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Eden stood there staring at her brother on life support with tubes coming out of him, this wasnt the way she wanted to remember him, she wanted to remember the smiley, very over protective and inappropriately flirting brother.

"After i stopped his medication im going to extubate him." Webber softly told them what was about to happen so they can prepare themselves, he started to turn off all of Marks machines.

Eden couldn't focus on what Webber was saying or doing, her Brian was replaying all of the memories she had of Mark, all times he ran round their house in a sparkly tiarra or fairy wings, the times that he took Eden to the newest princess film, the times thay they built a blanket fort in her room and spent the night in, the time he taught her how to ride a bike, the time he took her ice skating, the time they camped out in the shephards back garden, the time after the shooting he wouldnt allow Eden to leave his house till he knew for certain she was okay, the time he came round to Merediths once a week claming to see Derek when he was really checking in on Eden.

Webbers hand wrapped round the vent and started to pull it out gently, Eden decided that she couldnt watch this she couldnt watch her brother die she had said her goodbye they had their moment he knew she was there he knew everything. Eden couldnt do it.

"Im im sorry i can't do this" Eden announced as she sped out the room not giving Derek a chance to pull her back or Callie give her the sad im losing my best friend father of my child eyes.

Doctors from all over the hospital that knew Mark were sitting outside his room hoping for some form of miracle they saw Eden turn and run out stopping in front of them like a dear in headlights, they all jumped to their feet with hopefully faces but they knew this wasnt good as Edens face started to crumble and the tears started to roll.

Jackson stepped forward wanting to comfort or even reasure Eden he knew thats what Mark would ask him to do and so would his mum, Eden didnt say anything to him she just pulled her arm out of his way furiously shaking her head as she ran down the hall disappearing.
Jackson knew the one person she needed right now.

Rory wanted to be there for Eden at 5 oclock sitting outisde Marks room with the rest of the surgeons but he got pulled into an emergency surgery he was meant to be out on time but complications arised, he was now out and on his way to the ICU.
The quickest way to the ICU was to walk through the nursery thats where he saw her with her hands on the window looking at the fresh new babys with a smile coming and going on her lips.
Rory knew she wasnt right, he could see her hands shaking agaisnt the glass and her thumb rubbing against each finger.

"Hey" Rory softly spoke standing next to her but she didnt even acknowledg his presence.
"Oh look twins" Rory smiled as two babies were just bought in and placed in a cot.

"Hes gone" was all the Eden said to Rory as her body gravitated to his side taking her weight.
"I need to talk tobhunt" Eden announced pushing her body off the glass but arory gently wrapped his fingers around her waist she stopped to finish her train of thought "todays my last day"

"Eden, we told him last week remember that today would be our last day, he suggested yesterday but you were determinded to stay busy today, he did say if we wanted to extend it we could" Rory gave her more details hoping to jog her memory a little more.
"Oh yes of course but shouldnt we tell him we arent taking the extension?" Eden asked not wanting to do the wrong thing and just wanting to leave seattle behind not constantly worrying that she left unfinished.

"What would you feel more comfortable doing going to hunt or just leaving" Rory asked softly.
"Tell hunt, i just want to leave seattle and start a fresh in North carolina" Eden explained a little further, Rory let go of her waist as Eden walked towards the chiefs office.

Before knocking on the chiefs door she took a deep breath and looked behind her she thought she heard something and she was right smiling behind her supportively was Rory.

"Come in" Hunt answered the knock.

Before Eden could start to speak the words forming in her head Hunt turned around to see who came in, when his eyes landed on Eden he walked round his desk trying to give her some form of support.

"Doctor Abbott, im sorry to hear about your brother, Mark will defiantly be missed" hunt gave his condolences, Eden hadnt stuck around to hear webber say 'time of death' she just asummed that Mark was gone but with Hunts condolnces she knew that was in fact true, her need to get out of seattle intesifued
" what can I do for you" Hunt asked watching the young girl who looked slightly distracted.
"Today was my last day. Umm... thank you every thing hunt, all the time you have given me has been apreciated" Eden told him.

"Okay Doctor Abbott, well Eden. I wish you all the best at Wake Forrest. You will be missed though"

"Thank you"
"Eden, i need to know have you topd Derek?"

Eden then remembered she hadnt told him to be honest she hadnt spoken to him for the last couple of weeks.
"No no i havent" Eden sighed, knowing she had to find the time now to tell him.

"Thats fine, i can tell him when i tell all the attendings" Hunt suggested as a weight was lifted from Edens shoulders.
"Thank you" Eden smiled  walking away but then she stopped remembering something she heard earlier "Owen, Derek doesnt blame you for the crash, it makes it easier for him to have someone to blame, hes the reason that his wife was on that plane, hes the reason Cristina was on the plane its easier to blame you than himself"

"Hmm well he makes it perfectly clear that he does blame me do you?"
"Blame you" Owen nodded "not you, the one person i blamed for weeks, the person i know blamed himself is dead. I shouldnt have been on that plane, i shouldnt have been going to Boise but mark wanted to show me all seattle had to offer. I cant blame him hes dead. Derek will get over it just give him time and space"

"What about Torres?" Owen suggetsed.
"What about her?"
"Do you blame her, i have seen how you have been with everyone the last couple of weeks but worse with Torres" Owen clarified.
"Thats different" Eden shoved off.

"Callie kept it from me that my brother was awake, that i could spent my last day with him awake, talk to him but instead she went ahead for the surgery told me afterwards and i watched him code, i watched him give up on living to be with Lexie and i felt like i was a child again watching my mum. My last memory is off him coding."

"Mark knew that the surgery would save your foot save your quality of life so he made the decision to not see you so the surgery went ahead. Not torres give her a chance"
"I sort of  have to she is the mother of my neice" Eden smirked as she walked out of the office not wanting this conversation.

"Home?" Rory questioned
"Home" Eden replied smiling.

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