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Its been over a month since the plane crash, in that time Eden has had 2 surgeries on her foot, the first surgery placed in metal rods to try to fix the open fractures the second surgery was done as the metal rods were not successful so callie placed screws into the bones fixing the brakes and was now stuck in a boot for the next month, she was learning to live with the boot so it didnt bother her that much anymore.

The wedding has been pushed back 3 times, their guests were so understanding of what the couple had gone through but Eden and Rory didnt want to keep pushing it back so their final date was tomorrow then the following day they left for Wake forrest North carolina, leaving seattle behind, Eden hadnt told anyone their plan yet, Eden decided to tell Owen today, Rory disagreed that today wasnt the day to tell him.

Its been a month since Mark went into a coma, today was the day that they removed life support, today was the day that mark had to choice to fight or be with Lexie Eden wanted him to fight but she couldnt even think about his options she was just focusing on the surgery she had today.

"Oh Eden dont forget 5 Oclock today" Derek told Eden as she walked into the hospital, how could she forget thats all she could think about.

"Your doing a rhinoplasty, thats the first surgery you put my leg through" Callie shouts at Eden, who just keeps walking.
"A rhinoplasty today" Derek added as the two of them followed her.

"Thats standing for 3 hours at the most you havent done that yet can this not wait or at least you do half then let avery do the rest" Callie suggetsed.

"Wait you will be done by 5 O clock'' Callie questioned as the three of them walked into the attendings lounge.
"Are you sure you want to do a rhinoplasty today?" Derek asked her again.

Eden grabbed her scrubs and white coat, she threw them on the table as she tugged at the corners of her top and turned around to see Derek and Callie still arguing behind her.

"Im getting changed. Are you going to watch?" Eden bluntly said as the two other surgeons turned their backs.

"We just dont want you to push yourself to hard, today" Calle explained
"We dont want you to miss today" Derek told her firmly.

The two concerned surgeons heard the door swing shut they spun back round to see Eden gone.

"Is she okay?" Callie asked Derek who just threw his hands in the air walking out the room.
"Derek, Avery told me that she doesnt even speak to him, she talks to patients thats it. Rory said shes never home spends every nigth by Marks side." Callie told him running to catch up with him.

"Torres she is losing her brother, she just got him back and now shes losing him again" Derek firmly said to Callie.
"We are all losing someone from this plane crash, im losing my best friend and my wife wont talk to me" Callie told him.

"Im keeping an eye on her okay. Just leave Eden alone I've got it" Derek shouted walking away.

Since the plane crash, since she came back to work, Eden had always walked through the ICU to her floor, she walks pass Marks room just to check he is okay if she doesn't need to get to a patient she will go in and talk to him the one person she is actually talking to at the moment.
She quickly glanced up at the clock above Marks room, she had plenty of time before her surgery so she went in to talk to her brother.

"Hey you. So i have a Rhinoplasty today. My first solo surgery which you only let me do to show me how amazing plastics was and i fell in love with plastics that rhinoplasty with you and dad was when i started to understand why you two do this speciality. You were the best teacher, mark i could have never asked for a better mentor, you pushed me to be the best i could and you saw that I could be the best, i always thought you wanted me on plastucs becahse im your sister but no you saw that i was made for plastics like you, so you taught me all of your ways. And for that i am grateful." Eden told the sleeping Mark as she took his hand in hers.

"Mark, im not sure if i am strong enough, to be here at 5 O'clock, i know that Derek will drag me here for you to be here for you but i don't know if i can stand here holding your hand watching you leave, listening to Callie. So i wanted to say goodbye now. This could get alittle emotional and soppy. Maybe you will wake up to tell me to stop talking." Eden laughed waiting a second incase he woke up but he didnt.

"Webber called Addison to tell her whats happened incase she wanted to come see you she was going to come but soemthings come up, shes sorry. She told me lots of stories about you, about the three of you and what you got up to at college. How you use to move seat every lecture to sit next your soon to be fling, thats always you isnt it. You even tried to flirt with me when you first came here remember? She also told me near your classes there was a coffee shop called Eden lake, you always went there on my birthday for breakfast you always had by favorite breakfast maple syrup pancakes and bacon then you would buy a triple chocolate cupcake to take home you would put in a candle sing me happy birthday then talk to Derek and Addison about what you think i was like. You told them on my 18th birthday that i was planning on going to NYU to be a doctor like you and you were right i want to NYU then med school at Columbia like you. I always wanted to be like you. Im going to be a palstic surgeom just like my big brother." Eden laughed to herself.

She took a minute to think through what else she wanted to say to mark, now just the two of them with out Callie and Derek breathing down her neck watching what she says.

"Oh Mark you were the best brother any girl could ask for. And i have two brothers, one biological one your best friend. You were so protective of me, you wanted me to not let how we were brought up stop me from succeding in life, it didnt stop you. You cared for me so much, no one has ever cared for me the way you did. You were my brother, my dad, my mum all rolled into one person. You knew what i grew up with, i know our experiances of mum are very differen because you spent 12 years with just you and mum, i spent 2 months just her and me. 2 months nothing compared to your 12 years but then we both had our restbite home the shephards.
Mark, you, you and I were inseparable when you lived at home it wasnt like how Amelia was with Derek following him around wanting to be worshiping the ground he walked on, no we were inseparable because, because, in all honestly i dont know, yes i worshiped the ground you walked on" Eden fell silent waiting for a snarky commenrt from Mark but nothing was ever spoken.

"I would wake up and the first thing i had to do was jump in your bed to wake you up, it just became a natural thing to do you would scoop me up inside your duvet as i wiggled laughing, you moaning telling me it was far to early then we would talk i missed that when you left and when i lived with dad i tried doing it with him a few times but it was diffcult somedays i would jump into his bed and he wss already up for a early surgery. Once we had actually got out of your bed you would give me a piggy back downstairs then we would start to make breakfast together make a gigantic mess, on your way to school you would take me to the shephards then after school we spent the whole evening at the shephards, avoiding what ever state our mum was in. You tried so hard to protect me from seeing our mum high or drunk, you did protect still i still saw stuff no child should see, you dont need to hear that.
You were the parent to me, you knew what was best for me, when my dad had the conversation about where i was going to go to school he didnt talk to mum he talked to you, you knew what i needed from my school and i ended up in Saint Beads New Yorks best private school.
My dad told me recently that the first thing you said to him was that if he had any sense he would file for sole custody and take me away from our mum, no child should grow up with her, he looked into getting custody of you too he saw how close we were he wasnt able to so he stopped. I know that before making the decision of going to college you went to see my dad to see if he would file for custody again if you left for college because you didnt want to leave me alone in that house you then told him everything we had witnessed so he told you he would and he did all thanks to you.
I miss those days you and me against the world. You were the best brother i could ever ever want or ask for" Eden was fighting against the tears as she stood up from her Marks bed.

"I cant promise i will be here at 5 O'clock, im going to try, i am"

"Goodbye Mark. I love you" Eden smiled kissing her brother on the forehead as she left running out the room with the tears streaming down her face.

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