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"Eden what are you thinking?" Derek shouted bursting into Edens room to find her sitting in the middle of her bed eating pizza waiting for Rory to come back.

"About how yummy this pizza is" Eden told him matter of fact like it wasnt obvious what she was doing.

"No no not what i meant" derek quickly back tracked but the anger was still evident in his words.
"What did you mean?"

"Hunt told me" was all Eden needed to hear, knowing what he meant.

"I was going to tell you" Eden quickly defended.
"Your going to wake forest"
"Yes I am"

"Your brother died 2 hours ago"
"Dont you think i know that" eden shouted
"But your moving across country. Leaving your family"

"Im leaving because my brother died" Eden shouted her words getting firmer.
"This place everything reminds me off him."
"Thats not a reason to leave"

"Oh but it is. When i first walk in i see the nurses station, where mark would be hitting on a nurse, if he was succesful then he would sneak of to the nearest on call room if he was rejected he would join me and say plenty of fish in the sea. Every time i started a shift he was there"
"He was waiting for you" derek told her.
"I know. In the residents lounge theres Avery Marks protégé. Who talks like mark, he has the same air about him. Then theres you your marks best friend, most of my life the two you were a package deal if i needed a brother i got the two of you, i have so many memories of the two of you together, the things you did for me together even when mark left my life you still spoke about him you would give me your advice then say what you thought mark would say you were still a pair. Theres Callie she can't stand near me with out not talking about Mark how she sees him in me and how she hopes Sofia has those traits too. This place has to many reminders of mark and OR1 the first OR me and Mark ever did a surgery in together which was with you and was Marks favourite OR which i never really understood. I cant stay here every day seeing something that reminds me of my brother so im leaving." Eden said as her words started calming down a little.

"Avery wasnt his protégé, you were" Derek softly told her laying his back agaisnt the bed next to her.
"He taught him everything, when mark benched me Avery got all the surgeries" Eden defended
"Mark, was trying to catch him up to your talent, Eden you got marks talent for plastics, he knew you would be a plastic surgeon even though you thought it so damn hard but he knew you he also knew you wouldnt stay here because your meant for greatness. He knew that you wouldnt stay here for your fellowship year but he wanted you to prove him wrong thats why he was so upset, that we werent even in the running"

"You were in the running but not for medical or job reasons but for Mark i didnt want to leave him again i didnt want to leave this time, Rory got offered his dream job to run the pediatric emergency room and they offered me the plastics research fellowship which was what i wanted so much. I had to look at it job wise, i knew he would probably call me every single day and when ever either of us had a day off he would be in north carolina with Sofia or me here. I chose wake forrest because they didnt want me for my surename or for Mark they wanted me for me, everywhere else always asked about my dad or mark, if they thought they would come and speak or work with them for a day. I knew mark would rather i went some where that wanted me for me" Eden explained.

"He spoke to them" Derek told her, Eden pushed her self of the bed leaning over Derek, with confusion shock suprise all mixed into one facial expression.
"He what"
"When he found out thats where you were considering going he rang them to tell them what an amazing surgeon they were getting, all of your skills and what an asset you will be to their department he was on the phone over 2 hours. Mark was so proud of you. He wanted you to succeed in live" derek told Eden.
"He was one of a kind. My brother one of a kind"
"Can agree with you there" derek laughed.

"Eden you need to forgive Callie Torres she was just trying to help" derek said dead pan

"Derek she didnt tell me that my brother was awake so you all got to spend extra time with him and the last time i saw him he was crashing and went back into his coma. Hows that helping" Eden.

"She was doing what Mark wanted" eden shot bim a questioning look.

"Callie got the page to his room when you were in pre op, Mark asked to see you, he had been asking for you since he woke up, Callie told him about the surgery about your foot he told Callie not to tell you to do the surgery then bring you up after, he knew that if she told you, you would jump of the OR table running to his side. He wanted you better, he didnt want you to have lasting memories of the crash every time you put your shoes on the whole time i was with him all he did was talk about you"

"I just wish i probably got to say goodbye" Eden sighed as her head fell onto Dereks shoulder. "I spent 20 years without him in my life, without him being super over protective, flirting with everyone that could walk i didn't know how much i missed all of that till he was back in my life now hes gone again and I have to get use to not seeing that everyday" Eden explained.

"Your not alone, i will be a call away and you will have Rory with you. We will get you through this" Derek firmly smiled wrapping his arm around her bringing her closer to him.

Derek then leaned over and stole a slice of pizza quickly eating it.
"Hey that was mine" Eden moaned trying to the slice back.

Thought I would give you a heads up the next chapter may need tissues as i cried writting it, also it is the last chapter of this story.
I have loved writting this book so much, Mark is one of my favourite characters so it was fun writting a book about him not falling in love as such but being the mark we all love.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Hope you enjoy the last chapter and you dont cry to much.

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