Ruby Rose

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How did I get my self in this situation oh yes because of my last name.....Shaw.  Now I'm 16 and just when I thought I had finished school, I end up moving to America and spending another 2 years in education....fuck me.
I've got to school, went and got my locker number and lesson plan now I'm going to something called home room, American schools confuse the hell out of me.  The last person I spoke to Mason, said to me keep your head down and stay out of trouble, I laughed like that's going to happen.
I opened the door and walked in to a load of eyes on me and the whispering started,
" can I help you?" the teacher said
" I was told to come here, I'm new"
" aww yes the new student, well please introduce yourself"
"I'm Ruby" I then looked at the teacher and shrugged.
"Ok class do you have any questions?"
Everyone put there hand up
"Yes, Mark"
" Do you have a boyfriend?"
I looked at him with a blank expression "Nope"
The hands went up again
"Yes Mel"
She looks like a Barbie, plastic and fake, she was giggling to her friends " Are you a virgin?"
I rolled my eyes, starting to get angry " Nope" and with that I walked off to one of the spare desks and sat down.
" Hi, I'm Lucy" this bubbly girl said next to me
" Yes you said, can I look at your schedule"
" my what??"
" What classes do you have?"
"Oh" I gave her my bit of paper,
"We have all of today's classes together, I can show you round"
"Ok, umm why is nearly to whole class looking at me"
" Because your the new kid and you look pretty"
"Oh, so I'm going to get this in every class this week?"
"Pretty much"
"Great" I said sarcastically

Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now