Chapter 7

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Ruby's POV
Logan is a really sweet guy but I'm not sure him not talking to Hunter and Axel is a good idea.  I warned the group that he was going to sit with us at lunch but that didn't stop them from all shutting up and staring, " Logan, this is Lucy, Mia, Lea, Max and Jackson" they all said hi then carried on talking.
"Logan your gonna have to talk them, just explain to them everything, they are your best friends, they will understand"
"Maybe, I don't know what to say actually I don't know where to start"
Hunter and Axel walked over the whole cafeteria went deadly silent, they put there trays down, Logan stood up " I'll see you tonight Ruby" then walked out "Logan" I shouted.
"What is his fucking problem" Axel said through gritted teeth, I looked at him and Hunter " You are his problem unfortunately whatever you said to him Monday was the last straw"
" what did he mean about seeing you later"
"Oh you are an ass, your friend is really having a difficult time and all you care about is your stupid bet, yes I know about the bet and your not going to win so get over that big ego of yours and move on" I said as I stormed off.
Apparently it's going round school that I'm sleeping with Logan and Hunter is mad at him, I don't think they are going to be far off, I really like Logan and I'm guessing Hunter has never come second when it comes to the girls.  Logan told me he was taking me to his gym after school, so I brought my gym gear I'm now waiting by his car.
It was a nice silence in the car, I kept trying to sneak quick glances at Logan, he seemed to be in his own little world, it was cute, he is this guy built like a brick house but his facial expression is of a lost child. We pulled up to the gym.
" So what we doing here?"
"Well you won't tell me what's going on with that guy from earlier in the week so I thought I would show you some moves to keep you out of danger " I looked up at him in shock that is so cute but should I tell him that I can already fight, nah let's see how this goes.
"Thank you"
He was showing me how to hit a punching bag, protecting my face and how to stand, he was being so caring and every time he touched me it sent a shock through me. After an hour of me learning he said he was going to pretend to attack me and I needed to defend myself. Well now I am really going to have to tell him or maybe I can show him, I thought with a smirk.
" My brothers taught me a few moves as well so I'm going use them as well ok?"
" You have brothers?"
"Yeah 2, ready"
He started to attack I defended his punches as if I was new to it, the next time he went to throw a punch i ducked and jab at his stomach, which made him stagger back slightly, he definitely wasn't expecting that. He came back at me again, now I was bouncing on my feet, I did a double punch to his face then went for his chest, he then went to swing a punch and I took out his feet and he landed on his back, all the air came out of his chest, I straddled his chest, " I think I win" I said with a wink and laughing. I stuck out my hand to help him up
" Where did you learn that, your brothers.?"
" yeah and my dad,.... I kinda fight"
"What do you mean you kinda fight"
" ummm I was in a gang, am in a gang" his face said it all, he was speechless. You could cut the air with a knife then Taylor swift's Shake it off started to play from Logan's bag.
"It's Hunter" I started to laugh wonder if he knows about the ring tone
"Answer it"
" Our conversation isn't over, Hi" He didn't say much apart from a couple of Yes's and Ok's
He put the phone down, " Does Hunter know that's his ringtone" he just smirked and shook his head, both of us starting to laugh.
"What did Hunter want, if you don't mind me asking"
" He phoned to remind me I have work tonight"
" You work?"
"Kinda, at a bar"
" your only 17, I know to drink in America you need to be 21"
" I didn't say it was legal"
"Fair point, can you drop me at home then"
" sure I don't start until 10".

Logan's POV
As we drove to the gym, I kept trying to steal little glances at her to see what she was thinking, she had this cute little smile on her face whilst she played with her fingers. I had decided I was going to show her some moves to protect herself, I know something is going on with regards to that guy but she won't tell me.
I loved the fact that I got to show her how to protect herself and the fact I get to touch her body is just an extra bonus, I really need to ask her what the tattoos mean, they are kinda sexy.
I can't believe she just floored me, I mean I wasn't really paying much attention at how fast she managed to move and then to find out she fights in a gang I don't know if that turns me on more, my Princess definitely keeps surprising me and I am so loving it.
I had completely forgot I had work tonight, if you can call knocking grown men out for money work.  I turned up at 10pm, put my name down on the fight list and went to speak to Matt the owner of the bar.
"Hi, how's it going?"
"Not to bad, I think he have a full night of fights tonight so should bring in some good money for the winner"
Just then my name was called. 
It was now midnight and I had won my 2 fights, I had 1 fight left, I got in the ring and realised I will be fighting Hunter, great.  We started to move round the ring
" What is your problem" said Hunter
" My problem is you and your mouth, I am sick and tired of being the joke to you" I then punched him a couple of times but he managed to block them, he then came back at me which I managed to block, even though I was taller and more built to had some speed on him.  The whole time he was making snide comments and remarks, I got a couple of good punches in, he is going to have a nice black eye, but then so am I.
" I'm just glad your happy with all my seconds, I always get the girl first, and I'm especially sure I will get Ruby, I see the way you watch her with your puppy dog face, stay away from what's mine" Hunter said with venom, I just saw red at that point I ran at his chest and knocked him back and just kept hitting his face, I split his lip open and I'm quite sure I broke his nose, it was only when I heard Ruby that I looked up, Axel was dragging Hunter back, the crowd was shouting and screaming all I could hear was Ruby whispering in my ear " calm down baby, calm down my Prince" over and over again.

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