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Mark walked into Dereks OR gallery ready to see Eden just standing on the side watching not for her to be actually assisting.

"Didnt think she was on your servoce" Mark said down the intercom abruptly breaking the silence.
"She was free I needed an intern" Derek told him neither of them breaking concentrarion from the brain open infront of them.
"Meredith not free then?" Mark snapped, Eden rolled her eyes at her brothers response while Derek just ignored it.

"She has very steady hands good for neuro" Derek said changing the subject
"That will be all the trianing i gave her when she was little" A voice broke into the gallery, Eden looked up  to find the source off the voice then she saw him the man that always seems to save her, her dad she smiled sweetly under her mask as he smiled back holding his thumbs up taking a seat excited to watch his daughter operating in her moment, in the moment she remindered him of himself as an intern enjoying every resection in love with the joy of the surgical world.

"Simon" Mark sneered
"Mark, hows your first week?" Simon politely asked
"Why are you here" mark abruptly asked
The two surgeons operating sighedat Marks tone to Simon.
"Your mum called me" simon told him
"She wanted the best plastics guy as she put it, to stitch her up"
"Im here, i have done it" mark defended his work.
"Yes thats what I told her that you were far more capable and the best in the hospital" simon told him still watching his daughter.

"If you told her that why you here"
"I was actually at the hospital having a meeting with the chief finalising the project plans so I thought I would come and see Eden" Simon explained.
"Shes fine" Mark quickly spoke.

"Mark tell me why your mums in the ER" simon asked wanting mark to see the big picture of whats going on.
"She has a large cut on her head and a few small ones on her arms" Mark told him begrudgingly
"Injection sites" simon told him as the siblings stiffened remebering the memeories of their childhood.
Derek noted the stiffening of Eden "you okay?" Derek whispered so that the two men didnt hear and start ramming her with questions.
"Fine sorry" she apoligised as she got back to work.

"Mark shes using still"
"Still, no shes not shes my mum i would know"
"Would you but you havent seen her since you left for college like Eden?" Simon innocently questioned knowing the answer already.
"Umm no" Mark uncomfortably told him, Simon saw the reaction of Eden that she too knew the truth when Mark last his mum, thats why Mark was up here and the tension was thick between the siblings thicker than the tension between mark and Derek.

"Oh really"
"She came to my practice in LA a few years ago"
"So this the second time you have seen her since college then"
"Oh really"
"I have seen her roughly every 4 years since i left for college she spends the week with me then disappears after I help her out" Mark explained
"You give her money" simon guessed as he had now taken his concentration of Eden giving it to Mark.
"Shes my mum" Mark shouted

"Dont you get all high and mighty you told her I work here and told her all about Eden" Mark shouted
"I was trying to keep her in the ER at settle pres, she deserved to know how Eden was and who she was then she asked if I knew where you worked and I told her"
"Did she care for Eden" Mark spitefully
"Mark not now" Simon warned
"She didnt did she" Simon stayed silent protecting his daughter. "But you still told her how Eden was. She doesnt care about the girl. She left her, she left her at school when she was six, she must have been so scared. She never wanted Eden, she kept her because of you because you a big shot, nation famous Plastic surgeon, she had Eden just to get to your money and you never saw that you loved your little girl so put up with the mum. Charlene Sloan doesnt care about Eden" Mark shouted getting in Simons face who just stood there none of this was news to him he knew all of it already.

"You know I use to be so envious of Eden that she was like you, that she looked like you, had your personality that she didnt blow off at the smallest things she was calm even as a child but its so infurating when you want to have an argument dont go pick one with you or her because you will not shout back" Mark continued.

"Mark your cross so your just picking arguments"
"Damn right i am because that women doesnt know Eden, I dont know Eden but I care she doesnt" mark shouted

"Stop" Derek shouted before it could get worse knowing what Mark was like.
"we are done" Derek told them, Eden was no longer operating by his side.

Mark stormed out going to the scrub room to find his sister to talk to jer to comfort her, which she didnt need nor want.

"Dont" Eden firmly spoke as mark walked in as she walked out.

"Hey Dad" she smiled as she was pulled into a much needed hug.
"Hello sweetheart you okay?"Simon asked
"Can everyone stop asking me that" Eden questioned softly walking away with her dad following her in pursuit.

"How much did she hear?" Mark asked derek who was about to walk away too.
"She walked out just before you said you are envious of her. So she heard that mum doesn't care crap" Derek clarified for him firmly.
"You know all I have done since I got here was explain every action I have done in my pass to you, to Eden, to Addison and now I yet again have to do that" marks voice got louder and more feirce by the word.
"Mark, Edens a lot tougher than you think" Derek softly spoke
"Your talking to me now" Mark chuckled
"For Edens sake" Derek snapped.

"You know I left to protect her, there wasnt a day that went by that i didnt think of what Eden could be doing every time i saw back to school in shops i thought of what grade she was in every birthday got a chocolate sprinkle cupcake wishing her a happy birthday I left because of that women, who was supposedly our mum she never once cared for Eden, she walked away unscathed not caring I walked away out of love for my baby sister but yet im the one constantly worried about her its shit, Derek shit." Mark continued to shout he needed to get it out.

"Mark its called being a big brother, three of my sisters are all grown with children i still worry about them and then theres Amelia we both know we worry about her all the time." Derek reassured him.

Before Mark could respond his pager went off. "911 ER" Mark looked at Derek in sheer panic "its mum" mark was then gone running.

"Mark wheres Eden?" Rory asked as Mark nearly knocked him over.
"Family emergency Doctor Matthews" Mark shouted firmly.

Mark ran into the ER to find Eden with defibrillators in her hands, simon bagging a patient when he got closer he realised the patinet was their mum.
"Eden what happened?" Mark asked panicked
"She coded" Eden told him bluntly.
"Why what could have caused this"

"George can you give doctor Sloan the tox screen you ran" eden asked as George handed the file.

Mark looked up at the two abbots who were wearing the same look of told you.

"Probably a one time thing" mark excused, Eden just rolled her eyes at the comment.
"Charge" Eden shouted

"And we have a rhythm" Eden said as Mark let out a sigh of relief, Eden took a step away allowing Mark to deal with it all.
"Page cardio now" Mark bellowed but Eden was gone.

Eden was quickly walking through the main area of the hospital with her dad following persuit she was about to go up the stairs when someone called her name.

"Eden, im taking mum to my hotel she was discharged" Mark told Eden happily.
"A fancy hotel" Chalene cooed.
"Well enjoy" Eden said taking a step away.
"We are going to dinner first do you want to join" Mark asked desperate to fix the mother daughter relationship.
"Oh Mark im sure Eden is very busy. Leave her be i want dinner with my Marky" Charlene pushed, tugging on Marks sleeve.

"Eden" a voice called
"Hey doctor Matthews" Eden smiled sweetly then she rememebred "oh I am so sorry tonights our first proper date"
"If you need to cancel its fine" Rory smiled
"She does" Mark answered for her
"No no I dont, give me 20 minutes then I will be ready" Eden smiled running up the stairs to Marks disappointment.

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