Chapter 3

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Ruby's POV
Lucy came to find me after I walked out, to be honest I had got lost.
"Oh my god there you are, you have the whole school talking about you" I rolled my eyes " Great, just what I need"
" They are going to be after you, you do know that"
I looked at her and nodded,
I knew I needed to let off some anger, but I didn't know much about this town, I need to find the hang outs.
Just then the Barbie group turned up, Mel must be the leader, " You stay away from our guys, your a slut and they definitely don't want you"
I looked her up and down and laughed, " You really have no idea who your messing with, but if this is how you want to play bring it on" I turned and walked away
" Don't you walk away from me, you tramp" I carried on walking and waved at her goodbye.
Why do I have to make my life so difficult, all I had todo was keep my head down couldn't even get through the first day.

It is now Thursday, I have tried to keep out of everyone's way which isn't that easy but Hunter, Axel and Logan don't seem to go to many classes, yes I found out their names.

It's the last class of the day P.E, as I said at the start I really don't get American schools, no one seems to actually do P.E, in England we had to play netball, basketball, cricket, we did swimming or cross country running or gymnastics, the teacher said they could play dodge ball, when I noticed a balance beam in the corner with a crash mat,
"Sir can I use that" pointing to the balance beam, everyone looked at me like I was crazy
" sure" just then Hunter and Axel walked in,
" your late and for that you can move the balance from out the corner for this lady" I smirked and bowed. They mumbled something but did what they were told.  Everyone was now playing dodge ball apart from me and Lucy.
"They are staring at you" Lucy whispered
"So" I said as I climbed onto the Balance beam, I went onto the tip toes, hands straight up in the air and done a little run then started my routine of hand springs, back handsprings, Saltos , back saltos, turns, split jumps, tucks, cartwheels. Leaps, jumps, half twists and full twists, I was so in the zone I hadn't noticed that everyone had stopped and was watching me until I finished and did I full twist off that everyone started to clap. I was very embarrassed I went bright red.

Hunter POV
As me and Axel causally walked into P.E I saw my little Angel, when Mr Jones asked us to move the balance beam I wasn't Impressed, especially when Ruby smirked, but when she got onto it and stood completely up straight I couldn't take my eyes off her, you could see she had some tattoos on her back, across her chest and some round her ankles. When she started jumps and doing all kinds of flips the whole gym stopped and watched her, you could see she was completely in the zone, she didn't notice anything around her, it was magnificent, she was so graceful like an Angel, this girl is going to break me and fast. When she finished everyone started to clap, well i couldn't obviously, I have an image to uphold.  She went bright red, it was cute, some of the cheerleaders actually went over to her, I can already sense Mel is not going to be happy about this one little bit, but that's not my problem.
Axel nudged me, "She is flexible, should be interesting in the sack"
" Yes definitely" I smiled but I definitely didn't want him to ever find out
She looked over to me and we caught each other's eye before I turned and left.

Didn't think Hunter would fall that quickly

Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now