Secrets of the Past

Beginne am Anfang

'Yuki?' I thought her name as it made me remember what fully happened.

"DON'T GIVE UP!" The little girl cried "I'LL SAVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT"

"Yuki...?" I called

It was Yuki glowing so bright "I'll... save you... no matter what..." Yuki barely said 

'I finally remembered it was Yuki! She's Shigaraki's lost little sister all this time!' I thought as my mind has gone crazy learning the truth.

After that, Mom had to wait outside the interrogation room as I was inside handcuffed on the desk on the other side of the desk was Detective Tsukauchi.

"don't worry, Yuki told me that you're a good person" Tsukauchi said "we just wanted to ask you some questions on what is the league up to next..." 

"please we wanted to know what are they up to and what will be there goal."

I breath out "It all like months ago" I said "I was looking for away to cure the serum I accepted from Chisaki, I was desperate on finding it..."

"till Shigaraki gave me a mission to find his long lost little sister..."

"what's his sister's name?" Tsukauchi asked

"her name is Yuki Shimura" I answered "he said she has a special quirk called restore"

"after that I went out finding her..."

Weeks Ago

I was infiltrating Tokyo Police stations I found a piece of enidence about Shigaraki's little sister. I hold  file on y hand as I open it widely 'Yuki Shimura, age 7 years old. Quirk Restore. Her last seen was at Tokushu Orphanage'

I got back on my hiding place an abandoned building, I open up a cup of instant noodles as I ate it.


I suddenly remember Mom's voice. Her preparing meals and she and I talk about school, her worrying a lot about me. "I miss you, Mom..." I mumble

After that I slept, as I kept having nightmares about me going out of control...

"No... I don't want this!" I screamed

I gasp as I saw my other self holding a knife with blood on it, as he took a few steps aside my eyes widen it was Yuki bleeding to death.

I ran towards to her "Yuki! Please don't die like this!" I screamed


I turn as I saw Kacchan standing beside me "Kacchan..."

"Izuku! You murdered Yuki!" Kacchan screamed at me

My eyes widen in fear "No... No... Nononono... No...!"

"This can't be happening!" I screamed as I cover my ears

"yes, but it will happen soon"

I look up and I saw myself grinning ear to ear with his eyes red as blood "And soon you're gonna end up just like me"

I screamed as I open my eyes screaming, I sit up as I grip my chest and catch my breath.

Few hours later I went to the adressed location of Tokushu Orphanage, as I pass on a couple of highschool students listening to music...

"this song is cool" the female student said

"yeah, its the Pro-Hero Yuki is the one singing this" male student said

'he~... Yuki sure is becoming more famous now' I thought as I sigh as I put my hands on my suit pockets 'she sure good at combat and singing, like an Idol star and a Hero.'

I stop as I saw the sign "Tokushu Orphanage"

Okay, this is my first time being here. I gotta pull my act together, I walk up towards the doorstep as I rang the doorbell...

Few seconds later

I glance around the spacious place of the orphange "this orphanage sure is pretty natural" I said then 

I heard someone from the other of the door as the it open "oh, who are you Young Man?" the lady asked

Brown hair lady around 30's or so "you mut be Miss Mara" I said "I'm Izuku, a social worker , I wanna take a look around of the Orphanage" I said

As Miss Mara accepted me inside she told me a lot about the children's origins, some of them were found on the streets, abandoned, survive accidents and were left on the orphanage doorstep.

"hey hey! Miss Mara!" a child came up "who's this boy?"

"ehehe, this is Izuku a social worker" Miss Mara answer

"eh...? I thought Miss Yuki might visit when I heard there's a visitor" the child said

'Yuki?' I thought

"sadly Yuki is busy these days" Miss Mara sincerely explain "but she told me she'll visit with a lot of toys next time" she said

After that Miss Mara and I went towards her office "what do you think of the children?" she asked

"they seemed full of joy growing here" I answer 

"as if Izuku Midoriya" Miss Mara suddenly mention my name

My eyes widen as I saw her looking at me with a calm look "I know who you are Izuku, also known as Deku"

I gasp "so you knew who I was" I said

"I've heard so much about you, Izuku" Miss Mara said "don't worry, I won't report you to the police" she said "I know what you're after..."

I look at her straight in her eyes

"you're looking for Yuki" 

I gulp "but how?" I asked

"ufufu, my quirk is called sight. It allows me to see visions of your memories" Miss Mara explained "you're here for two reasons. One is that you wanted a cure for your condition, and the other is for Yuki."

"that's is right, seems like I can't lie to you" I said

"ehaha, you can't..." Miss Mara said "if you wanna know more about Yuki, you came to the right place"

"this is the place where she grew into a fine kind girl"

"she's the only girl who tell things to me very honestly"

"what happened Yuki?" I asked "why does every file I've searched was never found of her current information even at this very day?"

"ufu, Izuku if you some people lie just to protect them" Miss Mara said "for me lies are the things that protects us, but for Yuki I hid it from her till she grows up and find out."

"then..." I mumble

Miss Mara breath out "you already met Yuki, for a long time now" 

My eyes widen as it all went back, back at dagoba beach and everything...

'Yuki, I already met you all along'

"Now the Preview!"

"eh?! Me again... I thought Yuki is the commentor this time"

"knowing the secrets of Yuki's origin, now I know the reason why she was hidden."

"I wanted to know more and I wanted for the siblings to reunite!"

"the next chapter of My Hero Academia : Another Destiny, the Truth Beyond the Lies"

"Now Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!"

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