Chapter 21

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Ruby's POV

I am really nervous, so fucking nervous and I don't know why, yes I do they could leave me and they have become my family, I love them all in there own ways.  I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen " Ruby are you ok?" shouted Logan. I walked into the lounge
"Right , I have something to say and you can't interrupt, you have to let me finish" everyone sat down staring at me, I looked out the window and sighed,
"My full name is Ruby Rose Shaw, over here it doesn't mean much but in England, it means a lot especially if you have connections to the dark side, my father was the leader of Ruby's Devil Gang, I was named after this gang. My father ran the gang from London for around 15 years, when I was 13 he was murdered by a rival thinking they could take over our turf, but I had been groomed by my father to take the gang over in partnership with my brothers they would be the face of the gang and I would be the brains behind it, so at 13 I was going to school, running a multi million pound gang, fighting, shooting etc etc. Me and my brothers never really got on with my mother, I think she was only with my dad for the money and the so called fame, that came with marrying a leader of a gang, when he died she started to sleep around, trying to spend a lot of money but what she didn't realise was all the money, houses, cars and businesses were all in my name so she couldn't actually do anything, by the time I was 16 and my brothers were 20 I had started to make the gang a legal company just how my dad wanted, I got out the drug and gun trade, and purchased, clubs, restaurants, buildings, put money into new tech companies the only thing I have kept is our guns for higher we are damn good, I've kept the fight clubs as well, the reason I am now living in America is because my lovely mother decided that a million pound was much better than having a daughter so she sold me to a rival gang leader so I could marry his son and they would take all my assets. Logan I know you saw that guy, he is one of Ryan's men, they said once I was 17 I would become there property and at 18 I would marry Chris, my brothers sent me over here, it took them awhile but they found me and have just been watching me, I'm not sure why they haven't tried to take me, apparently my mother had been trying to sabotage some of the clubs back home as she is now living with Ryan.  My tattoo on my chest is the gangs brand everyone gets one the girls get it on there chest and the men get it on there arms.
Hunter was the first to speak " so I did hear correctly, at that party, I thought I dreamt your phone conversation" " Nope you heard it". I looked at Logan, " Why.... didn't you say anything before?" " we were hoping to sort it out without having to get any of you involved but now you are and they might come after you guys, I'm so sorry"
We sat and talked for hours, Hunter was going to talk to his dad who was a lawyer, we had managed to get hold of some sort of paperwork my mum and Ryan set up with regards to selling me which I might add is bloody stupid of them to leave a paper trail.
At some point everyone went home and it just left me and Logan, " I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you involved in my messed up family as you had your own problems"
"I don't fully understand why you couldn't tell us, but I forgive you and will protect you" he said hugging me.

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