Austin lifted his son out of bed in a swift motion, Austy's hands wrapping around his neck and Austin holding him close to him as he buried his face in the crook of his neck, lifting his head every so often to place small kisses on the top of his head.

"Hi buddy, God I love you so much Austy" I heard him say, my vision becoming cloudy with thick tears.

"I love you too Daddy, I glad you're here now" he said, as he pressed a long kiss to Austin's cheek, the sweet and gentle interaction between the both of them making my eyes tear up further as the salty water started to trail down my face like raindrops sliding down a window pane in a heavy storm.

"I am buddy and I won't be leaving again. I promise" he said. "You wanna go see Mommy now?" I heard Austin ask him as Austy nodded his head. I watched as Austin grabbed his blanket off of the bed as he handed it to him, a small thank you Daddy leaving Austy's lips as I saw them exit the room.

I quickly put the monitor back on my dresser and wiped at my tear streaked face as I laid back down in the bed waiting for my two favorite men to lay in bed with me to start my morning. I turned my head as I watched them both walk in, Austin setting our son down gently on my side as he slid in next to him.

"Morning Mommy" Austy said sweetly, giving me a hug and kiss as he always did before he settled himself back into the plush bed, except this time he rolled himself on his side as he curled into his Dad's chest. I drug my gaze up slowly to look at Austin as I smiled at him happily, his lips returning the small gesture as he motioned for me to come lay on the other side of him.

"Austy baby why don't you scoot over just a bit so Daddy can lay in the middle today" I said, my heart racing wildly as I actually was able to address Austin as Daddy and have it mean something since he was finally here with us. Austy nodded as he slid himself over, followed by Austin and finally myself as I slid myself under the blankets next to him, his left arm wrapping around me as he placed a kiss on my lips.

"I love you Charlotte" he said, his beautiful baby blues staring into my irises as I smiled up at him.

"I love you too Austin" I said quietly as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Momma" I heard Austy ask as I gave an audible hmm not wanting to break my connection with Austin as I waited for him to answer me. "Can we watch Disney please?" he asked me.

"Sure baby, pass Momma the remote please" I asked him kindly as he reached over to grab the remote from the table handing it to me as I quickly surfed through the channels until it landed on Puppy Dog Pals, Austy snuggling back into Austin's side as he placed a small kiss on the top of his head.

"Are you ready for mornings like this baby?" I asked him with a small chuckle, his lips pressing against the tip of my nose as I fluttered my eyes closed.

"Charlotte, I've been ready for mornings like this" he said quietly as he pressed his lips against mine, the presence of Austy to his right the only thing keeping him for deepening the kiss as he pulled himself away from me, my head taking its position on his shoulder as I laid in the peaceful bliss of my little family.


We laid together for a few hours which was typical for the both of us, but laying with Austin made everything feel that much better and the moments passed that much slower as they were being cherished and stored away, never to be forgotten. Austy spent some time telling Austin all about his favorite things to watch during the mornings, and how he and I have laid in bed together for as long as he remembered and he hoped that his Daddy would do the same thing with him too.

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