Private messages (shally)

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(Iam obsessed with this song)

Private message between Shawn and ally

Shawn: hey ally how are you

Ally: Iam good shawny how are you

Shawn:Iam good too my mood went up when you replied

Ally: such a charmer shawny so what's up

Shawn: my tour is ending soon and I was hoping we could like hang out when I came to Texas

Ally: are you asking me on a date  sir mandes

Shawn: what no yes idk do you want it to be a date I don't mind cuz like I like you and stuff Iam shut up now

Ally: awww so cute I would love to go on a date with you shawny boy

Shawn: really you mean it you know my reputation/ rumor  of me hooking up with random girls and your ok with that.

Ally: shawny everyone deserves a chance and I don't believe celebrity's news so Shawn was it true

Shawn: of course it's not my ex made that rumor because I broken up with her

Ally: see now when are you coming to Texas so you can take me on that date you promised me

Shawn: in 3 weeks I have my last show in Texas so ya

Ally: great I will be waiting shawny and get some rest you have a show in a little bit don't want you to faint on stage can we

Shawn: your right allycat good night sweet dreams princess

Ally: good night sweet dreams baby

Ally was looking at the phone happy that Shawn finally asked her out she's waiting on him to ask her out when he slide in her dms on accident but he didn't stop texting her ally felt a connection to him and she's happy extremely happy with it

"Finally shawny boy you asked me out" ally said and looked out of the window
Shally is real 🤔🤔🤔 is it gonna last or is he really a fuckboy that will break allys heart like the Rumored girls hearts or is he gonna change for ally and be committed to someone find out later

Words :350

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