Chapter 25

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Ruby's POV

I'm trying to open my eyes but they are so heavy and I can't move my hands or legs, I can hear faint movement behind me but everything is so confusing.
" I think she is coming round Chris" Someone said
That's when it all came flooding back to me, Chris in my flat, Logan the gun. I open my eyes and standing in front of me is Chris smirking, "good Morning darling"
I roll my eyes at him, "Don't think it is" I take a look at my surroundings, my arms are tied to a chair along with my legs, one entrance In and out, the windows are too high off the ground, it's a massive room, no it's bigger than a room, it's some sort of warehouse. There's only Chris and the other guy in this room, I can see both have guns, I'm really stuck on how to get out of this situation, how long have a been here, did the guys get my message are they looking for me. Is Logan ok, is he dead? I have so much going round my head I hadn't notice Chris was right in my face like millimetres from being nose to nose.
" I've come to collect what's mine, apparently you agreed to marry me then ran away"
"I'm NOT yours, never have never will be, why would I want anything to do with you or your family" He then grab me by the throat so I was balancing on the back 2 legs of the chair " I would shut up if I was you, you don't want to see me when I'm angry and I'm very mad at you for messing my life up" then he slapped me across the face splitting my lip.
"What have you done with Logan?" He shrugged his shoulders " Nothing for you to worry about, soon you will be back in the UK by my side as apparently agreed"
I laughed " I think you have that wrong oh little Chris" he comes running at me and punches me in the stomach, that's gonna leave a big bruise I thought to my self as all the air left me, " Why agree to something and then run away and mess with me, I've done nothing to you, ever" he screamed at me. 
What happened to him, I know that we were in rival gangs, he was always so quiet, watching what was going on, he was never one to go in all guns blazing.
" I'm guessing mummy dearest told you and your father some bull, well she lied, that's what she does, to get what she wants she lies to everyone, all she wanted was money and you gave it to her, and you didn't ask for proof, silly. silly. little. boy" he is now just staring at me, if looks could kill I would be 6 feet under. " What do you mean?"
" my businesses, I don't own anything out right, the businesses are split out between different people, you idiot, do you really think I'm that stupid to leave everything in my name knowing your family and my mother wants them, I run one of the biggest gangs in London, I saw what you were going to do a mile off, you and your family are morons, you really thought, you could take me, the business, the gang that easily, Im guessing by now your dad has been arrested along with my mother and anyone else that was involved in me being sold, they will be after you next' I said ending with a smile.
"Huh............" I just carried on staring at him with a blank expression on my face, " Go on because I'm fucking confused with what you are saying, why do I want your businesses"
I'm now thinking shit, I've screwed this up, have I missed something, I was just trying to give the boys time to find me.
The other guy had sat in the corner the whole time finally moved and came over to me and everything went black again.

Ruby Roseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن