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Eden and Rory were fast asleep after their crazy day. All they wanted was some sleep but that was very quickly interupted by someone busting into her room, landing on her bed getting in the middle of them.

Eden was immediately woken up, she was slightly scared who would be getting in her bed with her beside Rory.
she gently turned the light on to reveal mark in her bed.

"Mark its late" Eden moaned.
"She left me again" mark moaned.

Rory was still fast asleep, in his sleep he turned round to lay close to Eden but when he wrapped his arm around her it was higher and longer and that it didnt feel like Eden.

"Mark mark what are you doing here?" Rory asked sitting up.
"I dont know" Eden mouthed.

"Well im awake now, so im going to give you two some space. I will be downstairs on the sofa if you need me" Rory explained as he went to lean over mark to gently kiss his fiancè on the forehead but he was stopped.

"Uhh Rory what you doing i dont kiss dudes and your engaged to my sister" Mark said disgusted causing Eden to laugh as Rory walked out her room shaking his head.

Mark then lay flat on the bed stretching his arm out inviting Eden to come closer, to start the day like they use to do every day in new york and thats what Eden did she shuffled closer to mark and her head went straight back to where always did his shoulder they both smiled at the memories of their mornings together, of how they would talk about their hopes for that day and anything that was worrying them about the day.

"So whats wrong?" Eden asked
"I told lexi about the baby" mark spat out.
"Oh mark what did she say" Eden said tilting her head so she could see how upset what ever Lexi said had made made him.

"She left me. She said i was unbelievable"
"Oh mark"

"We heard the heart beat. Its my kid its apart of me. Callie is having my kid Eden. I want to be a dad but i want lexi to, now i cant have both" mark ranted

"Mark. You are going to be an awesome dad to that baby, i know because you practically raised me and look i turned out pretty good" Eden smiled trying to cheer him up alittle, she felt it worked a little as mark smiled smally.
"I did do a pretty good job with you didnt I" Mark smirked

"If you and Lexi are meant to be you will find away back tk each other. Lexi may just need time to think about it. Give her time and space so dont go putting her on plastics tomorrow i know you" Eden smiled jokingly as she poked her him.

"When did you get so smart?" Mark asked wide eyed.
"Ahh well i have some pretty good role models" Eden told mark as he straightened up looking all smug waiting for her tobsay his name.
"My dad was always great in a crisis" Eden joked.

"Im joking you were pretty good when i was 6"

"Is there anything else i can do for you?'' Eden sincerly asked wanting to help.
"Can i just lay here for a bit?" Eden nodded

So thats what they did they laid their enjoy each others company even though they were grown now it felt like they were 18 and 6 again the medicine they both needed.

The Missing SloanWhere stories live. Discover now