think you know who she is..."

A tear rolled down my cheek as Magdalene placed the portrait in my hands.

I was speechless.

"And to answer your question Luna Edith Cohen, you will know you are ready... when you don't have to ask if you are."

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