Groupchat (2)

339 15 14

(Is it just me or did you think she was eating soap bubbles please tell me it's not just me😭)

Group chat

Camila: guys did you know that waffles are just pancakes but with abs

Lauren: wait wha-

Dinah: I- what

Ally: no comment

Camila: did you know that the first French fries wasn't cooked in France it was cooked in Greece

Melanie: what the

Normani: my whole life was a lie

Lauren: this is blowing my mind right now

Camila: I know right

Camila: oh btw can I add my sister to this group chat

Dinah: sure why not

*camila added billie to the group chat*

Billie: why am I here

Camila: sis those are my friends and girlfriend

Billie: oooooo your the famous Lauren I heard about it's nice to meet the girl that makes my sister happy

Lauren: nice to meet you too Billie

Dinah: heyy billie what's up

Billie: the ceiling ig

Dinah: .....

Dinah: I like her

Melaine; hello Billie

Billie: oh my god Melanie Martinez is that you heyyyyy I love your music it's my favorite

Melaine: I love your music as well we should collaborate on a song what do you think

Billie: ohhhhh myyyyyyy goddd yeesss please I would love that let's do that Iam ok with that

Ally: ayyyyy I bet the song would be amazing

Normani: heyyy Billie

Billie: hey normani

Camila: brb ari is texting me

* private chat*

Ari: hey cami how are you how's your life doing

Cami: what do you want ari

Ari: why do you assume I want something can't I say hi to my bestie without wanting something rude

Cami: not buying it

Ari: ok fine I want billies phone number

Cami: ooooo someone has a crush

Ari: shshsh shut up are you gonna help me or not hoe

Cami: okey jeez here *puts phone number* I swear if you break her heart I will cut off your nipples 😐

Ari: okey jeez I will make sure I won't do that and thank you I will treat her like the queen she is

Cami: king* she prefers to be called king not queen

Ari: I will treat her like the king she is better

Cami: yes now fuck off

Ari: rood

*groupchat (2)*

Camila: back

Lauren: welcome back baby

Camila: thank you baby

Lauren: no problem

Dinah: ew love

Lauren: shut up

Normani: baby

Dinah: yes pretty

Normani: I want some food

Dinah: What kind I will buy the whole restaurant for you

Lauren; and you call us ew that's worst dumbass

Billie: are all of you gay

Ally: I'm pansexual camila and normani and melaine are bi Lauren and Dinah are full on lesbos

Billie: oh ok cool I like your friends sis can I stay with you all

Camila: of course sis your always welcomed here

Billie: yaya thank youuu

Surprise Billie is joining the groupchat and Ari might be the one for her 👀👀 let's hope Ari doesn't fuck up

Words: 497

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