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Eden and Rory were standing at the back of the conference room listening to Karev talking about all the african children that were coming to the hospital for surgeries that they desperately needed.

"Hes going to become chief resident isnt he" Eden whispeted to Rory.
"No no, your very much still in the fight" Rory reassured her.
"you know whose at the top dont you?" Eden questioned Rory

"Thank you all for your help" Karev said ending the meeting as everyone started to leave, Rory swiftly left not wanting to answer her question because he did in fact know who was at the top.

"You paged me" Eden smiled as she walke into the nursery where Rory was holding a little girl.
"This is Naiya" Rory said placing the little girl in Edens arm who relaxed against Edens body.
"Hey Naiya arent yoy a little cutie" Eden cooed at the small girl.

"Naiya, a year ago she lost her leg standing next to an explosion it wasnt amputated probably so got infected now shes infection free" Rory smiled at his amazing work, showing Eden the sauture.

"Your infection free. You know your Doctor. Hes amazing he saved you. He saved us both" Eden smiled at Rory.

"Soo what is going on in here?" Mark questioned walking into the room to find Eden but to see her craddling a baby smiling at it lovingly he was worried he could only deal with one big event in her life at a time not two, a baby and a wedding.

"Rory was just showing me how he saved Naiyas life." Eden explained to Mark.
"No babys yet please" Mark begged.
"Oh but shes so cute" Eden cooed.
"I can only deal with you getting married. Not a baby" mark explained a little further just getting a laugh from Eden

"I actually came here to ask you well tell you. Im not sitting with you at the wedding" mark quickly told her.
"I didnt actually think you were" Eden said slightly confused.
"Well im not. Torres' parents left so im walking her down the aisle" mark explained.
"Thats reallt kind of you"
"Well its good practice isn't it" mark smiled leaving. His comment made Eden very nearly drop tbe baby, Rory saw and quickly took the baby from her.

"Mark, practice for what?" Eden called after him but he was to far away to hear her.

"So what mark said about babies" Rory slowly told her as he put Naiya back into her bed.
"That he cant cope with them. He knows he's a dad right" Eden said playing peek a boo through the bars of the cot bed.

"No no. Our babies"
"We dont have any. Right?" Eden asked slightly concerned turning her head away from Naiya.
"No no not yet any way" Rory confirmed as Edens attention went back to Naiya.

"Hmm Rory wants a baby" Eden sweetly told Naiya who just laughed while playing peek a boo still.
"Yes he does but does Eden" Rory asked kneeling down next to Eden.
"Eden does but not yet" Eden spoke to Naiya.
"You do"
"Yeah but not a big age gap like me and mark okay?" Eden joked.
"So babies close together. Sounds like something we can do" Rory teased as he kissed Edens forehead.

"We should get ready" Eden told Rory.
"Bye bye Naiya we will come andnsee you tomorrow" Eden cooed as she and Rory left the room to the residents lounge.

"Come on Eden we are going to be late and Mark will not be happy with you" Rory called.
"Right right im coming" Eden replied walking out the bathroom in her dark turquoise tulle dress, that was vnecked, no sleeves and floor length.

"Wow look at you" Rory said in adoration.
"Come lets go" Eden smiled as they both ran out of the hospital to the wedding.

"You had me worried there that you werent going to turn up?" Mark scolded Eden as she and Rory ran down the cobled path behind the church, laughing.

"We got distracted" Eden smiled at Rory.
"I dont need to know" Mark cringed
"Oh no no not that. We got distracted with Naiya" Eden told him.
"You saw me with Sofia,cyour  jealous and want your own" mark told Eden.
"Umm no"
"We should find seats" Rory told Eden pulling her away from mark.

"Wow this place is gorgeous" Eden said as she looked around at how pretty the church garden looked.

Arizona started to walk down the aisle with her dad then came Mark wkth callie.

"You know, he will want to walk you down the aisle at our wedding" Rory whispered to Eden.
"Oh yes I know that" Eden said wide eyed.
"You do"
"Yeah, i figured thats what he needed practice for dont worry i have a plan"
"A plan tell me" Rory whispered.
"Him and my dad both walk me down the aisle" Eden smiled at the thought of her wedding.
"He will love that"
"He will."

"Uh, we are here today to participate in a marital union ... To celebrate, uh, love and happiness and loyalty, and well, in my opinion, a little bit of magic ... Acting in conformity to the laws and regulations of the state of Washington ... To bring together two exceptional and beautiful human beings.
By these acts and according to the laws of the state of Washington ... Okay, I hereby pronounce you wife and wife." Doctor Bailey Spoke leading the wedding.

"Can you believe that the next wedding will be ours" Rory smiled in excitement to Eden as they danced together on the dance floor.
"I cant wait"

"Can i cut in here' Mark asked, Rory just nodded stepping away.
"Hey" Eden softly spoke taking Marks hands.
"So your wedding will be the next one?" Mark told her.
"Yes i know"
"Have you set a date yet or even planned at all for it" Mark noted
"No we are focusing on finding an apartment first so that once we are married we can go straight home to our own place not the frat house we live in" Eden explained.

"Once we find a apartment then the wedding planning starts then the wedding where you get to walk me down the aisle" Eden told him as the smile he was wearing grew bigger.
"You want me to walk you down the aisle?" Mark said happily in shock.
"With my dad of course but yeah i do" Eden clarified as her feet were suddenly off the floor and she was being spun around in the air.

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