Chapter 12

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Ruby's POV

Before I left England I was making the gang legit, I/webown 2 restaurants, a club, 2 gyms and I had just purchased 50% in a tech company, we are slowly winding down the illegal side of things well we still have the guns for higher we are the best in the country, maybe I could control it from over here, I will have to look into that.
Mason and Lucas have said mum has been hanging around which isn't good but she has no idea where I am.... well I hope at least.  How can your own mother sell her only daughter.  That guy has carried on watching me, at least he hasn't come near me again, he is definitely something to do with Chris or his father.

It's now Sunday and after last weekends fight I think Hunter and Logan are back on talking terms. Hunter has been his usually charming self please note the sarcasm, he just doesn't take no for an answer and I'm getting so bored of it.  Mel and her group have been giving me death stares and little comments but nothing I can't deal with.  Me and Logan have been working on our project in the library and it's coming along nicely.
I was now on the phone to my brothers, Mason and Lucas, they are 21.
" hi guys, how are you, I'm really missing everyone back home"
" Yeah we are good, missing our little sister, tho I'm missing you slightly more, I didn't realise how much paperwork is involved" Mason said
" ahhh yeah, I'm not missing that to be honest, but if you really need help just email it over to me and I can take a look. I saw the monthly expenditures, I'm glad the businesses are doing well, did you get the finally shipment sorted?"
" Yeah we did, tho people aren't happy we have pulled out of that sector of business, we made good money from it"
" I know, but it was getting harder and harder to get that in the country without being noticed and this is what dad wanted a legit business"
" So you up to much little sister"
" Actually I have a date, he is picking me up later, not sure what we are doing"
" Do we need to have a brotherly word or 2"
" I would love you to but really no it's all good, he is great, maybe we could look at you guys coming over to visit sometime"
" yeah that's a good idea, anyways we need to go, love you Angel speak to you soon"
" love you more, mase and Lucas"
Date night
"So Logan what are we doing outside school" he grabbed his bag from off his shoulder and pulled out some ski masks,
"Put this on, we are going to prank Hunter" he was trying to pick the lock on the school but wasn't having much luck " give that to me" I opened it in a few seconds " you are a can full of surprises aren't you Princess" I shrugged my shoulders.
" so what have you got in mind for this prank" I couldn't see his facial expression but I'm guessing he was smirking, he pulled out blue tac, cello tape, pins and then a load of paper. On the paper was Hunter as a small child dressed in what looked like a dress,
" oh this is going to be fun" we spent the next 3 hours sticking pictures everywhere we could think of. We locked the school back up and ran to his car that was hidden,
" that was so much fun" I said taking my mask off. Logan had the biggest grin on his face " he is going to be so pissed tomorrow".
We are now back outside my place.
" I had a wonderful time, thanks Logan" I kissed him on the lips and got out the car.
I was just getting ready for bed when my phone went off.
Logan: sorry to bother you, but can I crash at yours, I've kinda been kicked out.
Ruby: sure no problem
I opened the door to a pissed off Logan, " I'm sorry, it's my stupid step dad"
" it's ok, you don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to, we can just get into bed and sleep"
" You sure, I can take the sofa"
" it's fine" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my bedroom.
He took his top off and trousers so he was just in his boxers, god he looked amazing,
" you sure your ok with this, I can sleep on the floor"
" Get in bed"
I turned the light off and felt the bed dip and him get into bed.

Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now