Chapter 4

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Ruby's POV
Some of the cheerleaders came over to me and started talking to me and Lucy, I was very confused, it seems some of them do have an opinion when Mel isn't around, they invited me to a party on Friday, I made sure that Lucy and the others could come otherwise I wasn't interested.
So here I am Friday evening at my place with the girls, trying to find something to wear, I hate parties and clubbing, I've been around it from a young age it's just boring, but they haven't ever been invited to the popular's party so I'm going to make them happy and what am I wearing you may ask..
A dark blue dress that stops just above my knees and just comes low enough to show some cleavage and it also shows part of my tattoo on my chest, it also dips down my back so I can't wear a bra, it really isn't my type of dress, the girls spent ages doing each other's hair and make up, apparently there is some sort of rumour going round that there is a bet on who can sleep with me first, I can definitely say it won't be Hunter.
Mia was looking round my flat "Umm Ruby, where are your parents?"
Everyone was looking at me " back in England. I'm here by myself, well technically I'm meant to be living with family but they are never in the country" I just shrug, it's a lie but that's the story we made.
"Oh Sorry"
"It's ok, I'm use to it, so is everyone ready?"
20 minutes later we got out the taxi, the house was huge, the party was in full swing and it was only 9pm, it's gonna be a long night.....

Hunter's POV
Axel always knew how to throw a good party and when the cheerleaders said they invited Ruby I thought this party could get even better, I have been drinking since 7 and was a bit drunk, I was scanning the room but none of the girls were what I wanted, do I want Ruby? What am I thinking all I need to do is sleep with her and be done with it, just then the door opened and in walked Lucy that means Ruby will follow and she did I a stunning blue dress, her hair half up and the rest in waves down her back, you could see part of a tattoo in her chest.  Everyone was checking her out and I don't think she even noticed, am I feeling a little bit jealous.... NO. I need to sort my head out, I slipped out into the garden.

I must have spaced out or fallen asleep as I woke up to her voice
"Look Lucas, you need to sort it out, I can't do much from America......
Yes I know...,
Come on, it's wasn't you she sold was it, it was me......
just sort it out, the shipment is coming in tomorrow and you need to get it distributed as usual....
Ok Bye"

What the hell, I'm confused.
"Fuck Sake"
"Be quiet, some of us are sleeping"
"Umm did you hear any of my conversation?"
"Why was it dirty?" I said winking
"Grow up, why are you out here?"
"Why are you?"
"I asked first" she was getting angry
"Fine, I came out side to get some fresh air and think, I guess I fell asleep,you"
"I can't stand house parties but Lucy and the others had never been invited to one before so I felt I had to come for them, I came out here for some peace" she was standing looking out into nothing but the darkness of the garden.

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