Chapter 6

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Ruby's POV
I walked into school, in a different leather jacket I have 2 one says Ruby's angels and the one I currently have on says Ruby's Devils, Lucy came over to me at my locker,
"Hi, so where did you disappear to then"
" as I said, I made a friend" smiling at her
"Mmmm, not sure I like where this is heading"
" Look it's new and we want to keep it out of the school news, when we want to tell everyone we will, is that ok? So how was your night?"
"It was amazing, I had so much fun, I didn't drink anything as I wanted to remember, I actually spoke to Axel, well more like he slurred words at me" she said with a shrug as we headed to home room.
I never knew that Logan, Axel and Hunter were in my home room class, but there they were, Ms. Austin walked in behind us and looked at the boys "Nice of you to join us, will you manage the whole week" a small laugh escaped my mouth as I looked at Logan who rolled his eyes but smiled at me, Axel was just staring at Lucy and I think Hunter was asleep as his head was on the desk.
"Please can Ruby Shaw come to the office" someone said into the microphone, I looked at Lucy shrugged and got up. A few minutes later I was back, " So why did you get called to the office?" I noticed the boys are now listening into the conversation " eavesdropping much, they have changed some of my classes apparently the teachers said I was finding it to easy, they have changed by English and math classes"
Lucy grabbed my new time table "Oh your no longer with me for English, you have Mr Rights" Logan smiled at me and did a thumbs up but so only I could see, guess I'm with him.

Logan's POV
As we left home room, I grabbed Ruby " We have English together, let's walk to class"  just as Mel and her group of plastic faces walked past us making comments " Just ignore them" I whispered into Ruby's ear, she just rolled her eyes.
" I have no idea, what I have done to her"
" She is just jealous, you have all the guys attention and she wants it"
"That's what I don't get, I'm nothing like her, so there's no competition" she said as I opened the door for her. She really had no idea that she had turned every guys head.
In walked Mr Right, " we have a new topic for the next 6 weeks, I will put you into pairs, I ended up being with Ruby which was brilliant.  Please look at the board and choose 2 classic plays, then I want you to pick a scene from each play and re write it to make it modern, you will get extra marks if you act out the scene and film it.
We picked Hamlet and The school for scandal by Richard Sheridan.  The class went by so fast with us talking and giggling, she is smart and pretty.
Next thing it is lunch time, I walk into the cafeteria and see Hunter and Axel at our usually table, They start talking about the party on Friday night, " So where did you disappear to" I looked up from my lunch they were both staring at me " none of your business" " it's always our business if you got laid" Axel said " for god sake, just shut up and keep your nose out of my business" I got up and stormed off.  I heard both of them calling my name. I go and sit in my car to calm down when I see Ruby being grabbed by a guy, she was talking loudly at him and did not seem happy with him,
" is everything ok" I said standing behind her, I had at least a couple of inches on him and I was definitely bigger but he was definitely intimidating.
" I'll be back for you Ruby" as the guy got back into his car and gave us both a glare.
" So what was that" Ruby rub her hand over her face, turned and wrapped her arms round my waist and mumbled into my chest. " pardon" I said lifting her face up " just some unfinished business from my mother, why are you out here"
" I kinda shouted at Axel and Hunter and I have never done that, they are always the ones to lose there cool, so I went and sat in my car"

Hunters POV
Something is going on with Logan after Monday's little out burst he has basically ignored me and Axel, I know we take the mick out of him a lot but that was the first time I can ever remember that he lost his cool. He walked in with Ruby to the cafeteria and walked straight past us and sat with Ruby's group, they all shut up when he sat down. I looked at Axel " umm do we go over or leave him".

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