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"Doctor Bailey?" Eden called
"Eden what are you doing here"
"My job" Eden said pretty matter of fact.
"But yesterday" Bailey was then cut of Eden knew what she was about to say and she had already heard it all day.
"Im fine, the chief said I can work but to get moved to a different service" Eden told her.

"Okay, as long as you fine to work umm you can be on" bailey then saw Arizona Robbins walk pass, head of peds "Doctor Robbins do you have an intern on your service today?"
"Well you do know, you have Eden" Bailey said pushing Eden towards her.

"Yay follow me" Arizona cheered as they walked into the elevator.
"I have been looking forward to the day your on my service" Arizona cheered again
"You have why?" Eden asked intrigued
"Derek talks about how amazing you are constantly and so does mark but thats a big brother thing so wanted to see it for myself. No pressure" Arizona continued as she stepped out of the elevator on to the peds ward.
"Today you will be working alongside Doctor Matthews if thats okay?" Arizona asked
"Umm yeah sure" Eden accepted.

"Doctor Matthews" Arizona called as Rory turned around surprised to see Eden.
"DoctornRobbins, Doctor Abbott" he welcomed them.
"Doctor Abbott will be assiting you on the Tay-Sachs case" Arizona informed him.
"As long as the two of you feel you can be professional" Arizona firmly told them as she walked infront of them into the room of their patient.

Eden turned around to look at Rory confused on Arizonas comment.
"She knows"

"Morning Kayla" Arizona and Rory smiled as they walked into a patient room, Eden then walked in to find a young girl laying on the bed she looked paper thin she didnt even turn at their entrance she smiled smally, Edens heart broke as she could see the pain she was in but she didnt know alot about Tay-Sachs.

"This is Doctor Abbott she will be assisting Doctor Matthews today" Arizona introduced her as Eden was handed a patient file.
"Doctor Matthews present"

"Kayla Simms, 6 years old, Tay-Sachs which is a genetic disease that is nerve demage in the brain and spinal cord." Doctor Matthews filled in all the doctors in the the room.
"We were going to Mexico for treatment when she had a siezure in the airport then struggled breathing so now we are here" Kaylas Dad explained to them.
"Well we are going to look after that" Arizona smiled as she walked out being followed closely by Rory and Eden.

"Doctor Matthews this is your case, i know you have many patients so Doctor Abbott you will focus on this one. Do you think you can? This is an end of life case" Arizona asked softly not wanting to use the excuse of the girl losing her mum but Kayla deserved the best.
"Yes yes I can do it but why me"
"You are the first doctor or nurse that has come into her room that she has acknowledged and smiled at" Arizona told her.
"Doctor Matthews check in every 30 minutes for tests okay? If you need me come and find me" Arizona instructed as she smiled walking away.

Eden walked back into the young girls room who smiled again as she wlaked in.
"You look like Anna" Kayla smiled, Eden was going to question it she then rememebered that she dutched plait her dark brown hair this morning so she probably does look a little like Anna from frozen.

"And you look like Elsa, with your pretty blonde hair. Now have you seen Olaf, he followed me to work today and now I cant seem to find him" Eden said as she knelt down to the side of the girls bed as the little girls face lit up at the mention of Olaf.

"You know what we can sing to help us find Olaf?" Eden asked
"Do you want to build a snowman" Eden started to sung as the small smile on the little girls face grew wider in excitement as she started to join in as much as she could catching her breath when she needed to.

Rory watched Eden in adoration, Eden had got Kayla sitting up no one had managed that not even her own dad, Eden had got a smile no one else managed that, Eden got her talking singing laughing something no one else had.
If anyone walked into this room right now they wouldnt know what had happened to Eden's world yesterday she just seemed normal. He was in adoration of her, she was made for peds.

"Are you serious Robbins?" Was heard shouted through the peds wards, Eden had just finished singing Do you want to build a snowman for the 3rd time, perfect timing as the nurses came into take Kayla for her next test once Kayla had been wheeled out humming the frozen song Eden went out into the hall way to find the source of the shouting which she already knew. Mark.

There he was standing in the hall way outside of Kaylas room shouting at Robbins.

"You put her on an end of life case after her own mum died you thought that was a good move Robbins" Mark shouted.
"I gave her one case to focus on and that little girl responds to Eden better than anyone else mark they have been in that room singing frozen songs i have never heard that girl talk let alone sing. She is made for this case, for peds" Arizona firmly but quietly spoke.

"What are you going to do when that girlbdies the day after our mum did" Mark shouted again.
"Shes stronger than you think" Arizona softly said
"She will break" Mark firmly and fearfully spoke.

Eden had enough of this of everyone worrying, Eden was going to break and mark suffocating her waiting for her to crack, so she walked up to mark who hadnt seen her and pushed him imto an open patient room.

"What the" mark exclaimed in confusion. Then he saw Eden standing infront of him. "Eden" said in the slight tone of surprise.

"Mark, why you up here?" Eden asked him with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Arizona paged me"
"Your not working today" Eden smally smiled teasing him.
"No but Arizona saw me and asked me for a quick consult"
"Sure" Eden sighed as she turned to walk away.
"Wait fine i came to check on you"
"Im fine" Eden smiled sweetly he just shock his head he knew there was no point in pushing her then he would never find out.
"Eden, i dont know if your telling me that so I leave you alone or because you truly are fine. I don't know you wont talk to me" Mark firmly told her.

Eden didnt want an arguement over this, she couldnt truly tell him that she didnt feel anything she didnt know how he would take it.
"Im fine" she smiled again.
"Okay, well i will be with the shephards if you need me" Mark told her defeatedly as he turned to leave then Eden walked back into Kaylas room to find that she was asleep.

When Kayla woke up she turned over to see Eden sitting in the chair next to her bed the young girl smiled at Eden excited for more Frozen songs.
"Hey sleepy head" Eden smiled
"Wheres my daddy?" The little girl said starting to cry.
"Hey, its okay, you know when i was little and scared my big brother would rock me in his arms" Eden told Kayla as she scooped the young girl up and sat in the rocking chair, Kaylas body relaxed into Edens.
Not long later Kayla had fallen peacefully asleep, Eden tried to move her away from her onto the bed but Kayla held onto her scrub top pulling her onto the bed, Eden laid next to her craddling her in her arms.

"Mr simms, Shes been asking for you" Eden whispered.
"No, I have called my friend whose organising the money for Kayla and we might be able to go to Mexico tonight i just need to call the air line" Mr Simms said pacing
"Mr Simms we have run out of time" Eden whispered sympatheticly
"No" Mr simms shouted as kayla turned her head to look at her daddy.

"Hey sweetie guess what we are going on our mexico trip early" Mr simms told Kayla excited
"Daddy i am to tired, can we go tomorrow" the small girl asked.

Eden slowly slid of the bed as mr simms took her place, Kaylas breath started to get laboured as Mr simms was telling her all about Mexico then the dull tone of the vitals machine rang, Eden turned the mechine of giving him time with his daughter so she too walked out of the room giving him space.

Eden lent against the wall sighing closing her eyes, she had spent most of the day with that little girl. She was so sweet but she had just lost a second person  in the space of two days.

"You okay?" Rory asked a she walked up to Eden who had her head in her hands now but before she could answer both of their pages blurted they were needed in the ER.

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