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Eden walked into  the hospital side by side with Rory, he hadnt left her side since she called him late last night to tell him about her mum, they spent most of the night talking and laughing, he was the distracrion she needed.

Eden stopped just outisde of the hospital this time yesterday she was just about to meet her mum after 20 years of not seeing her, she just froze their reunion running through her head and now her mum was gone.

Rory noticed that she had stopped and he laced his fingers around hers squeezing her hand reasurring her all was going to be okay, Eden looked up at him to see the smile full of love smiling at her and she very quickly caught the smile as she was pulled close to  Rory and she allowed him to do so walking together with no space inbetween them smiling newly in love.

The pair could her argueing which spiked their interest, Eden heard Mark and Dereks voice and she knew this couldnt be good just as she was about to unlace her fingers from Rorys she saw the source of the arguing.

"Mama?" Eden questioned seeing her mama and two of the older shephards at the nurses station having a stand off with Derek and mark.

"Eden my love" mama smiled stretching her arms wide to embrace her Eden who didnt even think twice she slipped her fingers out of Rorys as she ran towards her mama she was pulled into thebmost loving and welcoming hug.

"Nancy, Liz" Eden said in shock at the sight of the two older shephards standing infront of her and next to derek and mark who were both looked pretty sour.
"Why are you all here?" Eden asked as the hug was broken.

"We are here for you silly" Nancy firmly spoke as she too hugged the young girl.
"Mum told us what had happened and we wanted to make sure our favourite abbott and sister was okay" Liz joined in.

"Who was that hot doctor you were talking to then?" Liz asked wide eyed as the hug was broken.
"Umm thats Rory Matthews hes a peds fellow"
"Are you two dating" liz asked beaming for gossip.
"Umm no, they havent even been on a proper date yet" Mark noted sharply, Eden didnt see much point to argueing because she didnt really know what her and Rory even were.

"Are you working today?" Mama shephard asked taking Edens hands in hers.
"No shes not" Mark answered for her
"Yes yes I am" Eden firmly spoke as everyone standing around her looked at her firmly. "I need to stay busy"  Eden confirmed.

"Well the chief wants to talk to both of us before our shift starts" Mark told her standing next to the Shephard women leaving Derek at the nurses station rolling his eyes.
"Okay" Eden said slowly.
"Lets go" Mark demanded.

"Come find us when you done with the chief okay" Mama softly spoke pulling the girl into another hug then when it was broken the three shephard women turned to derek "so Derek, hows Meredith"
"The slutty intern" Nancy mumbled.
"Nancy" Eden heard mama warn her Eden smiled to herself.

Eden was glad that the shephards where here she didnt even think she needed them but something about their presence made her relax, she felt more at ease knowing they were here for her to run to if today felt to much. She was trying to be strong for Mark for her brother who spent the night in her bed while she was downstairs with Rory. She needed to be his rock today if he decided to work which she knew he probably wouldnt be, which she hoped she hated that she did but then she could focus on her work and not constantly having the need to check in on her brother.

Mark gently knocked on the chiefs door before he opened it, he walked in smiling at the chief as he took a seat but Eden slowly walked in she had never been in this office she felt like she was walking into the headmasters office as she slowly and cautiously lowered her self into the chair next to Mark.

"I would like to start by giving the two of you my sincer condolences" The cheif started.
"Thank you sir" mark accepted.

"If you two need to take today off then please do so, your  going through a really tough time"
"Thank you sir we really appreciate the offer and would like to take it" Mark accepted on both of their behalves, mark stood up getting ready to leave he held his hand out for his sister who was looking at the ground not seeming like she was paying attention.

"With respect sir I want to work, I need to work" Eden told him still looking at the ground afraid to see Marks reaction.
"Of course Doctor Abbott"

"No no, she cant work her mum died she should have the day off" Mark forcefully said.
"Mark I cant make  her"
"Your the chief, you have power so use it"

The chief knew where this was going that there was going to be more shouting from Mark and he didnt feel that Eden should hear it.

"Doctor Abbott, could you give me and your brother some space and wait outside" Eden smiled as she got up and left waiting to be called back into the office.

"Mark, if Eden wants to work today i have to respect that decision i cant force her to take that day off" The chief with a little more authority behind his words.
"Her mum just died." Mark firmly said.
"She was your mum too"
"Her mum died who she hadnt seen in 20 years then left again what do you think thats doing to her and our mum didnt want much to do with her but she wont talk to me she spent the whole night talking to Doctor Matthews" mark shouted at the chief.

"Her mum died yesterday, she is probably still processing what has happened some people it takes months you have to give her time dont push her mark let her work" The chief softly spoke.
"Fine let her work but don't put her in the pit" Mark instructed.
"I will see what I can do." The chief said as Mark walked out of the room and Eden walked in in his place.

"Doctor Abbott, are you sure you want to work today?" The chief asked soft but some firmness was behind the softness.
"Yes, i need to work, i need to save a life and to be busy. I am fine"

"You know I taught your brother when he was at columbia."
"You did"
"Yes him, Derek and Addison were in my class, they were always together. Your brother he was the class clown always flirting, moving seats every lesson to sit next to a different girl or he was hungover because he had partied to hard the night before but he has a big heart and he cares for those he loves and will advocate for them, that i have learnt working with him.  When I hired Derek he told me about you, that you were Marks little sister, i expected you to be like him but your the total opposite, Mark knows when he is pushing himself to hard or needs a break after an emotional draining case. You are a promising surgeon Eden, all of the attendings fight to get you on their service. If you need to take a day we will all understand"

"Chief I am fine" Eden repeated
"You know Mark only cares for you and doenst wnat you to push yourself to hard"
"I know, hes always been like that." Eden smiled.

"You were menat to be in the ER again so go find Bailey and get her to put you on a different service"
Eden didnt fight that she nodded and left.

She walked out the office to find the 3 shephards and Mark waiting for her.
"Im working, i need to find Bailey but I will find you for lunch" Eden told walking away to find doctor Bailey.

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